diff --git a/CHANGELOG.en-US.md b/CHANGELOG.en-US.md
index ba08690f2..2bb90d2b0 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.en-US.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.en-US.md
@@ -1,15 +1,100 @@
## Changelog
-### 2.0.0-rc.1
+### 2.0.0
#### New features
-- Form
- - Added `clearValidate` method for clearing validating results for all form items, #7623
+- General
+ - A new theme: `theme-chalk`
+ - Accessibility of the following components are improved: Alert, AutoComplete, Breadcrumb, Button, Checkbox, Collapse, Input, InputNumber, Menu, Progress, Radio, Rate, Slider, Switch, Upload
+ - Added TypeScript typings
+ - All existing icons are redesigned. Some new icons are added
+ - Added a series of breakpoint-based utility classes that hide elements when the viewport size meets certain conditions
+ - Added layout components: Container, Header, Aside, Main, Footer
+ - Now you can configure component sizes globally. When importing Element, you can add a global config object with a `size` prop to configure default sizes for all components.
+- Button
+ - Added `round` attribute. It's used for round-cornered Buttons #6643
+- TimeSelect
+ - Now can be navigated by `Up` and `Down`, and hitting `Enter` selects the time #6023
+- TimePicker
+ - Now can be navigated by arrow keys, and hitting `Enter` selects the time #6050
+ - Added `start-placeholder` and `end-placeholder`. They're placeholders for the two input boxes in range mode #7169
+ - Added `arrow-control` attribute to spin the time with arrows #7438
+- Tree
+ - Now child nodes don't render before the first expand #6257
+ - Added `check-descendants` attribute. It determines if child nodes are checked when checking their parent node in `lazy` mode #6235
+- Tag
+ - Added `size` attribute #7203
+- Datepicker
+ - Now `timeFormat` can format the TimePicker when type is set to `datetimerange` #6052
+ - Added `start-placeholder` and `end-placeholder`. They're placeholders for the two input boxes in range mode #7169
+ - Added `value-format` attribute to customize the format of the binding value, #7367
+ - Added `unlink-panels` attribute to unlink the two date panels when selecting a date range
- MessageBox
+ - Added `closeOnHashChange` attribute #6043
+ - Added `center` attribute so that the content can be centered #7029
+ - Added `roundButton` attribute to display round Buttons #7029
+ - Added `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` attribute. When set to `true`, `message` will be parsed as HTML string* #6043
- Added `inputType` attribute to assign type for the inner input box, #7651
+- Dialog
+ - Added `width`、`fullscreen`、`append-to-body` attributes. Now Dialog can be nested
+ - Added `center` attribute so that the content can be centered #7042
+ - Added `focus-after-closed`、`focus-after-open` to improve accessibility #6511
+- ColorPicker
+ - Now you can type colors in the input box #6167
+ - Added `size` and `disabled` attributes #7026
+ - Added `popper-class` attribute #7351
+- Message
+ - Now color of the icons can be overridden by CSS #6207
+ - Added `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` attribute. When set to `true`, `message` will be parsed as HTML string* #6207
+ - Added `center` attribute so that the content can be centered #6875
+- Notification
+ - Added `position` attribute to configure where Notification pops up #6231
+ - Added `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` attribute. When set to `true`, `message` will be parsed as HTML string* #6231
+ - Added `showClose` attribute to hide the close button #6402
+- Rate
+ - Added `show-score` attribute to determine if current score is displayed #6295
+- Tabs
+ - Added `tab-position` attribute #6096
+- Radio
+ - Added `border` and `size` attributes #6690
+- Checkbox
+ - Added `border` and `size` attributes #6690
+- Alert
+ - Added `center` attribute so that the content can be centered #6876
+- Menu
+ - Added `background-color`, `text-color` and `active-text-color` attributes #7064
+ - Added `open` and `close` methods to open and close SubMenu programmatically, #7412
+- Form
+ - Added `inline-message` attribute to determine if the validation message is displayed in inline style #7032
+ - Added `status-icon` attribute to display a feedback icon when validated #7032
+ - Form and FormItem now have a `size` attribute. Inner components will inherit this size if not specified on themselves, #7428
+ - `validate` method will now return a promise if the callback is omitted, #7405
+ - Added `clearValidate` method for clearing validating results for all form items, #7623
+- Input
