Merge branch '0.11'

sebres 2020-03-05 14:32:42 +01:00
commit 8b43d54878
13 changed files with 154 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -17,10 +17,16 @@ ver. 1.0.1-dev-1 (20??/??/??) - development nightly edition
### Fixes
* restoring a large number (500+ depending on files ulimit) of current bans when using PyPy fixed
* manual ban is written to database, so can be restored by restart (gh-2647)
* `filter.d/common.conf`: avoid substitute of default values in related `lt_*` section, `__prefix_line`
should be interpolated in definition section (inside the filter-config, gh-2650)
### New Features
### Enhancements
* introduced new prefix `{UNB}` for `datepattern` to disable word boundaries in regex;
* datetemplate: improved anchor detection for capturing groups `(^...)`;
* performance optimization of `datepattern` (better search algorithm in datedetector, especially for single template);
* `actioncheck` behavior is changed now (gh-488), so invariant check as well as restore or repair
of sane environment (in case of recognized unsane state) would only occur on action errors (e. g.
if ban or unban operations are exiting with other code as 0)

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ __pid_re = (?:\[\d+\])
# Daemon name (with optional source_file:line or whatever)
# EXAMPLES: pam_rhosts_auth, [sshd], pop(pam_unix)
__daemon_re = [\[\(]?%(_daemon)s(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?
__daemon_re = [\[\(]?<_daemon>(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?
# extra daemon info
# EXAMPLE: [ID 800047]
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ __daemon_extra_re = \[ID \d+ \S+\]
# Combinations of daemon name and PID
# EXAMPLES: sshd[31607], pop(pam_unix)[4920]
__daemon_combs_re = (?:%(__pid_re)s?:\s+%(__daemon_re)s|%(__daemon_re)s%(__pid_re)s?:?)
__daemon_combs_re = (?:<__pid_re>?:\s+<__daemon_re>|<__daemon_re><__pid_re>?:?)
# Some messages have a kernel prefix with a timestamp
# EXAMPLES: kernel: [769570.846956]
@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ datepattern = <lt_<logtype>/datepattern>
# Common line prefixes for logtype "file":
__prefix_line = %(__date_ambit)s?\s*(?:%(__bsd_syslog_verbose)s\s+)?(?:%(__hostname)s\s+)?(?:%(__kernel_prefix)s\s+)?(?:%(__vserver)s\s+)?(?:%(__daemon_combs_re)s\s+)?(?:%(__daemon_extra_re)s\s+)?
__prefix_line = <__date_ambit>?\s*(?:<__bsd_syslog_verbose>\s+)?(?:<__hostname>\s+)?(?:<__kernel_prefix>\s+)?(?:<__vserver>\s+)?(?:<__daemon_combs_re>\s+)?(?:<__daemon_extra_re>\s+)?
datepattern = {^LN-BEG}
# Common (short) line prefix for logtype "journal" (corresponds output of formatJournalEntry):
__prefix_line = \s*(?:%(__hostname)s\s+)?(?:%(_daemon)s%(__pid_re)s?:?\s+)?(?:%(__kernel_prefix)s\s+)?
__prefix_line = \s*(?:<__hostname>\s+)?(?:<_daemon><__pid_re>?:?\s+)?(?:<__kernel_prefix>\s+)?
datepattern = %(lt_file/datepattern)s
__prefix_line = %(lt_short/__prefix_line)s

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@ -8,13 +8,17 @@
# common.local
before = common.conf
# logtype = short
_daemon = monit
_prefix = Warning|HttpRequest
# Regexp for previous (accessing monit httpd) and new (access denied) versions
failregex = ^\[\s*\]\s*error\s*:\s*Warning:\s+Client '<HOST>' supplied (?:unknown user '[^']+'|wrong password for user '[^']*') accessing monit httpd$
^%(__prefix_line)s\w+: access denied -- client <HOST>: (?:unknown user '[^']+'|wrong password for user '[^']*'|empty password)$
failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error\s*:\s+)?(?:%(_prefix)s):\s+(?:access denied\s+--\s+)?[Cc]lient '?<HOST>'?(?:\s+supplied|\s*:)\s+(?:unknown user '<F-ALT_USER>[^']+</F-ALT_USER>'|wrong password for user '<F-USER>[^']*</F-USER>'|empty password)
# Ignore login with empty user (first connect, no user specified)
# ignoreregex = %(__prefix_line)s\w+: access denied -- client <HOST>: (?:unknown user '')

