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ToDo $Revision$
- not yet done
? maybe
# partially done
* done
- Prefix all private functions with "__"
- Verify TAI64N
# implement all get/set functions
# correct handling of threads (join???), concurrency, etc
protect "jails" in
- signal handling (ctrl-c, etc)
# see Feature Request Tracking System at
- improve installation process (better prefix support)
# improve documentation and website for user
- use PyLint to check the code
# better return values in function
? use more email.Utils in
? add gettext support. Is this really needed for a server
# add a test framework. We could use unittest which is in
Python since 2.1. It should be possible to run all tests
# autodetect date format in log file. Match the most popular
format and sort them using the hit ratio. Should avoid
user problem with regex and not have a big impact on perfs.
? restart automatically the daemon if an exception occurs.
- do not close socket after a send
# refactoring in,,