## Tree
Display a set of data with hierarchies.
### Basic usage
Basic tree structure.
::: demo
### Selectable
Used for node selection. In the following example, data for each layer is acquired after being clicked. If there is no child data, the expanding icon will disappear.
::: demo
### Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
|---------- |-------------- |---------- |-------------------------------- |-------- |
| data | tree data | array | — | — |
| empty-text | text displayed when data is void | string | — | — |
| node-key | unique identity key name for nodes, its value should be unique across the whole tree | string | — | — |
| props | configuration options, see the following table | object | — | — |
| load | method for loading subtree data | function(node, resolve) | — | — |
| render-content | render function for tree node | Function(h, { node } | - | - |
| highlight-current | whether current node is highlighted | boolean | - | false |
| default-expand-all | whether to expand all nodes by default | boolean | - | false |
| auto-expand-parent | whether to expand father node when a child node is expanded | boolean | — | true |
| default-expand-keys | array of keys of initially expanded nodes | array | — | — |
| show-checkbox | whether node is selectable | boolean | — | false |
| check-strictly | whether checked state of a node not affects its father and child nodes when `show-checkbox` is `true` | boolean | — | false |
| default-checked-keys | array of keys of initially checked nodes | array | — | — |
### props
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
|---------- |-------------- |---------- |-------------------------------- |-------- |
| label | specify which key of node object is used as the node's label | string | — | — |
| children | specify which key of node object is used as the node's subtree | string | — | — |
### Method
`Tree` has the following method, which returns the currently selected array of nodes.
| Method | Description | Parameters |
|---------- |-------- |---------- |
| getCheckedNodes | If the node can be selected (`show-checkbox` is `true`), it returns the currently selected array of nodes | Accept a boolean type parameter whose default value is `false`.
If the parameter is `true`, it only returns the currently selected array of sub-nodes.|
| setCheckedNodes | set certain nodes to be checked, only works when `node-key` is assigned | an array of nodes to be checked |
### Events
| Event Name | Description | Parameters |
|---------- |-------- |---------- |
| node-click | triggers when a node is clicked | three parameters:
node object corresponding to the node clicked,
`node` property of TreeNode,
TreeNode itself |
| check-change | triggers when the selected state of the node changes | three parameters:
node object corresponding to the node whose selected state is changed,
whether the node is selected,
whether node's subtree has selected nodes |