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@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
# do actions :
for name, action in self._actions.iteritems():
if ticket.restored and getattr(action, 'norestored', False):
if bTicket.restored and getattr(action, 'norestored', False):
if not aInfo.immutable: aInfo.reset()
@ -522,6 +522,8 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
cnt += self.__reBan(bTicket, actions=rebanacts)
else: # pragma: no cover - unexpected: ticket is not banned for some reasons - reban using all actions:
cnt += self.__reBan(bTicket)
# add ban to database moved to observer (should previously check not already banned
# and increase ticket time if "bantime.increment" set)
if cnt:
logSys.debug("Banned %s / %s, %s ticket(s) in %r", cnt,
self.__banManager.getBanTotal(), self.__banManager.size(),

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@ -337,64 +337,75 @@ class DateDetector(object):
# if no templates specified - default templates should be used:
if not len(self.__templates):
logSys.log(logLevel-1, "try to match time for line: %.120s", line)
match = None
log = logSys.log if logSys.getEffectiveLevel() <= logLevel else lambda *args: None
log(logLevel-1, "try to match time for line: %.120s", line)
# first try to use last template with same start/end position:
match = None
found = None, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, -1
ignoreBySearch = 0x7fffffff
i = self.__lastTemplIdx
if i < len(self.__templates):
ddtempl = self.__templates[i]
template = ddtempl.template
if template.flags & (DateTemplate.LINE_BEGIN|DateTemplate.LINE_END):
if logSys.getEffectiveLevel() <= logLevel-1: # pragma: no cover - very-heavy debug
logSys.log(logLevel-1, " try to match last anchored template #%02i ...", i)
log(logLevel-1, " try to match last anchored template #%02i ...", i)
match = template.matchDate(line)
ignoreBySearch = i
distance, endpos = self.__lastPos[0], self.__lastEndPos[0]
if logSys.getEffectiveLevel() <= logLevel-1:
logSys.log(logLevel-1, " try to match last template #%02i (from %r to %r): ...%r==%r %s %r==%r...",
log(logLevel-1, " try to match last template #%02i (from %r to %r): ...%r==%r %s %r==%r...",
i, distance, endpos,
line[distance-1:distance], self.__lastPos[1],
line[endpos:endpos+1], self.__lastEndPos[1])
# check same boundaries left/right, otherwise possible collision/pattern switch:
if (line[distance-1:distance] == self.__lastPos[1] and
line[endpos:endpos+1] == self.__lastEndPos[1]
line[endpos:endpos+1], self.__lastEndPos[2])
# check same boundaries left/right, outside fully equal, inside only if not alnum (e. g. bound RE
# with space or some special char), otherwise possible collision/pattern switch:
if ((
line[distance-1:distance] == self.__lastPos[1] or
(line[distance] == self.__lastPos[2] and not self.__lastPos[2].isalnum())
) and (
line[endpos:endpos+1] == self.__lastEndPos[2] or
(line[endpos-1] == self.__lastEndPos[1] and not self.__lastEndPos[1].isalnum())
# search in line part only:
log(logLevel-1, " boundaries are correct, search in part %r", line[distance:endpos])
match = template.matchDate(line, distance, endpos)
log(logLevel-1, " boundaries show conflict, try whole search")
match = template.matchDate(line)
ignoreBySearch = i
if match:
distance = match.start()
endpos = match.end()
# if different position, possible collision/pattern switch:
if (
len(self.__templates) == 1 or # single template:
template.flags & (DateTemplate.LINE_BEGIN|DateTemplate.LINE_END) or
(distance == self.__lastPos[0] and endpos == self.__lastEndPos[0])
logSys.log(logLevel, " matched last time template #%02i", i)
log(logLevel, " matched last time template #%02i", i)
logSys.log(logLevel, " ** last pattern collision - pattern change, search ...")
log(logLevel, " ** last pattern collision - pattern change, reserve & search ...")
found = match, distance, endpos, i; # save current best alternative
match = None
logSys.log(logLevel, " ** last pattern not found - pattern change, search ...")
log(logLevel, " ** last pattern not found - pattern change, search ...")
# search template and better match:
if not match:
logSys.log(logLevel, " search template (%i) ...", len(self.__templates))
found = None, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, -1
log(logLevel, " search template (%i) ...", len(self.__templates))
i = 0
for ddtempl in self.__templates:
if logSys.getEffectiveLevel() <= logLevel-1:
logSys.log(logLevel-1, " try template #%02i: %s", i,
if i == ignoreBySearch:
i += 1
log(logLevel-1, " try template #%02i: %s", i,
template = ddtempl.template
match = template.matchDate(line)
if match:
distance = match.start()
endpos = match.end()
if logSys.getEffectiveLevel() <= logLevel:
logSys.log(logLevel, " matched time template #%02i (at %r <= %r, %r) %s",
log(logLevel, " matched time template #%02i (at %r <= %r, %r) %s",
i, distance, ddtempl.distance, self.__lastPos[0],
## last (or single) template - fast stop:
if i+1 >= len(self.__templates):
@ -408,7 +419,7 @@ class DateDetector(object):
## [grave] if distance changed, possible date-match was found somewhere
## in body of message, so save this template, and search further:
if distance > ddtempl.distance or distance > self.__lastPos[0]:
logSys.log(logLevel, " ** distance collision - pattern change, reserve")
log(logLevel, " ** distance collision - pattern change, reserve")
## shortest of both:
if distance < found[1]:
found = match, distance, endpos, i
@ -422,7 +433,7 @@ class DateDetector(object):
# check other template was found (use this one with shortest distance):
if not match and found[0]:
match, distance, endpos, i = found
logSys.log(logLevel, " use best time template #%02i", i)
log(logLevel, " use best time template #%02i", i)
ddtempl = self.__templates[i]
template = ddtempl.template
# we've winner, incr hits, set distance, usage, reorder, etc:
@ -432,8 +443,8 @@ class DateDetector(object):
ddtempl.distance = distance
if self.__firstUnused == i:
self.__firstUnused += 1
self.__lastPos = distance, line[distance-1:distance]
self.__lastEndPos = endpos, line[endpos:endpos+1]
self.__lastPos = distance, line[distance-1:distance], line[distance]
self.__lastEndPos = endpos, line[endpos-1], line[endpos:endpos+1]
# if not first - try to reorder current template (bubble up), they will be not sorted anymore:
if i and i != self.__lastTemplIdx:
i = self._reorderTemplate(i)
@ -442,7 +453,7 @@ class DateDetector(object):
return (match, template)
# not found:
logSys.log(logLevel, " no template.")
log(logLevel, " no template.")
return (None, None)

