## Card
Integrate information in a card container.
### Basic usage
Card includes title, content and operations.
:::demo Card is made up of `header` and `body`. `header` is optional, and its content distribution depends on a named slot.
Card nameOperation button
{{'List item ' + o }}
### Simple card
The header part can be omitted.
{{'List item ' + o }}
### With images
Display richer content by adding some configs.
:::demo The `body-style` attribute defines CSS style of custom `body`. This example also uses `el-col` for layout.
Yummy hamburger
Operating button
### Shadow
You can define when to show the card shadows
:::demo The `shadow` attribute determines when the card shadows are displayed. It can be `always`, `hover` or `never`.
### Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
|---------- |-------- |---------- |------------- |-------- |
| header | title of the card. Also accepts a DOM passed by `slot#header` | string| — | — |
| body-style | CSS style of body | object| — | { padding: '20px' } |
| shadow | when to show card shadows | string | always / hover / never | always |