mirror of https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban
59 lines
1.7 KiB
59 lines
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#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
## 02_sasl_config.dpatch by <debian@onerussian.com>
## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
## DP: Added saslauthd section from martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org>
diff -x '*~' -Naur fail2ban-0.6.1.pre/config/fail2ban.conf.iptables fail2ban-0.6.1.post/config/fail2ban.conf.iptables
--- fail2ban-0.6.1.pre/config/fail2ban.conf.iptables 2006-05-30 10:03:16.000000000 -0400
+++ fail2ban-0.6.1.post/config/fail2ban.conf.iptables 2006-05-30 10:13:56.000000000 -0400
@@ -260,6 +260,46 @@
# failregex.
+# Option: enabled
+# Notes.: enable monitoring for this section.
+# Values: [true | false] Default: true
+enabled = false
+# Option: port
+# Notes.: specifies port to monitor
+# Values: [ NUM | STRING ] Default:
+port = smtp
+# Option: logfile
+# Notes.: logfile to monitor.
+# Values: FILE Default: /var/log/auth.log
+logfile = /var/log/mail.log
+# Option: timeregex
+# Notes.: regex to match timestamp
+# Values: [Mar 7 17:53:28]
+# Default: \S{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}
+timeregex = \S{3}\s{1,2}\d{1,2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}
+# Option: timepattern
+# Notes.: format used in "timeregex" fields definition. Note that '%' must be
+# escaped with '%' (see http://rgruet.free.fr/PQR2.3.html#timeModule)
+# Values: TEXT Default: %%b %%d %%H:%%M:%%S
+timepattern = %%b %%d %%H:%%M:%%S
+# Option: failregex
+# Notes.: regex to match the password failures messages in the logfile.
+# Values: TEXT Default:
+failregex = : warning: [-._\w]+\[(?P<host>[.\d]+)\]: SASL (?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed$
# Option: enabled
# Notes.: enable monitoring for this section.