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@ -36,15 +36,16 @@ logSys = getLogger(__name__)
RE_GROUPED = re.compile(r'(?<!(?:\(\?))(?<!\\)\((?!\?)')
RE_GROUP = ( re.compile(r'^((?:\(\?\w+\))?\^?(?:\(\?\w+\))?)(.*?)(\$?)$'), r"\1(\2)\3" )
RE_EXLINE_NO_BOUNDS = re.compile(r'^\{UNB\}')
RE_EXLINE_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^\{\^LN-BEG\}')
RE_EXSANC_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^\(\?:\^\|\\b\|\\W\)')
RE_EXSANC_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^\((?:\?:)?\^\|\\b\|\\W\)')
RE_EXEANC_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'\(\?=\\b\|\\W\|\$\)$')
RE_NO_WRD_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^\(*(?:\(\?\w+\))?(?:\^|\(*\*\*|\(\?:\^)')
RE_NO_WRD_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^\(*(?:\(\?\w+\))?(?:\^|\(*\*\*|\((?:\?:)?\^)')
RE_NO_WRD_BOUND_END = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)(?:\$\)?|\\b|\\s|\*\*\)*)$')
RE_DEL_WRD_BOUNDS = ( re.compile(r'^\(*(?:\(\?\w+\))?\(*\*\*|(?<!\\)\*\*\)*$'),
lambda m:'**', '') )
RE_LINE_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^(?:\(\?\w+\))?(?:\^|\(\?:\^(?!\|))')
RE_LINE_BOUND_BEG = re.compile(r'^(?:\(\?\w+\))?(?:\^|\((?:\?:)?\^(?!\|))')
RE_LINE_BOUND_END = re.compile(r'(?<![\\\|])(?:\$\)?)$')
RE_ALPHA_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(?<!\%)\%[aAbBpc]')
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ class DateTemplate(object):
if boundBegin:
self.flags |= DateTemplate.WORD_BEGIN if wordBegin != 'start' else DateTemplate.LINE_BEGIN
if wordBegin != 'start':
regex = r'(?:^|\b|\W)' + regex
regex = r'(?=^|\b|\W)' + regex
regex = r"^(?:\W{0,2})?" + regex
if not'{^LN-BEG}'):
@ -128,8 +129,10 @@ class DateTemplate(object):
if boundEnd:
self.flags |= DateTemplate.WORD_END
regex += r'(?=\b|\W|$)'
if self.flags |= DateTemplate.LINE_BEGIN
if self.flags |= DateTemplate.LINE_END
if not (self.flags & DateTemplate.LINE_BEGIN) and
self.flags |= DateTemplate.LINE_BEGIN
if not (self.flags & DateTemplate.LINE_END) and
self.flags |= DateTemplate.LINE_END
# remove possible special pattern "**" in front and end of regex:
regex = RE_DEL_WRD_BOUNDS[0].sub(RE_DEL_WRD_BOUNDS[1], regex)
self._regex = regex
@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ class DateTemplate(object):
def unboundPattern(pattern):
return RE_EXEANC_BOUND_BEG.sub('',
RE_EXLINE_BOUND_BEG.sub('', pattern)
RE_EXLINE_BOUND_BEG.sub('', RE_EXLINE_NO_BOUNDS.sub('', pattern))
@ -297,6 +300,10 @@ class DatePatternRegex(DateTemplate):
def setRegex(self, pattern, wordBegin=True, wordEnd=True):
# original pattern:
self._pattern = pattern
# if unbound signalled - reset boundaries left and right:
pattern = RE_EXLINE_NO_BOUNDS.sub('', pattern)
wordBegin = wordEnd = False
# if explicit given {^LN-BEG} - remove it from pattern and set 'start' in wordBegin:
if wordBegin and
pattern = RE_EXLINE_BOUND_BEG.sub('', pattern)

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@ -92,10 +92,7 @@ class FailManager:
if attempt <= 0:
attempt += 1
unixTime = ticket.getTime()
if fData.getLastReset() < unixTime - self.__maxTime:
fData.adjustTime(unixTime, self.__maxTime), attempt, count)
# truncate to maxMatches:
if self.maxMatches:
@ -139,7 +136,7 @@ class FailManager:
def cleanup(self, time):
with self.__lock:
todelete = [fid for fid,item in self.__failList.iteritems() \
if item.getLastTime() + self.__maxTime <= time]
if item.getTime() + self.__maxTime <= time]
if len(todelete) == len(self.__failList):
# remove all:
self.__failList = dict()
@ -153,7 +150,7 @@ class FailManager:
# create new dictionary without items to be deleted:
self.__failList = dict((fid,item) for fid,item in self.__failList.iteritems() \
if item.getLastTime() + self.__maxTime > time)
if item.getTime() + self.__maxTime > time)
def delFailure(self, fid):

