Feb 1 00:00:00 myhost proftpd[12345] myhost.domain.com ([]): USER username: no such user found from [] to
Jun 09 11:15:43 platypus.ace-hosting.com.au proftpd[17424] platypus.ace-hosting.com.au (::ffff:[::ffff:]): USER god: no such user found from ::ffff: [::ffff:] to ::ffff:
Jun 14 00:09:59 platypus.ace-hosting.com.au proftpd[17839] platypus.ace-hosting.com.au (::ffff:[::ffff:]): USER platypus.ace-hosting.com.au proftpd[17424] platypus.ace-hosting.com.au (hihoinjection[]): no such user found from ::ffff: [::ffff:] to ::ffff:
Dec 5 15:44:32 serv1 proftpd[70944]: serv1.domain.com (example.com[]) - USER jtittle@domain.org: no such user found from example.com [] to
# failJSON: { "time": "2013-11-16T21:59:30", "match": true , "host": "", "desc": "proftpd-basic 1.3.5~rc3-2.1 on Debian uses date format with milliseconds if logging under /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log" }
2013-11-16 21:59:30,121 novo proftpd[25891] localhost (andy[]): USER kjsad: no such user found from andy [] to ::ffff: