mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
NF: Filters now allow adding of [Init] section similar to actions
@ -28,66 +28,42 @@ __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier"
__license__ = "GPL"
import logging
from configreader import ConfigReader
from configreader import ConfigReader, OptionConfigReader
# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ActionReader(ConfigReader):
class ActionReader(OptionConfigReader):
def __init__(self, action, name, **kwargs):
ConfigReader.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.__file = action[0]
self.__cInfo = action[1]
self.__name = name
def setFile(self, fileName):
self.__file = fileName
def getFile(self):
return self.__file
def setName(self, name):
self.__name = name
def getName(self):
return self.__name
def read(self):
return ConfigReader.read(self, "action.d/" + self.__file)
def getOptions(self, pOpts):
opts = [["string", "actionstart", ""],
_configOpts = [
["string", "actionstart", ""],
["string", "actionstop", ""],
["string", "actioncheck", ""],
["string", "actionban", ""],
["string", "actionunban", ""]]
self.__opts = ConfigReader.getOptions(self, "Definition", opts, pOpts)
["string", "actionunban", ""],
if self.has_section("Init"):
for opt in self.options("Init"):
if not self.__cInfo.has_key(opt):
self.__cInfo[opt] = self.get("Init", opt)
def read(self):
return ConfigReader.read(self, "action.d/" + self._file)
def convert(self):
head = ["set", self.__name]
head = ["set", self._name]
stream = list()
stream.append(head + ["addaction", self.__file])
for opt in self.__opts:
stream.append(head + ["addaction", self._file])
for opt in self._opts:
if opt == "actionstart":
stream.append(head + ["actionstart", self.__file, self.__opts[opt]])
stream.append(head + ["actionstart", self._file, self._opts[opt]])
elif opt == "actionstop":
stream.append(head + ["actionstop", self.__file, self.__opts[opt]])
stream.append(head + ["actionstop", self._file, self._opts[opt]])
elif opt == "actioncheck":
stream.append(head + ["actioncheck", self.__file, self.__opts[opt]])
stream.append(head + ["actioncheck", self._file, self._opts[opt]])
elif opt == "actionban":
stream.append(head + ["actionban", self.__file, self.__opts[opt]])
stream.append(head + ["actionban", self._file, self._opts[opt]])
elif opt == "actionunban":
stream.append(head + ["actionunban", self.__file, self.__opts[opt]])
stream.append(head + ["actionunban", self._file, self._opts[opt]])
# cInfo
if self.__cInfo:
for p in self.__cInfo:
stream.append(head + ["setcinfo", self.__file, p, self.__cInfo[p]])
if self._initOpts:
for p in self._initOpts:
stream.append(head + ["setcinfo", self._file, p, self._initOpts[p]])
return stream
@ -130,3 +130,40 @@ class ConfigReader(SafeConfigParserWithIncludes):
"'. Using default one: '" + `option[2]` + "'")
values[option[1]] = option[2]
return values
class OptionConfigReader(ConfigReader):
_configOpts = []
def __init__(self, file_, jailName, initOpts, **kwargs):
ConfigReader.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self._file = file_
self._name = jailName
self._initOpts = initOpts
def setFile(self, fileName):
self._file = fileName
def getFile(self):
return self.__file
def setName(self, name):
self._name = name
def getName(self):
return self._name
def read(self):
return ConfigReader.read(self, self._file)
def getOptions(self, pOpts):
self._opts = ConfigReader.getOptions(
self, "Definition", self._configOpts, pOpts)
if self.has_section("Init"):
for opt in self.options("Init"):
if not self._initOpts.has_key(opt):
self._initOpts[opt] = self.get("Init", opt)
def convert(self):
raise NotImplementedError
@ -28,50 +28,33 @@ __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier"
__license__ = "GPL"
import logging
from configreader import ConfigReader
from configreader import ConfigReader, OptionConfigReader
# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FilterReader(ConfigReader):
class FilterReader(OptionConfigReader):
def __init__(self, fileName, name, **kwargs):
ConfigReader.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.__file = fileName
self.__name = name
def setFile(self, fileName):
self.__file = fileName
def getFile(self):
return self.__file
def setName(self, name):
self.__name = name
def getName(self):
return self.__name
_configOpts = [
["string", "ignoreregex", ""],
["string", "failregex", ""],
def read(self):
return ConfigReader.read(self, "filter.d/" + self.__file)
def getOptions(self, pOpts):
opts = [["string", "ignoreregex", ""],
["string", "failregex", ""]]
self.__opts = ConfigReader.getOptions(self, "Definition", opts, pOpts)
return ConfigReader.read(self, "filter.d/" + self._file)
def convert(self):
stream = list()
for opt in self.__opts:
for opt in self._opts:
if opt == "failregex":
for regex in self.__opts[opt].split('\n'):
for regex in self._opts[opt].split('\n'):