+ - Added `suffix` and `prefix` named slots, `suffixIcon` and `prefixIcon` attributes to add contents inside the input box #7032
+- Breadcrumb
+ - Added `separator-class` attribute to support icons as item separators #7203
+- Steps
+ - Added `simple` attribute to activate simple-styled Steps #7274
+- Pagination
+ - Added `prev-text` and `next-text` attributes to customize texts of previous page and next page #7005
+- Loading
+ - Now you can customize spinner icon and background color with `spinner` and `background` prop, #7390
+- Autocomplete
+ - Added `debounce` attribute, #7413
+- Upload
+ - Added `limit` and `on-exceed` attributes to limit the amount of files, #7405
+- DateTimePicker
+ - Added `time-arrow-control` attribute to activate `arrow-control` of the nesting TimePicker, #7438
+- Layout
+ - Added a new breakpoint `xl` for viewport wider than 1920px
- Table
+ - Added `span-method` attribute for merging cells
+ - Added `clearSort` method to clear sorting programmatically
+ - Added `clearFilter` method to clear filter programmatically
+ - For expandable rows, when a row is expanded, a `.expanded` class will be added to its class list, so that you can customize its style
- Added `size` attribute
- Added `toggleRowExpansion` method to expand or collapse expandable rows programmatically
- Added `cell-class-name` attribute to assign class name for cells
@@ -20,237 +105,74 @@
- Added `header-cell-style` attribute to style header cells
- TableColumn's `prop` attribute now accepts `object[key]` notations
- Added `index` attribute for TableColumn to customize row indices
-#### Fixes
-- Table
- - Fixed a dynamic `max-height` bug
- - Fixed some style calculation errors
-#### Breaking changes
-- Autocomplete
- - Removed `props` attribute. Now you can use `value-key` attribute to designate key name of the input suggestion
-object for display
-- Table
- - `append` slot is moved outside the `tbody` element to avoid multiple rendering
- - `expand` event is renamed to `expand-change`
- - The params of `row-class-name` and `row-style` method is now an object
-### 2.0.0-beta.1
-#### New features
-- General
- - Added TypeScript typings
- - All existing icons are redesigned. Some new icons are added.
- - To help you migrate from Element 1.x, we added some console warnings against deprecated APIs. When you use a removed or renamed attribute or event in your project, you'll get a warning like this:
- ```
- [Element Migrating][ElSwitch][Attribute]: on-color is renamed to active-color.
- ```
- - Added a series of breakpoint-based utility classes that hide elements when the viewport size meets certain conditions
-- Layout
- - Added a new breakpoint `xl` for viewport wider than 1920px
-- Table
- - Added `span-method` attribute for merging cells
- - Added `clearSort` method to clear sorting programmatically
- - Added `clearFilter` method to clear filter programmatically
- - For expandable rows, when a row is expanded, a `.expanded` class will be added to its class list, so that you can customize its styles
-- DatePicker
- - Added `unlink-panels` attribute to unlink the two date panels when selecting a date range
- Select
- Added `reserve-keyword` attribute for reserving current search keyword after selecting an option
-#### Fixes
+#### Bug fixes
+- DatePicker
+ - Fixed `v-model` returning the second day of the selected week in week mode #6038
+ - Fixed the first input being cleared in `daterange` type #6021
+- DateTimePicker
+ - Fixed DateTimePicker and TimePicker affecting each other when picked #6090
+ - Fixed hour and second can be beyond limit when selecting time #6076
+- TimePicker
+ - Fixed `v-model` not update correctly when blurred #6023
+- Dialog
+ - Fixed texts having blurry edges when opening and closing nesting dropdowns #6088
+- Select
+ - Improved performance. Now Vue dev-tool won't crash when a large number of Selects are destroyed #6151
- Table
- - Now `header-align` of TableColumn works properly
- Fixed a bug that Table remains hiding when its parent element appears from `display: none`
- Fixed Table expanding its width when its parent element has `display: flex`
- Fixed a bug that fixed columns of a Table with `append` slot would disappear when data is dynamically fetched
- Fixed `expand-row-keys` attribute not working with initial value
- Fixed filter failing when `data` updates
- Fixed a calculation error of fixed columns layout with grouped headers
+ - Fixed a dynamic `max-height` bug
+ - Fixed some style calculation errors
#### Breaking changes
+- General
+ - Removed `theme-default`
+ - Compatible with Vue 2.5.2+ and IE 10+
+ - `change` event of form components and `current-change` event of Pagination now only trigger on user interaction
