## ColorPicker
ColorPicker is a color picker component that is used to solve the need to select a color in certain scenes.
### Color
:::demo ColorPicker usage is similar to DatePicker and requires v-model to bind a variable in a Vue instance. The bind variable's data type needs to be a string.
Default value
### Color and alpha
:::demo ColorPicker supports normal colors, also supports alpha-channel colors, through the show-alpha attribute to control whether to support the use of transparency.
Default value
### Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
|---------- |-------- |---------- |------------- |-------- |
| show-alpha | Whether to display the alpha slider. | Boolean | — | false |
| color-format | Write the v-model's color format. In the case of show-alpha is true, the default value is rgb, otherwise hex. | string | hsl, hsv, hex, rgb | hex |