## Changelog ### 1.3.6 *2017-06-09* - Fixed inconsistency of ColorPicker's default value and panel value, #5183 (by @Kingwl) - Fixed ColorPicker not able to change hue in the panel when its default value is white, #5184 (by @Kingwl) - Fixed Select's dropdown taking multiple clicks to expand when nested in a Dialog after scrolling, #5226 - Added `props` property for Autocomplete, #5282 - Fixed dropdown of DatePicker not hiding when Tab key is pressed after manual input, #5149 (by @ChuckFields) ### 1.3.5 *2017-06-03* - Fixed `default-first-option` of Select not working in remote filtering, #5084 - Fixed InputNumber not aligning with other form components, #5127 - Fixed inline FormItem having no effect on mixed Input, #5151 - Fixed height of FormItem being different in Firefox from other browsers, #5152 - Fixed items with a `value` of 0 in Cascader can not be expanded, #5172 (by @Kingwl) - Fixed Autocomplete not triggering native `keydown` and `keyup` events, #5129 - Added `clear` event for Select, #5112 - Fixed Cascader's dropdown menu not updating its position in some situations, #5064 - Better accessibility for Dialog and MessageBox, #4786 ### 1.3.4 *2017-05-23* - Fixed highlight and stripe effects of Table with expandable rows, #4871 (by @mu-yu) - Added `default-first-option` for Select, #4838 (by @wacky6) - Fixed Select with no options not displaying "No data" text when `allow-create` is true, #4977 ### 1.3.3 *2017-05-14* - Added `visible-change` event for Dropdown, #4818 (by @luciy) - Added `tag` attribute for Col and Row, #4799 - Fixed Cascader search functionality regression, #4812 - Fixed DatePicker triggering watch when `type` is range, #4837 (by @wacky6) - Fixed numbers in TimePicker not align vertically, #4847 (by @pengchongfu) - Fixed Dialog not triggering `before-close` hook when ESC is pressed, #4819 (by @patriciussanctus) - Fixed multiple MessageBox not rendering content correctly when some of the `message` is a VNode - Fixed Checkbox not focused when navigating with tab ### 1.3.2 *2017-05-10* - Fixed undefined custom component `el-collapse-transition` error when importing some components on demand, #4728 - Fixed vertical alignment issue of Pagination in FireFox, #4756 - Fixed dropdown panel view not updating after binding value of DatePicker is programmatically changed when `type` is week, #4739 - Fixed height calculation errors of Table with summary rows, #4736 - Added `before-filter` attribute for Cascader, #4774 - Added `debounce` attribute for InputNumber, #4712(by @pengchongfu) ### 1.3.1 *2017-05-06* - Fixed Autocomplete clearing input box when typing Chinese, #4718 - Fixed async Table's summary row not scroll with Table, #4717 - Fixed Dialog not closing correctly after pressing ESC when `close-on-press-esc` is true, #4706 - Fixed wrong parameter in `change` event of Switch when `on-value` and `off-value` are assigned, #4675 ### 1.3.0 Beryllium *2017-05-05* #### New features: - New component: Transfer - Now you can use our pre-defined transitions - Vertical mode for Slider, can be activated by the `vertical` attribute, #4410 (by @devange) - Button style for CheckboxGroup, #3697 (by @mdartic) - Table - Added `setCurrentRow` method, #4390 - Added summary row, with three attributes: `show-summary`, `sum-text` and `summary-method`, #4484 - Added `filter-placement` attribute for TableColumn, #4491 - Dialog - Added a `before-close` hook, #4432 - Added `visible` attribute, which supports the `.sync` modifier, #4539 - Upload - Added `disabled` attribute, #4473 - `on-change` now also triggers when a file is added, #4447 - Added `abort` method - Switch now supports `on-value` and `off-value`, so that you can customize its values, #4403 - DatePicker - Added `default-value` attribute for initially displayed date in the dropdown, #4222 (by @wacky6) - `type` now supports dynamic updates, #4417 (by @coffeedeveloper) - Added `label` attribute for CarouselItem, #4317 (by @paul-blundell) - `message` of MessageBox now supports VNode, #4550 - `current-page` of Pagination `current-page` now supports `.sync`, #4539 - Added `label` slot for Form, so you can customize label's content, #4634 #### Fixes: - Compatibility issues of Select and Table with Vue 2.3.x, #4518 - `disabledDate` of DatePicker having no effect on typed value in the input box, #4309 - An issue when the key of a Tree node is number 0, #4415 - TimePicker number not align when picked, #4425 (by @pengchongfu) - Autocomplete frequently triggering searching method when typing Chinese, #4393 (by @qazbnm456) - Upload - not able to select the same file multiple times, #4461 - not displaying preview image when is `auto-upload` false, #4572 - some style errors, #4643 - Style bug of RadioGroup when nested in a FormItem, #4336 - ColorPicker not clear the color panel when bound value is emptied, #4668 (by @pengchongfu) - `show-overflow-tooltip` of Table not working in Safari, #4157 (by @renxia) #### Breaking changes: - Only compatible with Vue 2.3.0+ ### 1.2.9 *2017-04-19* - Fixed RadioButton not working properly when some texts on the page are selected, #4217 - Fixed the toggle-all checkbox of Tree not working in some browsers, #4107 (by @pengchongfu) - Fixed Cascader clear button not working, #4167 (by @pengchongfu) - Fixed router switching error when the page has a Table with Tooltips, #4085 - Fixed Upload not able to remove selected files, #4233 - Added `onClick` attribute for Notification, #4221 (by @amouillard) - Fixed binding value of DatePicker becoming undefined when cleared, #4186 (by @pengchongfu) - Fixed style error of ColorPicker when nested in a FormItem, #4303 - Added `enterable` attribute for Tooltip, #4210 ### 1.2.8 *2017-04-07* - Fixed `resetFields` of Form reassigning form items, #3840 (by @pengchongfu) - Added `max` and `min` attributes for CheckboxGroup, #3700 (by @mdartic) - Fixed DatePicker adding one to picked month in some specific days, #3935 - Added `closeAll` method for Message, #3966 (by @pengchongfu) - Added `format-tooltip` attribute for Slider, #3657 (by @liyanlong) - Fixed filter panel of Table being when nested in a Dialog, #4023 (by @liyanlong) - Fixed single Select unable to create new items in Vue 2.2.x, #3984 - Fixed Row disappearing in all breakpoints if its `span` is set to 0 in some breakpoints, #4053 ### 1.2.7 *2017-03-29* - Fixed Select not compatible with Vue 2.2.6, #3797 - Improve performance for rendering tooltip in Table, #3478 - Add `tooltip-effect` property for Table ### 1.2.6 *2017-03-28* - Fixed Switch compatible with SSR, #3752 - Fixed the time of TimePicker calculating incorrectly, #3479 - Fixed the week of DatePicker formatting incorrectly, #2774 - Fixed the week of DatePicker initializing incorrectly, #3058 - Fixed the events of Popover destroying incorrectly, #3555 - Fixed InputNumber setInterval, #3514 (by @pengchongfu) - Fixed RadioButton css files, #3276 - Fixed hover style on striped Table, #3696 (by @nicoeg) - Fixed Slider's button jumping left issue, #3664 (by @gabrielboliveira) - Added `delete-tag` event for Select, #3663 (by @pengchongfu) - Added `onPick` option for DatePicker, #2921 - Added `status` for Step, #3722 - Added full example for on-demand importing, #3302 ### 1.2.5 *2017-03-19* - Added `show-tooltip` property for Slider, #3430 (by @gabrielboliveira) - Fixed Slider precision not updating when `step` is updated, #3475 (by @gabrielboliveira) - Fixed a bug that when the window is at the criticality of showing the scrollbar, the popup of Tooltip inside a Table will cause the Table to shake horizontally, #3549 - Fixed Table automatically shrinking vertically in some conditions, #3539 - Fixed popup components inside a Popover not hiding when blank area is clicked, #3451 (by @nicoeg) - Now Col will hide itself if its `xs`, `sm`, `md` or `lg` is set to 0, #3564 ### 1.2.4 *2017-03-09* - Fixed Carousel not responding to dynamic data updates, #3159 - Fixed `cell-dblclick` of Table not firing issue, #3305 - Fixed disabled Cascader not displaying initial value, #3297 - Fixed Slider not correctly displaying initial value when `show-input` is true, #3281 - Fixed Tooltip error in server-side rendering, #3214 - Fixed `range-separator` of DatePicker not working issue, #3378 - Added support for dynamically update loading text of Loading directive, #3345 (by @imyzf) - Added `http-request` attribute for Upload, #3387 - Added support for hiding col if its `span` is 0, #3313 ### 1.2.3 *2017-03-01* - Fixed Tooltip, #3152 ### 1.2.2 *2017-02-28* - Fixed compatibility issues with Vue 2.2, #3002 #3067 #3097 - Fixed Cascader's dropdown hiding behind Dialog when nested in a Dialog, #3035 - Fixed incorrect parameter of `change` event of Cascader, #3014 - Add `change` event for ColorPicker, #3049 (by @nicoeg) - Fixed `setCheckedKeys` method of Tree not working on non-leaf nodes, #2967 (by @rainyLeo) - Fixed Tooltip not compatible with `router-link`, #3143 ### 1.2.1 *2017-02-23* - Fixed SSR regression in version 1.2.0, #2982 - Fixed horizontal scroll buttons not showing in Tabs, #2974 - Fixed wrong calculation of height after the `height` attribute is updated dynamically in Table, #2979 - Added `cell-dblclick` and `header-dragend` events for Table, #2983 #2988 - Fixed form items showing a left padding inside an inline Form with a specified `label-width`, #2990 - Fixed Cascader's dropdown misplaces in some conditions, #2992 ### 1.2.0 Lithium *2017-02-22* #### New features: - Two brand new components: Cascader and ColorPicker - New attributes `editable` and `addable`, and new events `tab-add` and `edit` for Tabs - Language config files in UMD format - New events `node-expand` and `node-collapse` for Tree, #2507 (by @masterzhang) - New attribute `indent` for Tree, #2713 - Dialog's title now supports named slot, #2657 - New attribute `range` for Slider, #2751 - Upload - Attribute `auto-upload` that controls if files are uploaded immediately after selecting, and its default value is `true` - Event `on-change` that fires when file status changes - Attribute `list-type` that configures the appearance of file list - Scroll bars in Autocomplete are made prettier #### Fixes: - Carousel not responding to contents' update, #2775 - Numbers in TimePicker not align in some conditions, #2948 - TimePicker only responding to odd clicks in some conditions, #2884 (by @k55k32) - Tabs' display order error when tab-pane is dynamically changed, #2898 - Menu highlighting menu-item when `default-active` is assigned to an non-existent item - Collapse's style issue when nested #### Breaking changes: - Tooltip is refactored, no additional HTML tags will be rendered so that the structures of nested component stay unchanged, #2459 - The backdrop of Dialog now inserts to body element by default, #2556 - Tabs don't maintain tab instances internally any more, so they should be handled externally via events emitted by Tabs, #2567 - Upload is refactored - `default-file-list` renamed to `file-list`, and `show-upload-list` renamed to `show-file-list` - `thumbnail-mode` removed ### 1.1.6 *2017-01-23* - Fixed `customClass` of MessageBox affecting follow-up instances, #2472 - Fixed style issue of Select after being activated when located in a non-default-activated tab pane inside Tabs, #2466 - Fixed style missing issue for some components when imported on demand - Fixed disabled filterable multiple Select still showing dropdown when clicked on a certain area, #2540 - Restored returning to original sorting in sortable Table columns, #2491 - Added `reset.css` in `theme-default`, #2378 - Added `range-separator` attribute for DatePicker, #2579 - Published individual component packages: Table, DatePicker, Loading, Upload and Carousel - Add Finnish (@groenroos) ### 1.1.5 *2017-01-17* - Fixed Menu not activating corresponding menu item after router switching in router mode, #2451 - Fixed `value` attribute of Collapse not supporting `Number` typed value, #2455 ### 1.1.4 *2017-01-16* - Fixed Input Number triggering `change` event when bound value is changed programmatically, #2329 - Fixed Menu not responding to `$router` changing in router mode, #2391 - Fixed Menu and Tree expanding state malfunctioning when clicked multiple times quickly, #2354 - Fixed `change` event triggering mechanism of Input Number and Checkbox Group, now they do not fire when bound value is changed programmatically - Added `on-icon-click` attribute for Input, #2414 - Added `disabled` attribute for Radio Group, #2411 - Added `accordion` attribute for Tree, #2408 - Added `show-message` attribute for Form, #2356 - Fixed sort clicking area of Table, updated default sorting related APIs, #2309 #2405 (by @njleonzhang) - Fixed `firstDayOfWeek` not working in ranged typed of DatePicker, #2353 - Fixed DatePicker displaying 1970 when initial value is null, #2388 - Fixed `filteredValue` attribute for Table, #2348 - Fixed scrollable Table's style with empty data, #2396 - Added `beforeClose` attribute for MessageBox, #2204 - Fixed filterable Select not showing dropdown when triangle icon is clicked, #2389 Breaking change - The `default-sort-prop` and `default-sort-order` attributes added in 1.1.3 are now merged into an object-typed attribute ### 1.1.3 *2017-01-09* - Fixed DatePicker not firing change event when cleared for the first time upon page load, #2167 - Fixed DatePicker year calculating error when choosing the next year, #2152 - Added `default-sort-prop` and `default-sort-order` attributes for Table, #2182 (by @njleonzhang) - Fixed filterable Select filtering other options with initial value, #2196 - Added custom i18n processing, making Element compatible with i18n plugins other than `vue-i18n`, #2129 - Added `resize` attribute for Input, #2263 (by @Kingwl) - Fixed Autocomplete not hiding dropdown when blurred, #2247 - Fixed style issues with nested Tabs, #2212 (by @Kingwl) - Fixed Tabs' tab bar locating error when non-first item is initially activated, #2192 ### 1.1.2 *2016-12-30* - Fixed `sortable` and `fixed` attribute of Table not working in Vue 2.1.7+ - Fixed Input Number not resetting on blur when input with illegal values, #2098 - Removed `title` scoped slot of Collapse, and added `title` named slot, #2100 - Fixed range selection in TimePicker not working issue - Fixed Tabs' active tab switching when a non-active tab is removed, #2106 - Fixed console error reporting when navigating Select with arrow keys, #2120 - Fixed incorrect validation timing of filterable Select in Form, #2120 ### 1.1.1 *2016-12-29* - Fixed compatibility issue with latest Vue due to compilation ### 1.1.0 Helium *2016-12-29* #### New features: - Two brand new components: Carousel and Collapse - SSR supported - Scrollbars' style inside components is upgraded - Table now supports custom templates via [scoped slots](http://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#Scoped-Slots); the good old `inline-template` is still compatible, but it's no longer recommended and is likely to be removed in the future - Table now supports expandable rows - DatePicker now supports specifying the first day of week - TimeSelect now supports `maxTime` - Autocomplete now supports `popper-class` - To customize template of Tab-Pane, now you can use the `slot` named `label` #### Fixes: - `change` event of DatePicker incorrectly triggering multiple times, #2070 - Width shaking of tab-pane while initializing, #1883 #### Breaking changes: - Only compatible with Vue 2.1.6 and beyond - Parameters of Form validateField() methods are updated - Alert's render-content attribute is removed, and now you can pass your custom template via default slot - The box models of Input and Select are updated from `block` to `inline-block` - The box model of Tabs is updated from `inline-block` to `block`, and Tab-Pane's `label-content` attribute is removed - The dropdown of Autocomplete now inserts directly to ``, not `` any more ### 1.0.9 *2016-12-27* - Fixed DatePicker