mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
Merge: opensolaris docs/fixes, no 'sed -i' in hostsdeny, sshd regex tuneups
Origin: from https://github.com/jamesstout/fail2ban * 'OpenSolaris' of https://github.com/jamesstout/fail2ban: ENH: Removed unused log line BF: fail2ban.local needs section headers ENH: Use .local config files for logtarget and jail ENH+TST: ssh failure messages for OpenSolaris and OS X ENH: fail message matching for OpenSolaris and OS X ENH: extra daemon info regex ENH: actionunban back to a sed command Readme for config on Solaris create socket/pid dir if needed Extra patterns for Solaris change sed to perl for Solaris Conflicts: config/filter.d/sshd.confpull/217/merge
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# vim:tw=80:ft=txt
By Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@karlsbakk.net>
This readme is meant for those wanting to install fail2ban on Solaris 10,
OpenSolaris, OpenIndiana etc. To some degree it may as well be useful for
users of older Solaris versions and Nexenta, but don't rely on it.
If I use the term Solaris, I am talking about any Solaris dialect, that is, the
official Sun/Oracle ones or derivates. If I describe an OS as
"OpenSolaris-based", it means it's either OpenSolaris, OpenIndiana or one of the
other, but /not/ the Nexenta family, since this only uses the OpenSolaris/
IllumOS kernel and not the userland. If I say Solaris 10, I mean Solaris 10 and
perhaps, if you're lucky and have some good gods on your side, it may also apply
to Solaris 9 or even 8 and hopefully in the new Solaris 11 whenever that may be
released. Quoted lines of code, settings et cetera are indented with two spaces.
This does _not_ mean you should use that indentation, especially in config files
where they can be harmful. Optional settings are prefixed with OPT: while
required settings are prefixed with REQ:. If no prefix is found, regard it as a
required setting.
The installation is straight forward on Solaris as well as on linux/bsd/etc.
./setup.py install installs the general packages in /usr/bin on OpenSolaris-
based distros or (at least on this box) under /usr/sfw/bin on Solaris 10. In
the files/ directory you will find the file solaris-fail2ban.xml containing the
Solaris service. To install this, run the following command as root (or with
svccfg import files/solaris-fail2ban.xml
This should normally without giving an error. If you get an error, deal with it,
and please post any relevant info (or fixes?) to the fail2ban mailing list.
Next install the service handler - copy the script in and allow it to be executed:
cp files/solaris-svc-fail2ban /lib/svc/method/svc-fail2ban
chmod +x /lib/svc/method/svc-fail2ban
For some reason, a default Solaris installation does not log ssh login attempts,
and since fail2ban works by monitoring logs, enabling this logging is rather
important for it to work. To enable this, edit /etc/syslog.conf and add a line
at the end:
auth.info /var/adm/auth.log
Save the file and exit, and run
touch /var/adm/auth.log
The Solaris system logger will _not_ create a non-existing file. Now, restart
the system logger.
svcadm restart system-log
Try to ssh into localhost with ssh asdf@localhost and enter an invalid password.
Make sure this is logged in the above file. When done, you may configure
OPT: Create /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.local containing:
# Fail2Ban main configuration file
# Comments: use '#' for comment lines and ';' for inline comments
# Changes: in most of the cases you should not modify this
# file, but provide customizations in fail2ban.local file, e.g.:
# [Definition]
# loglevel = 4
# Option: logtarget
# Notes.: Set the log target. This could be a file, SYSLOG, STDERR or STDOUT.
# Only one log target can be specified.
# If you change logtarget from the default value and you are
# using logrotate -- also adjust or disable rotation in the
# corresponding configuration file
# (e.g. /etc/logrotate.d/fail2ban on Debian systems)
# Values: STDOUT STDERR SYSLOG file Default: /var/log/fail2ban.log
logtarget = /var/adm/fail2ban.log
REQ: Create /etc/fail2ban/jail.local containing:
enabled = true
filter = sshd
action = hostsdeny
sendmail-whois[name=SSH, dest=you@example.com]
ignoreregex = for myuser from
logpath = /var/adm/auth.log
Set the sendmail dest address to something useful or drop the line to stop it spamming you.
Set 'myuser' to your username to avoid banning yourself or drop it.
Enable the fail2ban service with
svcadm enable fail2ban
When done, check that all services are running well
svcs -xv
* It seems the installation may be starting fail2ban automatically. If this is
done, fail2ban will not start, but no errors will be returned from svcs
(above). Check if it's running with 'ps -ef | grep fail2ban' and manually kill
the PID if it is. Re-enable fail2ban and try again
svcadm disable fail2ban
svcadm enable fail2ban
* If svcs -xv says that fail2ban failed to start or svcs says it's in maintenance mode
chcek /var/svc/log/network-fail2ban:default.log for clues.
Check permissions on /var/adm, /var/adm/auth.log /var/adm/fail2ban.log and /var/run/fail2ban
You may need to:
sudo mkdir /var/run/fail2ban
* Fail2ban adds lines like these to /etc/hosts.deny:
wouldn't it be better to just block sshd?