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@ -227,15 +227,14 @@ class FailTicket(Ticket):
def __init__(self, ip=None, time=None, matches=None, data={}, ticket=None):
# this class variables:
self._retry = 0
self._lastReset = None
self._firstTime = None
self._retry = 1
# create/copy using default ticket constructor:
Ticket.__init__(self, ip, time, matches, data, ticket)
# init:
if ticket is None:
self._lastReset = time if time is not None else self.getTime()
if not self._retry:
self._retry = self._data['failures'];
if not isinstance(ticket, FailTicket):
self._firstTime = time if time is not None else self.getTime()
self._retry = self._data.get('failures', 1)
def setRetry(self, value):
""" Set artificial retry count, normally equal failures / attempt,
@ -252,7 +251,20 @@ class FailTicket(Ticket):
""" Returns failures / attempt count or
artificial retry count increased for bad IPs
return max(self._retry, self._data['failures'])
return self._retry
def adjustTime(self, time, maxTime):
""" Adjust time of ticket and current attempts count considering given maxTime
as estimation from rate by previous known interval (if it exceeds the findTime)
if time > self._time:
# expand current interval and attemps count (considering maxTime):
if self._firstTime < time - maxTime:
# adjust retry calculated as estimation from rate by previous known interval:
self._retry = int(round(self._retry / float(time - self._firstTime) * maxTime))
self._firstTime = time - maxTime
# last time of failure:
self._time = time
def inc(self, matches=None, attempt=1, count=1):
self._retry += count
@ -264,19 +276,6 @@ class FailTicket(Ticket):
self._data['matches'] = matches
def setLastTime(self, value):
if value > self._time:
self._time = value
def getLastTime(self):
return self._time
def getLastReset(self):
return self._lastReset
def setLastReset(self, value):
self._lastReset = value
def wrap(o):
o.__class__ = FailTicket

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@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ class DatabaseTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
# test action together with database functionality
self.testAddJail() # Jail required
self.jail.database = self.db
actions = Actions(self.jail)

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@ -330,6 +330,27 @@ class DateDetectorTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
dt = '2005 Jun 03'; self.assertEqual(t.matchDate(dt).group(1), dt)
dt = '2005 JUN 03'; self.assertEqual(t.matchDate(dt).group(1), dt)
def testNotAnchoredCollision(self):
# try for patterns with and without word boundaries:
for dp in (r'%H:%M:%S', r'{UNB}%H:%M:%S'):
dd = DateDetector()
# boundary of timestamp changes right and left (and time is left and right in line):
for fmt in ('%s test', '%8s test', 'test %s', 'test %8s'):
for dt in (
t = dd.getTime(fmt % dt)
self.assertEqual((t[0], t[1].group()), (1123970462.0, dt))
def testAmbiguousInOrderedTemplates(self):
dd = self.datedetector
for (debit, line, cnt) in (

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@ -1005,8 +1005,8 @@ class Fail2banServerTest(Fail2banClientServerBase):
# leave action2 just to test restored interpolation:
# write new failures:
self.pruneLog("[test-phase 2b]")
# write new failures:
_write_file(test2log, "w+", *(
(str(int(MyTime.time())) + " error 403 from test 2",) * 3 +
(str(int(MyTime.time())) + " error 403 from test 2",) * 3 +
@ -1019,13 +1019,19 @@ class Fail2banServerTest(Fail2banClientServerBase):
"2 ticket(s) in 'test-jail2",
"5 ticket(s) in 'test-jail1", all=True, wait=MID_WAITTIME)
# ban manually to cover restore in restart (phase 2c):
self.execCmd(SUCCESS, startparams,
"set", "test-jail2", "banip", "")
"3 ticket(s) in 'test-jail2", wait=MID_WAITTIME)
"[test-jail1] Ban",
"[test-jail1] Ban",
"[test-jail1] Ban",
"[test-jail1] Ban",
"[test-jail2] Ban",
"[test-jail2] Ban", all=True)
"[test-jail2] Ban",
"[test-jail2] Ban", all=True)
# test ips at all not visible for jail2:
"[test-jail2] Found",
@ -1047,15 +1053,17 @@ class Fail2banServerTest(Fail2banClientServerBase):
"Reload finished.",
"Restore Ban",
"2 ticket(s) in 'test-jail2", all=True, wait=MID_WAITTIME)
"3 ticket(s) in 'test-jail2", all=True, wait=MID_WAITTIME)
# stop/start and unban/restore ban:
"Jail 'test-jail2' stopped",
"Jail 'test-jail2' started",
"[test-jail2] Unban",
"[test-jail2] Unban",
"[test-jail2] Unban",
"Jail 'test-jail2' stopped",
"Jail 'test-jail2' started",
"[test-jail2] Restore Ban",
"[test-jail2] Restore Ban", all=True
"[test-jail2] Restore Ban",
"[test-jail2] Restore Ban", all=True
# test restored is 1 (only test-action2):
@ -1100,7 +1108,8 @@ class Fail2banServerTest(Fail2banClientServerBase):
"Jail 'test-jail2' stopped",
"Jail 'test-jail2' started",
"[test-jail2] Unban",
"[test-jail2] Unban", all=True
"[test-jail2] Unban",
"[test-jail2] Unban", all=True
# test unban (action2):