incorrectly triggering input event, #1834 - Fixed Tree reporting `event is undefined` error in Firefox, #1945 - Added `change` event for DatePicker, whose parameter is the formatted value, #1841 - Added `header-align` attribute for Table, #1424 - Fixed single select Table's highlight style not removing when data is removed, #1890 - Fixed filterable Select lagging issue with more options, #1933 - Fixed multiple disabled Select not disabling removing selected options issue, #2001 - Fixed Col style not working in `xs`, #2011 - Added `value` attribute for Tab, #2008 - Fixed InputNumber `change` event incorrectly firing multiple times in some conditions, #1999 - Added `clearable` attribute for DatePicker, #1994 - Fixed Form always passing validation in async mode, #1936 ### 1.0.8 *2016-12-20* - Fixed nested Popup from event bubbling, #1677 - Fixed the issue that datetimerange-typed DatePicker can not select time, #1758 - Fixed `change` event not firing correctly of Slider, #1809 - Fixed Loading's spinner splitting while animating in some conditions, #1786 - Added `loading-text`, `no-data-text`, `no-match-text` properties and `visible-change` event for Select, #1849 - Added `popper-class` property for DatePicker, Select and Tooltip, #1806 - Added `expand-on-click-node`, `current-node-key` properties and `current-change` event for Tree, #1805 #1807 - Added the third parameter `column` for Table's `row-click` event, #1808 - Fixed an error when pages with Checkbox switching routes due to `computed` property being cached, #1860 - Added the tab instance as a parameter for TabPanel's `label-content` render function, #1857 - Added infinite submenus support for NavMenu in vertical mode, #1851 - Updated Checkbox so that it works without a binding value, #1818 - Added `onProgress` hook for Progress, #1782 - Fixed Tab not updating active bar with dynamic label, #1761 - Added `filter-change` event for Table, and `column-key` property for TableColumn, #1876 - Added `hide-on-click` property for Dropdown, #1879 ### 1.0.7 *2016-12-14* - Fixed DatePicker dropdown appears when hovering on the clear button - Fixed DatePicker displays a wrong date when its initial value is null - Added `row-contextmenu` event and `max-height` attribute for Table, #1663 #1674 - Added `customClass` attribute for MessageBox, #1707 - Added `iconClass` and `customClass` attributes for Message and Notification, #1671 - Added empty slot for Table, #1737 - Added old value as a second parameter in change event for InputNumber ### 1.0.6 *2016-12-09* - Added `disabled` attribute for Tabs, #1620 - Added `size` attribute for DatePicker input, #1440 - Fixed `datetimerange` DatePicker's panel not showing correct date if initial value is present, #1129 - Fixed DatePicker display error when switching year, #1607 - Fixed DatePicker not triggering clickoutside when its icon is clicked, #1604 - Fixed TimePicker not refreshing value after clicking the clear button, #1583 - Fixed remote filterable Select display error when its value is an object, #1593 - Fixed Select's clear button still working bug when it's `disabled`, #1619 - Fixed Switch's background color error when its `disabled` attribute is dynamically changed, #1627 - Fixed some style bugs of Table ### 1.0.5 *2016-12-06* - Fixed Select with async options and binding value displaying value instead of label, #1537 - Fixed Select reports an error when initial binding value is an empty object, #1533 - Fixed remote filtering Select not showing dropdown in some conditions, #1531 - Fixed Slider sometimes drifting a small distance after releasing dragging, #1546 - Fixed Steps style in IE9, #1543 - Added Upload generating URL for all file types, #1530 - Fixed TimeSelect style, removed flexbox, #1335 ### 1.0.4 *2016-12-02* - Added `controls` attribute for Input Number, #1473 - Fixed Checkbox Group and Radio Group async issue, #1511 #1514 - Added `offset` attribute for Notification, #1419 - Fixed Slider's value not accurate