mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
1.5 version of Fail2ban logwatch file
as copied from Debian package 7.4.0+svn20131108rev175-1pull/782/head
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
# $Id: fail2ban 150 2013-06-18 22:19:38Z mtremaine $
# $Log: fail2ban,v $
# Revision 1.5 2008/08/18 16:07:46 mike
# Patches from Paul Gear <paul at libertysys.com> -mgt
# Revision 1.4 2008/06/30 23:07:51 kirk
# fixed copyright holders for files where I know who they should be
# Revision 1.3 2008/03/24 23:31:26 kirk
# added copyright/license notice to each script
# Revision 1.2 2006/12/15 04:53:59 bjorn
# Additional filtering, by Willi Mann.
# Revision 1.1 2006/05/30 19:04:26 bjorn
# Added fail2ban service, written by Yaroslav Halchenko.
# Written by Yaroslav Halchenko <debian@onerussian.com> for fail2ban
## Copyright (c) 2008 Yaroslav Halchenko
## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
## http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
## All modifications and contributions by other persons to
## this script are assumed to have been donated to the
## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
## and licensing terms. If you want to make contributions
## under your own copyright or a different license this
## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
## contributions. If you have made significant
## contributions to this script and want to claim
## copyright please contact logwatch-devel@lists.sourceforge.net.
use strict;
use Logwatch ':all';
my $Debug = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'} || 0;
my $Detail = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} || 0;
my $IgnoreHost = $ENV{'sshd_ignore_host'} || "";
my $DebugCounter = 0;
my $ReInitializations = 0;
my @IptablesErrors = ();
my @ActionErrors = ();
my $NotValidIP = 0; # reported invalid IPs number
my @OtherList = ();
my %ServicesBans = ();
if ( $Debug >= 5 ) {
print STDERR "\n\nDEBUG: Inside Fail2Ban Filter \n\n";
$DebugCounter = 1;
while (defined(my $ThisLine = <STDIN>)) {
if ( $Debug >= 5 ) {
print STDERR "DEBUG($DebugCounter): $ThisLine";
if ( ($ThisLine =~ /..,... DEBUG: /) or
($ThisLine =~ /..,... \S*\s*: DEBUG /) or # syntax of 0.7.? fail2ban
($ThisLine =~ /..,... INFO: (Fail2Ban v.* is running|Exiting|Enabled sections:)/) or
($ThisLine =~ /INFO\s+Log rotation detected for/) or
($ThisLine =~ /INFO\s+Jail.+(?:stopped|started|uses poller)/) or
($ThisLine =~ /INFO\s+Changed logging target to/) or
($ThisLine =~ /INFO\s+Creating new jail/) or
($ThisLine =~ /..,... \S+\s*: INFO\s+(Set |Socket|Exiting|Gamin|Created|Added|Using)/) or # syntax of 0.7.? fail2ban
($ThisLine =~ /..,... WARNING: Verbose level is /) or
($ThisLine =~ /..,... WARNING: Restoring firewall rules/)
if ( $Debug >= 6 ) {
print STDERR "DEBUG($DebugCounter): line ignored\n";
} elsif ( my ($Service,$Action,$Host) = ($ThisLine =~ m/WARNING:?\s\[?(.*?)[]:]?\s(Ban|Unban)[^\.]* (\S+)/)) {
if ( $Debug >= 6 ) {
print STDERR "DEBUG($DebugCounter): Found $Action for $Service from $Host\n";
} elsif ( my ($Service,$Host,$NumFailures) = ($ThisLine =~ m/INFO: (\S+): (.+) has (\d+) login failure\(s\). Banned./)) {
if ($Debug >= 4) {
print STDERR "DEBUG: Found host $Host trying to access $Service - failed $NumFailures times\n";
push @{$ServicesBans{$Service}{$Host}{'Failures'}}, $NumFailures;
} elsif ( my ($Service,$Host) = ($ThisLine =~ m/ ERROR:\s(.*):\s(\S+)\salready in ban list/)) {
} elsif ( my ($Service,$Host) = ($ThisLine =~ m/WARNING\s*\[(.*)\]\s*(\S+)\s*already banned/)) {
} elsif ( my ($Service,$Host) = ($ThisLine =~ m/ WARNING:\s(.*):\sReBan (\S+)/)) {
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ / ERROR:?\s*(Execution of command )?\'?iptables/) {
push @IptablesErrors, "$ThisLine\n";
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /ERROR.*returned \d+$/) {
push @ActionErrors, "$ThisLine\n";
} elsif (($ThisLine =~ /..,... WARNING: \#\S+ reinitialization of firewalls/) or
($ThisLine =~ / ERROR\s*Invariant check failed. Trying to restore a sane environment/)) {
} elsif ($ThisLine =~ /..,... WARNING: is not a valid IP address/) {
# just ignore - this will be fixed within fail2ban and is harmless warning
# Report any unmatched entries...
push @OtherList, "$ThisLine\n";
if (keys %ServicesBans) {
printf("\nBanned services with Fail2Ban: Bans:Unbans\n");
foreach my $service (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %ServicesBans) {
printf(" %-55s [%3d:%-3d]\n", "$service:",
delete $ServicesBans{$service}{'(all)'};
my $totalSort = TotalCountOrder(%{$ServicesBans{$service}}, \&SortIP);
if ($Detail >= 5) {
foreach my $ip (sort $totalSort keys %{$ServicesBans{$service}}) {
my $name = LookupIP($ip);
printf(" %-53s %3d:%-3d\n",
if (($Detail >= 10) and ($ServicesBans{$service}{$ip}{'Failures'}>0)) {
print " Failed ";
foreach my $fails (@{$ServicesBans{$service}{$ip}{'Failures'}}) {
print " $fails";
print " times";
printf("\n %d Duplicate Ban attempts", $ServicesBans{$service}{$ip}{'AlreadyInTheList'}) ;
printf("\n %d ReBans due to rules reinitilizations", $ServicesBans{$service}{$ip}{'ReBan'}) ;
print "\n";
if ($Detail>0) {
if ($#IptablesErrors > 0) {
printf("\n%d faulty iptables invocation(s)", $#IptablesErrors);
if ($Detail > 5) {
print ":\n";
print @IptablesErrors ;
if ($#ActionErrors > 0) {
printf("\n%d error(s) returned from actions", $#ActionErrors);
if ($Detail > 5) {
print ":\n";
print @ActionErrors ;
if ($ReInitializations > 0) {
printf("\n%d fail2ban rules reinitialization(s)", $ReInitializations);
if ($#OtherList >= 0) {
print "\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
print @OtherList;
# vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# perl-indent-level: 3
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
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