## Table
Display multiple data in same or similar format.
You can sort, filter, compare or other custom actions on your data.
### Basic Table
Usage with basic table.
When set attribute `data` of component `el-table` with an object array, you can set attribute `property` to correspond to the key of object in the data array in `el-table-column`, and set the attribute `label` to define the column name.
You can also use the attribute `width` to define the width of columns.
### Strped Table
Striped table adds zebra-stripes to a table, so you can easily distinguish between different rows of data.
Attribute `stripe` could get it. It accepts a `Boolean` parameter, whose default value is false. Set it to true to turn it on.
### Table with border
By default, table component has no border in vertical. If you need it, you can set attribute `border` to `Boolean` value true. It accepts boolean type value. Turn on it by setting to `true`.
### Table with status
You can highlight your table content to distinguish between "success, information, warning, danger" and others.
Add customer background color to display the line in certain status. If some line has the field which is true in the array `custom-criteria`, it will be set the corresponding background color in the array `custom-background-colors`.
### Table with fixed header
When there are too many rows with so much data in vertical orientation, you could use a fixed header.
By setting the atrribute `height` of element `el-table`, you can fix the table header without any othercodes.
### Table with fixed column
When so many columns and so much data in horizontal orientation, you can set the first column fixed.
Set the attribute `fixed-column-count`, it accepts a `Number` which indicates the number of columns to be fixed from the left.
### Table with fixed columns and header
When so much data in vertical and horizontal orientation, you could set certain column and header fixed.
:::demo Fix columns and header at the same time with set attribute at the same time.
### Single Select
When select a row , display with certain background color.
You can choose one row or more with the table component. You can select one row (`single`) or several rows(`multiple`) by setting the attribute `selection-mode`. If you don't need it, set it to `none`. `selectselectionchange` event will be triggered when the table row is selected. It accepts a parameter `value` which is the corresponding object when the table is generated. The example below shows the attribute `allow-no-selection`, which accepts a `Boolean` type. If `true`, it is allowed to be empty. With setting to `false` by default, the default value the first object of the data array. If you wanna display index, you can add a new element `el-table-column`. Set attribute `type` to `index`, you will see the index starting with 1 .
### Multiple Select
Use Checkbox to choose multiple options.
There is not much difference between Multiple Select and Single Select, except that the argument in the` selectionchange` event is changed from object to object array. A column is needed to display the checkbox: manually adding an `el-table-column`, and setting the` type` to `selection`. Attributes `inline-template` and `show-tooltip-when-overflow` are used to show other Attributes in the example below.
When the attribute `inline-template` is set, you can use the object of `row` to replace the setting of attribute `property`.
By default, if the content is too much, the extra content will display in the new line. If you wanna show content in one line, use attribute `show-tooltip-when-overflow`, which accepts the `Boolean` type. When set true the extra content will show in tooltip when hover on it.
{{ row.date }}
### Order
Sort the data to find or compare data quickly.
Set attribute `sortable` to a certain column to sort the data
based on the column . It accepts the `Boolean` type with an default value `false`. In the example below we use attribute `formatter` to format the value of certain column. It accepts a function which has two parameters: `row` and `column`. You can handle it according to your own needs.
### Table Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Options | Default |
|---------- |-------------- |---------- |-------------------------------- |-------- |
| data | data to display | array | — | — |
| height | table 's height, default is null, meaning height is set automatically | string | — | — |
| stripe | whether stripe table or not| boolean | — | false |
| border | whether has border in vertical orientation or not | boolean | — | false |
| fit | whether width of column automatically distract or not | boolean | — | true |
| selection-mode | select mode | string | single/multiple/none | none |
| allow-no-selection | whether is allowed to be empty or not in Single Select | boolean | — | false |
| fixed-column-count | fixed columns counts | number | — | 0 |
### Table Events
| Event | Description | Paramters |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| selectionchange | triggered when selection changes | selected |
| cellmouseenter | triggered when hovering on cell| row, column, cell, event |
| cellmouseleave | triggered when hovering leave cell | row, column, cell, event |
| cellclick | triggered when clicking cell| row, column, cell, event |
### Table-column Attributes
| Paramters | Description | Type | Options | Default |
|---------- |-------------- |---------- |-------------------------------- |-------- |
| label | title | string | — | — |
| property | field name corresponding to the column name | string | — | — |
| width | column width | string | — | — |
| sortable | whether can be sort or not | boolean | — | false |
| resizable | whether width of the column will change when dragged (If need it, you should set attribute `border` of `el-table` to true) ) | boolean | — | false |
| type | type of the column. If set to `selection`, the column will display checkbox. If set to `index`, the column will display index of the row (staring with 1) | string | selection/index | — |
| formatter | function that formats content, which has two parameters row and column | function | — | — |
| show-tooltip-when-overflow | if cell content is too long , the extra content will hide. Hovering on it the extra content will show in tooltip | Boolean | — | false |
| inline-template | when using the attribute, you could customize the content which the column. Refer to the date column in Multiple Select, getting row data by `row` object, getting current context by _self in JSX. In this case you don't need set the attribute `property`. | — | — |
| align | Alignment | String | left, center, right | left |