## InputNumber
Input numerical values with a customizable range.
### Basic usage
:::demo Bind a variable to `v-model` in `` element and you are set.
### Disabled
:::demo The `disabled` attribute accepts a `boolean`, and if the value is `true`, the component is disabled. If you just need to control the value within a range, you can add `min` attribute to set the minimum value and `max` to set the maximum value. By default, the minimum value is `0`.
### Steps
Allows you to define incremental steps.
:::demo Add `step` attribute to set the step.
### Size
Use attribute `size` to set additional sizes with `medium`, `small` or `mini`.
### Controls Position
:::demo Set `controls-position` to decide the position of control buttons.
### Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
|----| ----| ---| ----| -----|
|value | binding value| number | — | — |
|min | the minimum allowed value | number | — | 0 |
|max | the maximum allowed value | number | — | `Infinity` |
|step | incremental step | number | — | 1 |
|size | size of the component | string | large/small| — |
|disabled| whether the component is disabled | boolean | — | false |
|controls| whether to enable the control buttons | boolean | — | true |
|debounce| debounce delay when typing, in milliseconds | number | — | 300 |
|controls-position | position of the control buttons | string | right | - |
|name | same as `name` in native input | string | — | — |
|label | label text | string | — | — |
### Events
| Event Name | Description | Parameters |
|----| ---- | -----|
|change | triggers when the value changes | value after change |
| blur | triggers when Input blurs | (event: Event) |
| focus | triggers when Input focuses | (event: Event) |
### Methods
| Method | Description | Parameters |
| focus | focus the Input component | - |