# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet :
# This file is part of Fail2Ban.
# Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Author: Cyril Jaquier
__author__ = "Cyril Jaquier"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier"
__license__ = "GPL"
import logging, time
# Gets the instance of the logger.
logSys = logging.getLogger("fail2ban.comm")
class Transmitter:
# Constructor.
# @param The server reference
def __init__(self, server):
self.__server = server
# Proceeds a command.
# Proceeds an incoming command.
# @param command The incoming command
def proceed(self, command):
# Deserialize object
logSys.debug("Command: " + `command`)
ret = self.__commandHandler(command)
ack = 0, ret
except Exception, e:
logSys.warn("Command %r has failed. Received %r"
% (command, e))
ack = 1, e
return ack
# Handle an command.
def __commandHandler(self, command):
if command[0] == "ping":
return "pong"
elif command[0] == "add":
name = command[1]
if name == "all":
raise Exception("Reserved name")
backend = command[2]
except IndexError:
backend = "auto"
self.__server.addJail(name, backend)
return name
elif command[0] == "start":
name = command[1]
return None
elif command[0] == "stop":
if len(command) == 1:
elif command[1] == "all":
name = command[1]
return None
elif command[0] == "sleep":
value = command[1]
return None
elif command[0] == "set":
return self.__commandSet(command[1:])
elif command[0] == "get":
return self.__commandGet(command[1:])
elif command[0] == "status":
return self.status(command[1:])
raise Exception("Invalid command")
def __commandSet(self, command):
name = command[0]
# Logging
if name == "loglevel":
value = int(command[1])
return self.__server.getLogLevel()
elif name == "logtarget":
value = command[1]
if self.__server.setLogTarget(value):
return self.__server.getLogTarget()
raise Exception("Failed to change log target")
# Jail
elif command[1] == "idle":
if command[2] == "on":
self.__server.setIdleJail(name, True)
elif command[2] == "off":
self.__server.setIdleJail(name, False)
raise Exception("Invalid idle option, must be 'on' or 'off'")
return self.__server.getIdleJail(name)
# Filter
elif command[1] == "addignoreip":
value = command[2]
self.__server.addIgnoreIP(name, value)
return self.__server.getIgnoreIP(name)
elif command[1] == "delignoreip":
value = command[2]
self.__server.delIgnoreIP(name, value)
return self.__server.getIgnoreIP(name)
elif command[1] == "addlogpath":
value = command[2:]
for path in value:
self.__server.addLogPath(name, path)
return self.__server.getLogPath(name)
elif command[1] == "dellogpath":
value = command[2]
self.__server.delLogPath(name, value)
return self.__server.getLogPath(name)
elif command[1] == "addfailregex":
value = command[2]
self.__server.addFailRegex(name, value)
return self.__server.getFailRegex(name)
elif command[1] == "delfailregex":
value = int(command[2])
self.__server.delFailRegex(name, value)
return self.__server.getFailRegex(name)
elif command[1] == "addignoreregex":
value = command[2]
self.__server.addIgnoreRegex(name, value)
return self.__server.getIgnoreRegex(name)
elif command[1] == "delignoreregex":
value = int(command[2])
self.__server.delIgnoreRegex(name, value)
return self.__server.getIgnoreRegex(name)
elif command[1] == "usedns":
value = command[2]
self.__server.setUseDns(name, value)
return self.__server.getUseDns(name)
elif command[1] == "findtime":
value = command[2]
self.__server.setFindTime(name, int(value))
return self.__server.getFindTime(name)
elif command[1] == "maxretry":
value = command[2]
self.__server.setMaxRetry(name, int(value))
return self.__server.getMaxRetry(name)
# command
elif command[1] == "bantime":
value = command[2]
self.__server.setBanTime(name, int(value))
return self.__server.getBanTime(name)
elif command[1] == "banip":
value = command[2]
return self.__server.setBanIP(name,value)
elif command[1] == "unbanip":
value = command[2]
return self.__server.setUnbanIP(name,value)
elif command[1] == "addaction":
value = command[2]
self.__server.addAction(name, value)
return self.__server.getLastAction(name).getName()
elif command[1] == "delaction":
value = command[2]
self.__server.delAction(name, value)
return None
elif command[1] == "setcinfo":
act = command[2]
key = command[3]
value = " ".join(command[4:])
self.__server.setCInfo(name, act, key, value)
return self.__server.getCInfo(name, act, key)
elif command[1] == "delcinfo":
act = command[2]
key = command[3]
self.__server.delCInfo(name, act, key)
return None
elif command[1] == "actionstart":
act = command[2]
value = " ".join(command[3:])
self.__server.setActionStart(name, act, value)
return self.__server.getActionStart(name, act)
elif command[1] == "actionstop":
act = command[2]
value = " ".join(command[3:])
self.__server.setActionStop(name, act, value)
return self.__server.getActionStop(name, act)
elif command[1] == "actioncheck":
act = command[2]
value = " ".join(command[3:])
self.__server.setActionCheck(name, act, value)
return self.__server.getActionCheck(name, act)
elif command[1] == "actionban":
act = command[2]
value = " ".join(command[3:])
self.__server.setActionBan(name, act, value)
return self.__server.getActionBan(name, act)
elif command[1] == "actionunban":
act = command[2]
value = " ".join(command[3:])
self.__server.setActionUnban(name, act, value)
return self.__server.getActionUnban(name, act)
raise Exception("Invalid command (no set action or not yet implemented)")
def __commandGet(self, command):
name = command[0]
# Logging
if name == "loglevel":
return self.__server.getLogLevel()
elif name == "logtarget":
return self.__server.getLogTarget()
# Filter
elif command[1] == "logpath":
return self.__server.getLogPath(name)
elif command[1] == "ignoreip":
return self.__server.getIgnoreIP(name)
elif command[1] == "failregex":
return self.__server.getFailRegex(name)
elif command[1] == "ignoreregex":
return self.__server.getIgnoreRegex(name)
elif command[1] == "usedns":
return self.__server.getUseDns(name)
elif command[1] == "findtime":
return self.__server.getFindTime(name)
elif command[1] == "maxretry":
return self.__server.getMaxRetry(name)
# Action
elif command[1] == "bantime":
return self.__server.getBanTime(name)
elif command[1] == "addaction":
return self.__server.getLastAction(name).getName()
elif command[1] == "actionstart":
act = command[2]
return self.__server.getActionStart(name, act)
elif command[1] == "actionstop":
act = command[2]
return self.__server.getActionStop(name, act)
elif command[1] == "actioncheck":
act = command[2]
return self.__server.getActionCheck(name, act)
elif command[1] == "actionban":
act = command[2]
return self.__server.getActionBan(name, act)
elif command[1] == "actionunban":
act = command[2]
return self.__server.getActionUnban(name, act)
elif command[1] == "cinfo":
act = command[2]
key = command[3]
return self.__server.getCInfo(name, act, key)
raise Exception("Invalid command (no get action or not yet implemented)")
def status(self, command):
if len(command) == 0:
return self.__server.status()
elif len(command) == 1:
name = command[0]
return self.__server.statusJail(name)
raise Exception("Invalid command (no status)")