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ actionban = IP=<ip> &&
# Tags: See jail.conf(5) man page
# Values: CMD
actionunban = IP=<ip> && sed -i.old /ALL:\ $IP/d <file>
actionunban = IP=<ip> && sed /ALL:\ $IP/d <file> > <file>.new && mv <file>.new <file>
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ __pid_re = (?:\[\d+\])
# EXAMPLES: pam_rhosts_auth, [sshd], pop(pam_unix)
__daemon_re = [\[\(]?%(_daemon)s(?:\(\S+\))?[\]\)]?:?
# extra daemon info
# EXAMPLE: [ID 800047 auth.info]
__daemon_extra_re = (?:\[ID \d+ \S+\])
# Combinations of daemon name and PID
# EXAMPLES: sshd[31607], pop(pam_unix)[4920]
__daemon_combs_re = (?:%(__pid_re)s?:\s+%(__daemon_re)s|%(__daemon_re)s%(__pid_re)s?:)
@ -42,5 +46,5 @@ __hostname = \S+
# [hostname] [vserver tag] daemon_id spaces
# this can be optional (for instance if we match named native log files)
__prefix_line = \s*(?:%(__hostname)s )?(?:%(__kernel_prefix)s )?(?:@vserver_\S+ )?%(__daemon_combs_re)s?\s*
__prefix_line = \s*(?:%(__hostname)s )?(?:%(__kernel_prefix)s )?(?:@vserver_\S+ )?%(__daemon_combs_re)s?\s%(__daemon_extra_re)s?\s*
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ _daemon = sshd
# (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>[\w\-.^_]+)
# Values: TEXT
failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error: PAM: )?[A|a]uthentication (?:failure|error) for .* from <HOST>\s*$
failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error: PAM: )?[aA]uthentication (?:failure|error) for .* from <HOST>\s*$
^%(__prefix_line)s(?:error: PAM: )?User not known to the underlying authentication module for .* from <HOST>\s*$
^%(__prefix_line)sFailed \S+ for .* from <HOST>(?: port \d*)?(?: ssh\d*)?\s*$
^%(__prefix_line)sROOT LOGIN REFUSED.* FROM <HOST>\s*$
@ -17,8 +17,26 @@ fi
ENV="/usr/bin/env -i LANG=C PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/opt/sfw/bin:/usr/sfw/bin"
# get socket/pid conf and check dir exists
# sock and pid default dirs are currently the same
# mkdir if it doesn't exist
SOCK_FILE=$(sed "/^\#/d" "$F2B_CONF" | grep "socket" | tail -1 | cut -d "=" -f2-)
SOCK_DIR=$(dirname $SOCK_FILE)
if [ -n "$SOCK_DIR" ]; then
if [ ! -d "$SOCK_DIR" ]; then
mkdir "$SOCK_DIR" || exit 1
case $1 in
# remove any lingering sockets
# don't quote the var for the -e test
if [ -n "$SOCK_FILE" ]; then
if [ -e $SOCK_FILE ]; then
rm -f $SOCK_FILE || exit 1
[ -f /etc/fail2ban.conf ] || touch /etc/fail2ban.conf
echo "Starting fail2ban-server with $F2B_CONF"
eval $ENV /usr/local/bin/fail2ban-client start &
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Jan 5 01:31:41 www sshd[1643]: ROOT LOGIN REFUSED FROM ::ffff:
Jul 20 14:42:11 localhost sshd[22708]: Invalid user ftp from
#5 new filter introduced after looking at 44087D8C.9090407@bluewin.ch
Mar 3 00:17:22 [sshd] User root from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers
Feb 25 14:34:11 belka sshd[31607]: User root from ferrari.inescn.pt not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers
@ -29,5 +28,21 @@ Oct 15 19:51:35 server sshd[7592]: Address maps to 1234.bbbbbb.com, but
#8 DenyUsers https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/issues/47
Apr 16 22:01:15 al-ribat sshd[5154]: User root from not allowed because listed in DenyUsers
# http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=648020
Nov 8 11:19:38 bar sshd[25427]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
#9 OpenSolaris patch - pull https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/pull/182
Mar 29 05:59:23 dusky sshd[20878]: [ID 800047 auth.info] Failed keyboard-interactive for <invalid username> from port 42742 ssh2
Mar 29 05:20:09 dusky sshd[19558]: [ID 800047 auth.info] Failed keyboard-interactive for james from port 54520 ssh2
#10 OSX syslog error
Apr 29 14:53:38 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[47831]: error: PAM: authentication error for james from dusky via
Apr 29 17:16:20 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[62312]: error: PAM: authentication error for james from n29.c07.mtsvc.net via
Apr 29 20:11:08 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[63814]: [ID 800047 auth.info] Failed keyboard-interactive for <invalid username> from port 42742 ssh2
Apr 29 20:12:08 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[63814]: [ID 800047 auth.info] Failed keyboard-interactive for james from port 54520 ssh2
Apr 29 20:13:08 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[63814]: Failed keyboard-interactive for james from port 54520 ssh2
Apr 29 20:14:08 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[63814]: Failed keyboard-interactive for <invalid username> from port 42742 ssh2
Apr 30 01:42:12 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[2554]: Failed keyboard-interactive/pam for invalid user jamedds from port 33723 ssh2
Apr 29 12:53:38 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[47831]: error: PAM: authentication failure for james from via
Apr 29 13:53:38 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[47831]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for james from via
Apr 29 15:53:38 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[47831]: error: PAM: Authentication error for james from via
Apr 29 16:53:38 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[47831]: error: PAM: authentication error for james from via
Apr 29 17:53:38 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[47831]: error: PAM: authentication error for james from
Apr 29 18:53:38 Jamess-iMac.local sshd[47831]: error: PAM: authentication error for james from
Reference in New Issue