mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
debian package 0.10.6-1~upstream1
@ -1,72 +1,9 @@
fail2ban (0.11.1-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
fail2ban (0.10.6-1~upstream1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Use debhelper-compat instead of debian/compat.
* d/control: Update Maintainer field with new Debian Python Team
contact address.
* d/control: Update Vcs-* fields with new Debian Python Team Salsa
* d/watch: Use https protocol.
[ Sergey Brester ]
* upstream package for debian, https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/releases/tag/0.10.6
-- Ondřej Nový <onovy@debian.org> Thu, 24 Sep 2020 08:42:58 +0200
fail2ban (0.11.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* remove deprecated package dh-systemd from the build deps
(Closes: #958625)
fail2ban (0.11.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Do not rotate log if empty. Thanks to Ron Varburg for the patch
(Closes: #956681)
* Add Environment="PYTHONNOUSERSITE=yes" to the service file to avoid
fail2ban to read /root/.local/. Thanks to Russell Coker for the
investigation (Closes: #956177)
-- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org> Tue, 14 Apr 2020 11:44:23 +0200
fail2ban (0.11.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Upload to unstable
-- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org> Mon, 02 Mar 2020 14:20:11 +0100
fail2ban (0.11.1-1~exp3) experimental; urgency=medium
* Add myself to the list of uploaders
* nftables is now more important than iptables. Update of the priority
and doc (Closes: #946257)
* Trim trailing whitespace.
* Fix package-installs-into-obsolete-dir
Install bash_completion script in usr/share/bash-completion/completions
* Remove patches neurodebian-backport.series, neurodebian_use_python2,
saucy-dsc-patch, trusty-dsc-patch, utopic-dsc-patch, wheezy-dsc-
patch that are missing from debian/patches/series.
* Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository,
-- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org> Thu, 23 Jan 2020 10:42:11 +0100
fail2ban (0.11.1-1~exp2) experimental; urgency=medium
* Run the testsuite for real
-- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org> Mon, 13 Jan 2020 11:09:08 +0100
fail2ban (0.11.1-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
[ Sylvestre Ledru ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #922539)
* Import fail2ban in the Debian Python Umbrella (Closes: #947926)
* Remove the old dep to Python (Closes: #945670)
* Run ./fail2ban-2to3 as part of the build to be Python 3 ready
* Update to SV: 4.4.1
[ Jelmer Vernooij ]
* Use secure URI in Vcs control header.
-- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org> Sun, 12 Jan 2020 23:13:31 +0100
-- Sergey G. Brester <serg.brester@sebres.de> Mon, 23 Nov 2020 20:30:16 +0100
fail2ban (0.10.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
Reference in New Issue