## Loading
Show animation while loading data.
### Loading inside a container
Displays animation in a container (such as a table) while loading data.
:::demo Element provides two ways to invoke Loading: directive and service. For the custom directive `v-loading`, you just need to bind a `boolean` value to it. By default, the loading mask will append to the element where the directive is used. Adding the `body` modifier makes the mask append to the body element.
### Loading text
You can customize a text message.
:::demo Add attribute `element-loading-text` to the element on which `v-loading` is bound, and its value will be displayed under the spinner.
### Full screen loading
Show a full screen animation while loading data.
:::demo Add the `fullscreen` modifier to create a full screen mask, and it will append to body. In this case, if you disable scrolling on body, you add another modifier `lock`.
Full screen loading for 3 seconds
### Service
You can also invoke Loading with a service. Import Loading service:
import { Loading } from 'element-ui';
Invoke it:
The parameter `options` is the configuration of Loading, and its details can be found in the following table. `LoadingService` returns a Loading instance, and you can close it by invoking its `close` method:
let loadingInstance = Loading.service(options);
Note that in this case the full screen Loading is singleton. If a new full screen Loading is invoked before an existing one is closed, the existing full screen Loading instance will be returned instead of actually creating another Loading instance:
let loadingInstance1 = Loading.service({ fullscreen: true });
let loadingInstance2 = Loading.service({ fullscreen: true });
console.log(loadingInstance1 === loadingInstance2); // true
Calling the `close` method on any one of them can close this full screen Loading.
If Element is imported entirely, a globally method `$loading` will be registered to Vue.prototype. You can invoke it like this: `this.$loading(options)`, and it also returns a Loading instance.
### Options
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
|---------- |-------------- |---------- |-------------------------------- |-------- |
| target | the DOM node Loading needs to cover. Accepts a DOM object or a string. If it's a string, it will be passed to `document.querySelector` to get the corresponding DOM node | object/string | — | document.body |
| body | same as the `body` modifier of `v-loading` | boolean | — | false |
| fullscreen | same as the `fullscreen` modifier of `v-loading` | boolean | — | true |
| lock | same as the `lock` modifier of `v-loading` | boolean | — | false |
| text | loading text that displays under the spinner | string | — | — |
| customClass | custom class name for Loading | string | — | — |