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# Fail2Ban filter to block web requests for stuff that doesn't exist
# This is normally a predefined list of exploitable or valuable web services
# that are hidden or aren't actually installed.
# overwrite with apache-common.local if _apache_error_client is incorrect.
before = apache-common.conf
failregex = ^%(_apache_error_client)s ((AH001(28|30): )?File does not exist|(AH01264: )?script not found or unable to stat): <webroot><block>(, referer: \S+)?\s*$
ignoreregex =
# Webroot represents the webroot on which all other files are based
webroot = /var/www/
# Block is the actual non-found directories to block
block = (<webmail>|<phpmyadmin>|<wordpress>)[^,]*
# These are just convient definitions that assist the blocking of stuff that
# isn't installed
webmail = roundcube|mail|horde|webmail
phpmyadmin = (typo3/|xampp/|admin/|)(pma|(php)?[Mm]y[Aa]dmin)
wordpress = wp-(login|signup)\.php
# DEV Notes:
# Author: Daniel Black