mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
allow to set all standard options of filter (like prefregex, journalmatch, etc) directly in jail (without filter or supplying parameters to filter);
normalize stream generation of filter-related parameters across FilterReader and JailReader (uses stream generator of filter now); test cases extended (testOverrideFilterOptInJail) to cover this possibility.pull/2526/head
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class FilterReader(DefinitionInitConfigReader):
_configOpts = {
"prefregex": ["string", None],
"ignoreregex": ["string", None],
"failregex": ["string", ""],
"failregex": ["string", None],
"maxlines": ["int", None],
"datepattern": ["string", None],
"journalmatch": ["string", None],
@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ class FilterReader(DefinitionInitConfigReader):
opts = self.getCombined()
if not len(opts):
return stream
return FilterReader._fillStream(stream, opts, self._jailName)
def _fillStream(stream, opts, jailName):
for opt, value in opts.iteritems():
if opt in ("failregex", "ignoreregex"):
if value is None: continue
@ -66,21 +70,20 @@ class FilterReader(DefinitionInitConfigReader):
if regex != '':
if len(multi) > 1:
stream.append(["multi-set", self._jailName, "add" + opt, multi])
stream.append(["multi-set", jailName, "add" + opt, multi])
elif len(multi):
stream.append(["set", self._jailName, "add" + opt, multi[0]])
stream.append(["set", jailName, "add" + opt, multi[0]])
elif opt in ('maxlines', 'prefregex'):
# Be sure we set this options first.
stream.insert(0, ["set", self._jailName, opt, value])
stream.insert(0, ["set", jailName, opt, value])
elif opt in ('datepattern'):
stream.append(["set", self._jailName, opt, value])
# Do not send a command if the match is empty.
stream.append(["set", jailName, opt, value])
elif opt == 'journalmatch':
# Do not send a command if the match is empty.
if value is None: continue
for match in value.split("\n"):
if match == '': continue
["set", self._jailName, "addjournalmatch"] +
["set", jailName, "addjournalmatch"] + shlex.split(match))
return stream
@ -86,29 +86,32 @@ class JailReader(ConfigReader):
logSys.warning("File %s is a dangling link, thus cannot be monitored" % p)
return pathList
_configOpts1st = {
"enabled": ["bool", False],
"backend": ["string", "auto"],
"filter": ["string", ""]
_configOpts = {
"enabled": ["bool", False],
"backend": ["string", "auto"],
"maxretry": ["int", None],
"maxmatches": ["int", None],
"findtime": ["string", None],
"bantime": ["string", None],
"usedns": ["string", None], # be sure usedns is before all regex(s) in stream
"ignorecommand": ["string", None],
"ignoreself": ["bool", None],
"ignoreip": ["string", None],
"ignorecache": ["string", None],
"filter": ["string", ""],
"logtimezone": ["string", None],
"logencoding": ["string", None],
"logpath": ["string", None], # logpath after all log-related data (backend, date-pattern, etc)
"action": ["string", ""]
def getOptions(self):
opts1st = [["bool", "enabled", False],
["string", "backend", "auto"],
["string", "filter", ""]]
opts = [["bool", "enabled", False],
["string", "backend", "auto"],
["int", "maxretry", None],
["int", "maxmatches", None],
["string", "findtime", None],
["string", "bantime", None],
["string", "usedns", None], # be sure usedns is before all regex(s) in stream
["string", "failregex", None],
["string", "ignoreregex", None],
["string", "ignorecommand", None],
["bool", "ignoreself", None],
["string", "ignoreip", None],
["string", "ignorecache", None],
["string", "filter", ""],
["string", "datepattern", None],
["string", "logtimezone", None],
["string", "logencoding", None],
["string", "logpath", None], # logpath after all log-related data (backend, date-pattern, etc)
["string", "action", ""]]
# Before interpolation (substitution) add static options always available as default:
@ -118,7 +121,8 @@ class JailReader(ConfigReader):
# Read first options only needed for merge defaults ('known/...' from filter):
self.__opts = ConfigReader.getOptions(self, self.__name, opts1st, shouldExist=True)
self.__opts = ConfigReader.getOptions(self, self.__name, self._configOpts1st,
if not self.__opts: # pragma: no cover
raise JailDefError("Init jail options failed")
@ -150,7 +154,7 @@ class JailReader(ConfigReader):
logSys.warning("No filter set for jail %s" % self.__name)
# Read second all options (so variables like %(known/param) can be interpolated):
self.__opts = ConfigReader.getOptions(self, self.__name, opts)
self.__opts = ConfigReader.getOptions(self, self.__name, self._configOpts)
if not self.__opts: # pragma: no cover
raise JailDefError("Read jail options failed")
@ -227,8 +231,11 @@ class JailReader(ConfigReader):
if e:
stream.extend([['config-error', "Jail '%s' skipped, because of wrong configuration: %s" % (self.__name, e)]])
return stream
# fill jail with filter options, using filter (only not overriden in jail):
if self.__filter:
# and using options from jail:
FilterReader._fillStream(stream, self.__opts, self.__name)
for opt, value in self.__opts.iteritems():
if opt == "logpath":
if self.__opts.get('backend', '').startswith("systemd"): continue
@ -255,17 +262,8 @@ class JailReader(ConfigReader):
backend = value
elif opt == "ignoreip":
stream.append(["set", self.__name, "addignoreip"] + splitwords(value))
elif opt in ("failregex", "ignoreregex"):
multi = []
for regex in value.split('\n'):
# Do not send a command if the rule is empty.
if regex != '':
if len(multi) > 1:
stream.append(["multi-set", self.__name, "add" + opt, multi])
elif len(multi):
stream.append(["set", self.__name, "add" + opt, multi[0]])
elif opt not in ('action', 'filter', 'enabled'):
elif (opt not in ('action', 'filter', 'enabled')
and opt not in FilterReader._configOpts):
stream.append(["set", self.__name, opt, value])
for action in self.__actions:
if isinstance(action, (ConfigReaderUnshared, ConfigReader)):
@ -303,6 +303,25 @@ class JailReaderTest(LogCaptureTestCase):
self.assertEqual(jail.getName(), 'ssh-funky-blocker')
def testOverrideFilterOptInJail(self):
unittest.F2B.SkipIfCfgMissing(stock=True); # expected include of common.conf
jail = JailReader('sshd-override-flt-opts', basedir=IMPERFECT_CONFIG,
share_config=IMPERFECT_CONFIG_SHARE_CFG, force_enable=True)
stream = jail.convert()
# check filter options are overriden with values specified directly in jail:
# prefregex:
self.assertEqual([['set', 'sshd-override-flt-opts', 'prefregex', '^Test']],
[o for o in stream if len(o) > 2 and o[2] == 'prefregex'])
# journalmatch:
self.assertEqual([['set', 'sshd-override-flt-opts', 'addjournalmatch', '_COMM=test']],
[o for o in stream if len(o) > 2 and o[2] == 'addjournalmatch'])
# maxlines:
self.assertEqual([['set', 'sshd-override-flt-opts', 'maxlines', 2]],
[o for o in stream if len(o) > 2 and o[2] == 'maxlines'])
def testSplitOption(self):
# Simple example
option = "mail-whois[name=SSH]"
@ -63,3 +63,12 @@ log2nd = %(logpath)s
action = action[actname='ban']
action[actname='log', logpath="%(log2nd)s"]
filter = zzz-sshd-obsolete-multiline[logtype=short]
backend = systemd
prefregex = ^Test
failregex = ^Test unused <ADDR>$
journalmatch = _COMM=test
maxlines = 2
enabled = false
Reference in New Issue