@ -231,10 +231,10 @@ IP will not be banned if command returns successfully (exit code 0).
Like ACTION FILES, tags like <ip> are can be included in the ignorecommand value and will be substituted before execution. Currently only <ip> is supported however more will be added later.
effective ban duration (in seconds).
effective ban duration (in seconds or time abbreviation format).
time interval (in seconds) before the current time where failures will count towards a ban.
time interval (in seconds or time abbreviation format) before the current time where failures will count towards a ban.
number of failures that have to occur in the last \fBfindtime\fR seconds to ban then IP.
The time entries in fail2ban configuration (like \fBfindtime\fR or \fBbantime\fR) can be provided as integer in seconds or as string using special abbreviation format (e. g. \fB600\fR is the same as \fB10m\fR).
years?, yea?, yy?
months?, mon?
weeks?, wee?, ww?
days?, da, dd?
hours?, hou?, hh?
minutes?, min?, mm?
seconds?, sec?, ss?
The question mark (?) means the optional character, so \fBday\fR as well as \fBdays\fR can be used.
You can combine multiple tokens in format (separated with space resp. without separator), e. g.: \fB1y 6mo\fR or \fB1d12h30m\fR.
Note that tokens \fBm\fR as well as \fBmm\fR means minutes, for month use abbreviation \fBmo\fR or \fBmon\fR.
The time format can be tested using \fBfail2ban-client\fR: