ENH: strengthen detection of working pyinotify

Even though import might work -- pyinotify might be dysfunctional.
Check by creating/deleting a dummy WatchManager upon import
Yaroslav Halchenko 2013-05-10 11:40:12 -04:00
parent bdc86e5f1d
commit 8161038987
1 changed files with 11 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -23,19 +23,28 @@ __author__ = "Cyril Jaquier, Lee Clemens, Yaroslav Halchenko"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier, 2011-2012 Lee Clemens, 2012 Yaroslav Halchenko"
__license__ = "GPL"
import time, logging, pyinotify
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from os.path import dirname, sep as pathsep
from failmanager import FailManagerEmpty
from filter import FileFilter
from mytime import MyTime
import time, logging, pyinotify
if not hasattr(pyinotify, '__version__') \
or LooseVersion(pyinotify.__version__) < '0.8.3':
raise ImportError("Fail2Ban requires pyinotify >= 0.8.3")
from os.path import dirname, sep as pathsep
# Verify that pyinotify is functional on this system
# Even though imports -- might be dysfunctional, e.g. as on kfreebsd
manager = pyinotify.WatchManager()
del manager
except Exception, e:
raise ImportError("Pyinotify is probably not functional on this system: %s"
% str(e))
# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = logging.getLogger("fail2ban.filter")