+ - `size` attribute of Button and form components now accept `medium`, `small` and `mini`
+ - To facilitate the use of third-party icons, `icon` attribute of Button and Steps, `prefix-icon` and `suffix-icon` attributes of Input now require a full class name
+- Dialog
+ - Removed `size` attribute. Now the size of Dialog can be configured by `width` and `fullscreen`
+ - Now the visibility of Dialog cannot be controlled by `v-model`
+- Rate
+ - `text-template` is renamed to `score-template`
+- Dropdown
+ - `menu-align` is renamed to `placement`. Now it supports more positions
+- Transfer
+ - `footer-format` is renamed to `format`
- Switch
- Attributes starting with `on-*` will be parsed to events in JSX, making all `on-*` attributes of Switch not
-able to work in JSX. So `on-*` attributes are renamed to `active-*`, and accordingly `off-*` attributes are renamed to `inactive-*`. This change affects the following attributes: `on-icon-class`, `off-icon-class`, `on-text`, `off-text`, `on-color`, `off-color`, `on-value`, `off-value`
+ able to work in JSX. So `on-*` attributes are renamed to `active-*`, and accordingly `off-*` attributes are renamed to `inactive-*`. This change affects the following attributes: `on-icon-class`, `off-icon-class`, `on-text`, `off-text`, `on-color`, `off-color`, `on-value`, `off-value`
+ - `active-text` and `inactive-text` attributes now don't have default values
+- Tag
+ - `type` attribute now accepts `success`, `info`, `warning` and `danger`
+- Menu
+ - Removed `theme` attribute. The color of Menu can be configured using `background-color`, `text-color` and `active-text-color`
+- Input
+ - Removed `icon` attribute. Now the suffix icon can be configured using `suffix-icon` attribute or `suffix` named slot
+ - Removed `on-icon-click` attribute and `click` event. Now to add click handler on icons, please use named slots
+ - `change` event now behaves like the native input element, which triggers only on blur or pressing enter. If you need to respond to user input in real time, you can use `input` event.
+- Autocomplete
+ - Removed `custom-item` attribute. Now the template of input suggestions can be customized using `scoped slot`
+ - Removed `props` attribute. Now you can use `value-key` attribute to designate key name of the input suggestion object for display
+- Steps
+ - Removed `center` attribute
+ - Now the Steps will fill its parent container by default
+- DatePicker
+ - The params of DatePicker's `change` event is now the binding value itself. Its format is controlled by `value-format`
- Table
+ - Removed support for customizing column template using `inline-template`
- `sort-method` now aligns with `Array.sort`. It should return a number instead of a boolean
-### 2.0.0-alpha.3
-#### New features
-- General
-- Configure component sizes globally. Now when you import Element, you can add a global config object with a `size` prop to configure default sizes for all components. For fully import:
-import Vue from 'vue'
-import Element from 'element-ui'
-Vue.use(Element, { size: 'small' })
-For partial import:
-import Vue from 'vue'
-import { Button } from 'element-ui'
-Vue.prototype.$ELEMENT = { size: 'small' }
-With the above config, the default size of all components that have `size` attribute will be 'small'.
-- Loading
-- Now you can customize spinner icon and background color with `spinner` and `background` prop, #7390
-- Autocomplete
-- Added `debounce` attribute, #7413
-- Upload
-- Added `limit` and `on-exceed` attributes to limit the amount of files, #7405
-- Menu
-- Added `open` and `close` methods to open and close SubMenu programmatically, #7412
-- DatePicker
-- Added `value-format` attribute to customize the format of the binding value, #7367
-- TimePicker
-- Added `arrow-control` attribute to spin the time with arrows #7438
-- DateTimePicker
-- Added `time-arrow-control` attribute to activate `arrow-control` of the nesting TimePicker, #7438
-- Form
-- Form and Form-item now have a `size` attribute. Inner components will inherit this size if not specified on themselves, #7428
-- `validate` method will now return a promise if the callback is omitted, #7405
-#### Fixes
-- Fixed the console warning `Injection "elFormItem" not found` of some components
-#### Breaking changes
-- The params of DatePicker's `change` event is now the binding value itself. Its format is controlled by `value-format`
-- Input's `change` event now behaves like the native input element, which triggers only on blur or pressing enter. If you need to respond to user input in real time, you can use `input` event.
