mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
try to provide filter captures (already in ticket data) to the actions as interpolation options (closes gh-1110)
@ -350,7 +350,9 @@ class Actions(JailThread, Mapping):
"time" : bTicket.getTime(),
"time" : bTicket.getTime(),
"matches" : "\n".join(bTicket.getMatches()),
"matches" : "\n".join(bTicket.getMatches()),
# to bypass actions, that should not be executed for restored tickets
# to bypass actions, that should not be executed for restored tickets
"restored": (1 if ticket.restored else 0)
"restored": (1 if ticket.restored else 0),
# extra-interpolation - all match-tags (captured from the filter):
"F-*": lambda tag=None: bTicket.getData(tag)
if self._jail.database is not None:
if self._jail.database is not None:
mi4ip = lambda overalljails=False, self=self, \
mi4ip = lambda overalljails=False, self=self, \
@ -27,6 +27,62 @@ import sys
from .ipdns import IPAddr
from .ipdns import IPAddr
FTAG_CRE = re.compile(r'</?[\w\-]+/?>')
FCUSTAG_CRE = re.compile(r'^(/?)F-([A-Z0-9_\-]+)$'); # currently uppercase only
R_HOST = [
# separated ipv4:
r"""(?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<ip4>%s)""" % (IPAddr.IP_4_RE,),
# separated ipv6:
r"""(?P<ip6>%s)""" % (IPAddr.IP_6_RE,),
# place-holder for ipv6 enclosed in optional [] (used in addr-, host-regex)
# separated dns:
# place-holder for ADDR tag-replacement (joined):
# place-holder for HOST tag replacement (joined):
RI_IPV4 = 0
RI_IPV6 = 1
RI_DNS = 3
R_HOST[RI_IPV6BR] = r"""\[?%s\]?""" % (R_HOST[RI_IPV6],)
R_HOST[RI_ADDR] = "(?:%s)" % ("|".join((R_HOST[RI_IPV4], R_HOST[RI_IPV6BR])),)
R_HOST[RI_HOST] = "(?:%s)" % ("|".join((R_HOST[RI_IPV4], R_HOST[RI_IPV6BR], R_HOST[RI_DNS])),)
RH4TAG = {
# separated ipv4 (self closed, closed):
"F-IP4/": R_HOST[RI_IPV4],
# separated ipv6 (self closed, closed):
"F-IP6/": R_HOST[RI_IPV6],
# 2 address groups instead of <ADDR> - in opposition to `<HOST>`,
# for separate usage of 2 address groups only (regardless of `usedns`), `ip4` and `ip6` together
# separated dns (self closed, closed):
# default failure-id as no space tag:
"F-ID/": r"""(?P<fid>\S+)""",
# default failure port, like 80 or http :
"F-PORT/": r"""(?P<fport>\w+)""",
# default failure groups map for customizable expressions (with different group-id):
R_MAP = {
"ID": "fid",
"PORT": "fport",
# Regular expression class.
# Regular expression class.
@ -71,38 +127,46 @@ class Regex:
def _resolveHostTag(regex, useDns="yes"):
def _resolveHostTag(regex, useDns="yes"):
# separated ipv4:
r_host = []
r = r"""(?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<ip4>%s)""" % (IPAddr.IP_4_RE,)
regex = regex.replace("<IP4>", r); # self closed
regex = regex.replace("<F-IP4/>", r); # closed
# separated ipv6:
r = r"""(?P<ip6>%s)""" % (IPAddr.IP_6_RE,)
regex = regex.replace("<IP6>", r); # self closed
regex = regex.replace("<F-IP6/>", r); # closed
r_host.append(r"""\[?%s\]?""" % (r,)); # enclose ipv6 in optional [] in host-regex
# 2 address groups instead of <ADDR> - in opposition to `<HOST>`,
# for separate usage of 2 address groups only (regardless of `usedns`), `ip4` and `ip6` together
regex = regex.replace("<ADDR>", "(?:%s)" % ("|".join(r_host),))
# separated dns:
r = r"""(?P<dns>[\w\-.^_]*\w)"""
regex = regex.replace("<DNS>", r); # self closed
regex = regex.replace("<F-DNS/>", r); # closed
if useDns not in ("no",):
# 3 groups instead of <HOST> - separated ipv4, ipv6 and host (dns)
regex = regex.replace("<HOST>", "(?:%s)" % ("|".join(r_host),))
# default failure-id as no space tag:
regex = regex.replace("<F-ID/>", r"""(?P<fid>\S+)"""); # closed
# default failure port, like 80 or http :
regex = regex.replace("<F-PORT/>", r"""(?P<port>\w+)"""); # closed
# default failure groups (begin / end tag) for customizable expressions:
for o,r in (('IP4', 'ip4'), ('IP6', 'ip6'), ('DNS', 'dns'), ('ID', 'fid'), ('PORT', 'fport')):
regex = regex.replace("<F-%s>" % o, "(?P<%s>" % r); # open tag
regex = regex.replace("</F-%s>" % o, ")"); # close tag
return regex
openTags = dict()
# tag interpolation callable:
def substTag(m):
tag = m.group()
tn = tag[1:-1]
# 3 groups instead of <HOST> - separated ipv4, ipv6 and host (dns)
if tn == "HOST":
return R_HOST[RI_HOST if useDns not in ("no",) else RI_ADDR]
# static replacement from RH4TAG:
return RH4TAG[tn]
except KeyError:
# (begin / end tag) for customizable expressions, additionally used as
# user custom tags (match will be stored in ticket data, can be used in actions):
m = FCUSTAG_CRE.match(tn)
if m: # match F-...
m = m.groups()
tn = m[1]
# close tag:
if m[0]:
# check it was already open:
if openTags.get(tn):
return ")"
return tag; # tag not opened, use original
# open tag:
openTags[tn] = 1
try: # if should be mapped:
tn = R_MAP[tn]
except KeyError:
tn = tn.lower()
return "(?P<%s>" % (tn,)
# original, no replacement:
return tag
# substitute tags:
return FTAG_CRE.sub(substTag, regex)
# Gets the regular expression.
# Gets the regular expression.
Reference in New Issue