# Do not send a command if the rule is empty.
if regex != '':
stream.append(["set", self.__name, "addfailregex", regex])
stream.append(["set", self._name, "addfailregex", regex])
elif opt == "ignoreregex":
for regex in self.__opts[opt].split('\n'):
for regex in self._opts[opt].split('\n'):
# Do not send a command if the rule is empty.
if regex != '':
stream.append(["set", self.__name, "addignoreregex", regex])
stream.append(["set", self._name, "addignoreregex", regex])
return stream
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ logSys = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class JailReader(ConfigReader):
actionCRE = re.compile("^((?:\w|-|_|\.)+)(?:\[(.*)\])?$")
optionCRE = re.compile("^((?:\w|-|_|\.)+)(?:\[(.*)\])?$")
def __init__(self, name, force_enable=False, **kwargs):
ConfigReader.__init__(self, **kwargs)
@ -78,8 +78,10 @@ class JailReader(ConfigReader):
if self.isEnabled():
# Read filter
self.__filter = FilterReader(self.__opts["filter"], self.__name,
filterName, filterOpt = JailReader.splitOption(
self.__filter = FilterReader(
filterName, self.__name, filterOpt, basedir=self.getBaseDir())
ret = self.__filter.read()
if ret:
@ -92,8 +94,9 @@ class JailReader(ConfigReader):
if not act: # skip empty actions
splitAct = JailReader.splitAction(act)
action = ActionReader(splitAct, self.__name, basedir=self.getBaseDir())
actName, actOpt = JailReader.splitOption(act)
action = ActionReader(
actName, self.__name, actOpt, basedir=self.getBaseDir())
ret = action.read()
if ret:
@ -151,23 +154,23 @@ class JailReader(ConfigReader):
return stream
def splitAction(action):
m = JailReader.actionCRE.match(action)
def splitOption(option):
m = JailReader.optionCRE.match(option)
d = dict()
mgroups = m.groups()
if len(mgroups) == 2:
action_name, action_opts = mgroups
option_name, option_opts = mgroups
elif len(mgroups) == 1:
action_name, action_opts = mgroups[0], None
option_name, option_opts = mgroups[0], None
raise ValueError("While reading action %s we should have got up to "
"2 groups. Got: %r" % (action, mgroups))
if not action_opts is None:
raise ValueError("While reading option %s we should have got up to "
"2 groups. Got: %r" % (option, mgroups))
if not option_opts is None:
# Huge bad hack :( This method really sucks. TODO Reimplement it.
actions = ""
options = ""
escapeChar = None
allowComma = False
for c in action_opts:
for c in option_opts:
if c in ('"', "'") and not allowComma:
# Start
escapeChar = c
@ -178,20 +181,20 @@ class JailReader(ConfigReader):
allowComma = False
if c == ',' and allowComma:
actions += "<COMMA>"
options += "<COMMA>"
actions += c
options += c
# Split using ,
actionsSplit = actions.split(',')
optionsSplit = options.split(',')
# Replace the tag <COMMA> with ,
actionsSplit = [n.replace("<COMMA>", ',') for n in actionsSplit]
optionsSplit = [n.replace("<COMMA>", ',') for n in optionsSplit]
for param in actionsSplit:
for param in optionsSplit:
p = param.split('=')
d[p[0].strip()] = p[1].strip()
except IndexError:
logSys.error("Invalid argument %s in '%s'" % (p, action_opts))
return [action_name, d]
splitAction = staticmethod(splitAction)
logSys.error("Invalid argument %s in '%s'" % (p, option_opts))
return [option_name, d]
splitOption = staticmethod(splitOption)
@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ class JailReaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(jail.getName(), 'ssh-iptables')
def testSplitAction(self):
def testSplitOption(self):
action = "mail-whois[name=SSH]"
expected = ['mail-whois', {'name': 'SSH'}]
result = JailReader.splitAction(action)
result = JailReader.splitOption(action)
self.assertEquals(expected, result)
class FilterReaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class FilterReaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
"+$<SKIPLINES>^.+ module for .* from <HOST>\\s*$"],
['set', 'testcase01', 'addignoreregex',
"^.+ john from host\\s*$"]]
filterReader = FilterReader("testcase01", "testcase01")
filterReader = FilterReader("testcase01", "testcase01", {})
#filterReader.getOptions(["failregex", "ignoreregex"])
Reference in New Issue