## ColorPicker
ColorPicker is a color selector supporting multiple color formats.
### Basic usage
:::demo ColorPicker requires a string typed variable to be bound to v-model.
With default value
With no default value
### Alpha
:::demo ColorPicker supports alpha channel selecting. To activate alpha selecting, just add the `show-alpha` attribute.
### Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
|---------- |-------- |---------- |------------- |-------- |
| show-alpha | whether to display the alpha slider | boolean | — | false |
| color-format | color format of v-model | string | hsl / hsv / hex / rgb | hex (when show-alpha is false)/ rgb (when show-alpha is true) |
### Events
| Event Name | Description | Parameters |
| change | triggers when input value changes | color value |
| active-change | triggers when the current active color changes | active color value |