BF(PY2.4,2.5): provide bin() function (introduced in 2.6)

Yaroslav Halchenko 2014-03-16 11:12:14 -04:00
parent 9cbb472478
commit 18b476a93e
2 changed files with 50 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -37,6 +37,42 @@ import logging, re, os, fcntl, time, shlex, subprocess
# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = logging.getLogger("fail2ban.filter")
# For compatibility with elderly Pythons, left defined regardless of
# the version for testing against stock version
hexDict = {
'0':'0000', '1':'0001', '2':'0010', '3':'0011', '4':'0100', '5':'0101',
'6':'0110', '7':'0111', '8':'1000', '9':'1001', 'a':'1010', 'b':'1011',
'c':'1100', 'd':'1101', 'e':'1110', 'f':'1111', 'l':''}
def _bin(n):
A foolishly simple look-up method of getting binary string from an integer
This happens to be faster than all other ways!!!
Copyright: 2009, Vishal Sapre
License: MIT
# =========================================================
# create hex of int, remove '0x'. now for each hex char,
# look up binary string, append in list and join at the end.
# =========================================================
# yoh: added 0b prefix and .lower() for when converting from long
# We know how to deal only with positives here
assert(n >= 0)
nbin = ''.join([hexDict[hstr] for hstr in hex(n)[2:].lower()])
# to unify appearance with stock bin()
nbin = nbin.lstrip('0')
if not nbin: # got empty
nbin = '0'
return '0b' + nbin
if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
bin = _bin
# Log reader class.

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@ -158,6 +158,20 @@ class BasicFilter(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.filter.getUseDns(), 'no')
def testBin(self):
# compare custom _bin against stock bin
from server.filter import _bin
if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
from __builtin__ import bin
for n in (0, 1, 10, long(1), long(4294967168)):
self.assertEqual(_bin(n), bin(n))
from server.filter import bin
self.assertEqual(bin(1), '0b1')
self.assertEqual(bin(0), '0b0')
self.assertEqual(bin(long(10)), '0b1010')
class IgnoreIP(LogCaptureTestCase):