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@ -60,3 +60,6 @@ Jun 22 20:37:04 server test-demo[402]: writeToStorage plist={
[Jun 21 16:56:03] machine test-demo(pam_unix)[13709] F2B: error from
# failJSON: { "match": false, "desc": "test 2nd ignoreregex" }
[Jun 21 16:56:04] machine test-demo(pam_unix)[13709] F2B: error from
# failJSON: { "match": false, "desc": "ignore other daemon" }
[Jun 21 16:56:04] machine captain-nemo(pam_unix)[55555] F2B: error from

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@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ class TicketTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(ft.getTime(), tm)
self.assertEqual(ft.getMatches(), matches2)
self.assertEqual(ft.getAttempt(), 2)
# retry is max of set retry and failures:
self.assertEqual(ft.getRetry(), 2)
self.assertEqual(ft.getAttempt(), 2)
self.assertEqual(ft.getRetry(), 1)
self.assertEqual(ft.getRetry(), 2)
self.assertEqual(ft.getRetry(), 3)
@ -86,13 +86,21 @@ class TicketTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(ft.getRetry(), 14)
self.assertEqual(ft.getMatches(), matches3)
# last time (ignore if smaller as time):
self.assertEqual(ft.getLastTime(), tm)
self.assertEqual(ft.getTime(), tm)
self.assertEqual(ft.getLastTime(), tm)
ft.adjustTime(tm-60, 3600)
self.assertEqual(ft.getTime(), tm)
self.assertEqual(ft.getRetry(), 14)
ft.adjustTime(tm+60, 3600)
self.assertEqual(ft.getTime(), tm+60)
self.assertEqual(ft.getLastTime(), tm+60)
self.assertEqual(ft.getRetry(), 14)
ft.adjustTime(tm+3600, 3600)
self.assertEqual(ft.getTime(), tm+3600)
self.assertEqual(ft.getRetry(), 14)
# adjust time so interval is larger than find time (3600), so reset retry count:
ft.adjustTime(tm+7200, 3600)
self.assertEqual(ft.getTime(), tm+7200)
self.assertEqual(ft.getRetry(), 7); # estimated attempts count
self.assertEqual(ft.getAttempt(), 4); # real known failure count
ft.setData('country', 'DE')
{'matches': ['first', 'second', 'third'], 'failures': 4, 'country': 'DE'})
@ -102,10 +110,10 @@ class TicketTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(ft, ft2)
self.assertEqual(ft.getData(), ft2.getData())
self.assertEqual(ft2.getAttempt(), 4)
self.assertEqual(ft2.getRetry(), 14)
self.assertEqual(ft2.getRetry(), 7)
self.assertEqual(ft2.getMatches(), matches3)
self.assertEqual(ft2.getTime(), ft.getTime())
self.assertEqual(ft2.getLastTime(), ft.getLastTime())
self.assertEqual(ft2.getTime(), ft.getTime())
self.assertEqual(ft2.getBanTime(), ft.getBanTime())
def testTicketFlags(self):