ENH: exim filters -- make more use of %(host_info)s which in turn made more flexible

Yaroslav Halchenko 2016-05-21 10:27:16 -04:00
parent 743a531eb5
commit 8b8cf2a660
3 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ after = exim-common.local
host_info = H=([\w.-]+ )?(\(\S+\) )?\[<HOST>\](:\d+)? (I=\[\S+\]:\d+ )?(U=\S+ )?(P=e?smtp )?
host_info = (H=([\w.-]+ )?(\(\S+\) )?)?\[<HOST>\](:\d+)? (I=\[\S+\](:\d+)? )?(U=\S+ )?(P=e?smtp )?
pid = ( \[\d+\])?
# DEV Notes:

View File

@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ failregex = ^%(pid)s %(host_info)ssender verify fail for <\S+>: (?:Unknown user|
^%(pid)s \w+ authenticator failed for (\S+ )?\(\S+\) \[<HOST>\](:\d+)?( I=\[\S+\](:\d+)?)?: 535 Incorrect authentication data( \(set_id=.*\)|: \d+ Time\(s\))?\s*$
^%(pid)s %(host_info)sF=(<>|[^@]+@\S+) rejected RCPT [^@]+@\S+: (relay not permitted|Sender verify failed|Unknown user)\s*$
^%(pid)s SMTP protocol synchronization error \([^)]*\): rejected (connection from|"\S+") %(host_info)s(next )?input=".*"\s*$
^%(pid)s SMTP call from \S+ \[<HOST>\](:\d+)? (I=\[\S+\](:\d+)? )?dropped: too many nonmail commands \(last was "\S+"\)\s*$
^%(pid)s SMTP protocol error in "AUTH \S*(| \S*)" H=(|\S* )(|\(\S*\) )\[<HOST>\](?:\:\d+)? (?:I=\[\S*\]\:\d+ )?AUTH command used when not advertised\s*$
^%(pid)s no MAIL in SMTP connection from (|\S* )(|\(\S*\) )\[<HOST>\]\:\d+ I=\[\S*\]\:\d+ D=\d+s(| C=\S*)\s*$
^%(pid)s \S+ SMTP connection from (|\S* )(|\(\S*\) )\[<HOST>\]\:\d+ I=\[\S*\]\:\d+ closed by DROP in ACL\s*$
^%(pid)s SMTP call from \S+ %(host_info)sdropped: too many nonmail commands \(last was "\S+"\)\s*$
^%(pid)s SMTP protocol error in "AUTH \S*(| \S*)" %(host_info)sAUTH command used when not advertised\s*$
^%(pid)s no MAIL in SMTP connection from (|\S* )(|\(\S*\) )%(host_info)sD=\d+s(| C=\S*)\s*$
^%(pid)s \S+ SMTP connection from (|\S* )(|\(\S*\) )%(host_info)sclosed by DROP in ACL\s*$
ignoreregex =

View File

@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
2016-03-21 06:38:05 [5718] no MAIL in SMTP connection from www3005.sakura.ne.jp []:28890 I=[]:25 D=21s C=EHLO,STARTTLS
# failJSON: { "time": "2016-03-21T06:57:36", "match": true , "host": "" }
2016-03-21 06:57:36 [5908] no MAIL in SMTP connection from []:2056 I=[]:25 D=10s
# failJSON: { "time": "2016-03-21T06:57:36", "match": true , "host": "" }
2016-03-21 06:57:36 [5908] no MAIL in SMTP connection from []:2056 I=[]:25 D=10s
# failJSON: { "time": "2016-03-21T04:07:49", "match": true , "host": "" }
2016-03-21 04:07:49 [25874] 1ahr79-0006jK-G9 SMTP connection from (voyeur.webair.com) []:44884 I=[]:25 closed by DROP in ACL
# failJSON: { "time": "2016-03-21T04:33:13", "match": true , "host": "" }