["set <JAIL> unbanip <IP>","manually Unban <IP> in <JAIL>"],
["set <JAIL> maxretry <RETRY>","sets the number of failures <RETRY> before banning the host for <JAIL>"],
["set <JAIL> maxlines <LINES>","sets the number of <LINES> to buffer for regex search for <JAIL>"],
["set <JAIL> addaction <ACT>[ <PYTHONFILE> <JSONKWARGS>]","adds a new action named <NAME> for <JAIL>. Optionally for a Python based action, a <PYTHONFILE> and <JSONKWARGS> can be specified, else will be a Command Action"],
["set <JAIL> addaction <ACT>[ <PYTHONFILE> <JSONKWARGS>]","adds a new action named <ACT> for <JAIL>. Optionally for a Python based action, a <PYTHONFILE> and <JSONKWARGS> can be specified, else will be a Command Action"],
["set <JAIL> delaction <ACT>","removes the action <ACT> from <JAIL>"],
["set <JAIL> action <ACT> actionstart <CMD>","sets the start command <CMD> of the action <ACT> for <JAIL>"],