issue when dragging rapidly, #1458 - Fixed Slider incorrectly showing multiple decimal digits issue, #1450 - Fixed Select's binding value and displayed value not in sync in some conditions - Added `multiple-limit` and `allow-create` attributes for Select - Fixed Tree leaf nodes' triangle icon not disappear when expanded, #1438 - Fixed Tree's view not updating issue after fetching child nodes' data, #1439 - Fixed some Table's style issues in windows system, #1464 #1507 - Fixed Table's first column's label not showing issue when grouping table head is used with fixed columns, #1451 - Added `row-dblclick` event for Table, #1362 ### 1.0.3 *2016-11-28* - Fixed `currentPage` of Pagination not working in some cases, #1336 - Fixed `month` and `disabledDate` DatePicker's view not refreshing issue when switching year, #1158 - Fixed `readonly` DatePicker clear button not disabled issue, #1238 - Fixed Slider not working when binding value is `NaN` or `step` is smaller than 1, #1239 #1282 - Added multi-header for Table, #1312 - Added `rowStyle` for Table, #1348 - Fixed some attributes of TableColumn can not dynamically assigned issue, #1314 - Added `filter-node-method` attribute and `filter` method for Tree, #1257 - Added `getCheckedKeys` and `setCheckedKeys` methods for Tree, #1254 - Added deep nesting support for Checkbox/Radio inside Checkbox/Radio Group, #1152 - Fixed Popper not triggering destroy issue when keep-alive, #1359 - Added object deep validation for Form, #1363 - Added `append` and `prepend` for Autocomplete, #1369 - Added dynamic `pageSizes` support for Pagination, #1372 - Added custom style API for checked buttons in Radio Button, #1380 - Added assigning title via slot for Menu Group, #1382 - Fixed DatePicker year switching bug, #1385 - Added uploaded file list API for Upload, #1393 - Added multi-type support for `label` attribute of Checkbox, #1400 - Added `setChecked` method for Tree, #1422 ### 1.0.2 *2016-11-18* - Added `context` for Table to specify which context to access inside of table columns, #1161 - Added multiple languages - Fixed language's dynamic switching issue, #1160 - Added `render-content` for Alert, #568 - Added styles for focused Button, #982 - Fixed `change` triggering timing in Switch, #1162 - Fixed TimeSelect being disabled when start time is set to `00:00`, #676 - Added `show-header` attribute and `header-click` method for Table, #1195 - Improved `height` attribute for Table when set to a string, #1195 - Fixed `selection-change` of Table not triggering in some cases, #1198 - Fixed Table's fixed columns not disappear when `fixed` attribute is dynamically changed, #1182 ### 1.0.1 *2016-11-16* - Fixed Pagination improperly triggering multiple `current-change` events - Fixed Switch style when nested in a Form, #967 - Fixed Loading locks scroll of `body` in specific scenarios, #968 - `span` of Col is no longer a required attribute, and its default value is `24` if omitted - Added `disabled` and `editable` attribute for DatePicker, #976 - Fixed DatePicker readonly with native behavior, #976 - Added `close` method for Message and Notification to manually close an instance - Added clear value feature for DatePicker, #759 - Fixed Form reports an error when resetting a Date typed field, #937 - Fixed Table render error using vue-loader 9.9.0 - Added `align-center` attribute for Step, #994 - Fixed Upload missing Progress component, #1013 - Layout now supports responsive layout - Added `show-close` for Dialog - Fixed an error when `vue-i18n` is imported but not configured, #973 - Fixed DatePicker not refresh view with an initial value, #1050 - Fixed DiatePicker not refresh year when switched in month picker, #1070 - Added $loading service - Added `manual` trigger in Popover - Added props: `nodeKey`, `emptyText`, `checkStrictly`, `defaultExpandAll`, `autoExpandParent`, `defaultCheckedKeys`, `defaultExpandedKeys` and method: `setCheckedNodes` for Tree ### 1.0.0 *2016-11-9* Element 1.0.0 released.