## Radio
A single selection is made in a set of alternatives.
### How to use
As the option is visible by default, there should not be too many options. If too many options, the Select component is recommended.
Creating a radio component is easy, you just need to bind a variable by `v-bind` directive, and it means that the value of bound variable is equals to the value of `label` of which the `radio` you select. The type of `label` is `String` or `Number`.
### Disabled
`disabled` attribute is used to disable radio button. You just need to add `disabled` attribute, and default value is `true`.
### Radio button group
Applicable to scenes selecting from multiple mutex options.
Combine `` with `` to display a radio group. Bind a variable in `` element and set label value in ``. It also provides `change` event to respond to the change of bound value.
### Button style
Radio with button styles.
You just need to change `` element into `` element. Element also provides `size` attribute for the buttons array. There are two options: `large` and `small` if not default.
### Radio Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type | options | Default
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
label | the value of radio | string, number | --- | ---
disabled | whether disabled or not | boolean | --- | false
### Radio-group Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type | options | Default
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
size | the size of radio button | string | large, small | ---
### Radio-group Events
Event | Description | callback parameters
--- | --- | ---
change | event triggered when the bound variable changes | the label value of the radio which you select
### Radio-button Attributes
Attribute | Description | Type | options | Default
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----
label | the value of radio | string, number | --- | ---
disabled | whether disabled or not | boolean | --- | false