## Progress
Progress is used to show the progress of current operation, and inform the user the current status.
### Linear progress bar
:::demo Use `percentage` attribute to set the percentage. It's **required** and must be between `0-100`. You can custom text format by setting `format`.
### Internal percentage
In this case the percentage takes no additional space.
:::demo `stroke-width` attribute decides the `width` of progress bar, and use `text-inside` attribute to put description inside the progress bar.
### Custom color
You can use `color` attr to set the progress bar color. it accepts color string, function, or array.
### Circular progress bar
:::demo You can specify `type` attribute to `circle` to use circular progress bar, and use `width` attribute to change the size of circle.
### Dashboard progress bar
You also can specify `type` attribute to `dashboard` to use dashboard progress bar.
### Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| --- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| **percentage** | percentage, **required** | number | 0-100 | 0 |
| type | the type of progress bar | string | line/circle/dashboard | line |
| stroke-width | the width of progress bar | number | — | 6 |
| text-inside | whether to place the percentage inside progress bar, only works when `type` is 'line' | boolean | — | false |
| status | the current status of progress bar | string | success/exception/warning | — |
| color | background color of progress bar. Overrides `status` prop | string/function/array | — | '' |
| width | the canvas width of circle progress bar | number | — | 126 |
| show-text | whether to show percentage | boolean | — | true |
| stroke-linecap | circle/dashboard type shape at the end path | string | butt/round/square | round |
| format | custom text format | function(percentage) | — | — |
| define-back-color | background color of progress bar (hex format) | string | — | — |
| text-color | text color of progress bar (hex format) | string | — | — |