-- Only compatible with Vue 2.5.2 and beyond
-### 2.0.0-alpha.2
-- Updated the primary color of `theme-chalk`, #7351
-- Fixed console error when using Dropdown, #7322
-- Fixed console error when using Menu, #7321
-- Added `popper-class` attribute for ColorPicker, #7351
-- Now Button's `disabled` attribute works correctly, #7352
-### 2.0.0-alpha.1
-#### New features
-- General
-- A new theme: `theme-chalk`
-- Accessibility of the following components are improved: Alert, AutoComplete, Breadcrumb, Button, Checkbox, Collapse, Input, InputNumber, Menu, Progress, Radio, Rate, Slider, Switch, Upload
-- Layout components: Container, Header, Aside, Main, Footer
-- Button
-- Added `round` attribute. It's used for round-cornered Buttons #6643
-- TimeSelect
-- Now can be navigated by `Up` and `Down`, and hitting `Enter` selects the time #6023
-- TimePicker
-- Now can be navigated by arrow keys, and hitting `Enter` selects the time #6050
-- Added `start-placeholder` and `end-placeholder`. They're placeholders for the two input boxes in range mode #7169
-- Tree
-- Now child nodes don't render before the first expand #6257
-- Added `check-descendants` attribute. It determines if child nodes are checked when checking their parent node
-in `lazy` mode #6235
-- Tag
-- Added `size` attribute #7203
-- Datepicker
-- Now `timeFormat` can format the TimePicker when type is set to `datetimerange` #6052
-- Added `start-placeholder` and `end-placeholder`. They're placeholders for the two input boxes in range mode #7169
-- MessageBox
-- Added `closeOnHashChange` attribute #6043
-- Added `center` attribute so that the content can be centered #7029
-- Added `roundButton` attribute to display round Buttons #7029
-- Added `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` attribute. When set to `true`, `message` will be parsed as HTML string* #6043
-- Dialog
-- Added `width`、`fullscreen`、`append-to-body` attributes. Now Dialog can be nested
-- Added `center` attribute so that the content can be centered #7042
-- Added `focus-after-closed`、`focus-after-open` to improve accessibility #6511
-- ColorPicker
-- Now you can type colors in the input box #6167
-- Added `size` and `disabled` attributes #7026
-- Message
-- Now color of the icons can be overridden by CSS #6207
-- Added `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` attribute. When set to `true`, `message` will be parsed as HTML string* #6207
-- Added `center` attribute so that the content can be centered #6875
-- Notification
-- Added `position` attribute to configure where Notification pops up #6231
-- Added `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` attribute. When set to `true`, `message` will be parsed as HTML string* #6231
-- Added `showClose` attribute to hide the close button #6402
-- Rate
-- Added `show-score` attribute to determine if current score is displayed #6295
-- Tabs
-- Added `tab-position` attribute #6096
-- Radio
-- Improved accessibility #6101
-- Added `border` and `size` attributes #6690
-- Checkbox
-- Added `border` and `size` attributes #6690
-- Alert
-- Added `center` attribute so that the content can be centered #6876
-- Menu
-- Added `background-color`, `text-color` and `active-text-color` attributes #7064
-- Form
-- Added `inline-message` attribute to determine if the validation message is displayed in inline style #7032
-- Added `status-icon` attribute to display a feedback icon when validated #7032
-- Input
-- Added `suffix` and `prefix` named slots, `suffixIcon` and `prefixIcon` attributes to add contents inside the input box #7032
-- Breadcrumb
-- Added `separator-class` attribute to support icons as item separators #7203
-- Steps
-- Added `simple` attribute to activate simple-styled Steps #7274
-- Pagination
-- Added `prev-text` and `next-text` attributes to customize texts of prev page and next page #7005
-#### Bug fixes
-- DatePicker
-- Fixed `v-model` returning the second day of the selected week in week mode #6038
-- Fixed the first input being cleared in `daterange` type #6021
-- DateTimePicker
-- Fixed DateTimePicker and TimePicker affecting each other when picked #6090
-- Fixed hour and second can be beyond limit when selecting time #6076
-- TimePicker
-- Fixed `v-model` not update correctly when blurred #6023
-- Dialog
-- Fixed texts having blurry edges when opening and closing nesting dropdowns #6088
-- Select
-- Improved performance. Now Vue dev-tool won't crash when a large number of Selects are destroyed #6151
-#### Breaking changes
-- General
-- Removed `theme-default`
-- `change` event of form components and `current-change` event of Pagination now only trigger on user interaction
-- `size` attribute of Button and form components can no longer be set to `large`. Now they accept `medium`, `small` and `mini`
-- To facilitate the use of third-party icons, `icon` attribute of Button and Steps, `prefix-icon` and `suffix-icon` attributes of Input now require a full class name
-- Dialog
-- Removed `size` attribute. Now the size of Dialog can be configured by `width` and `fullscreen`
-- Now the visibility of Dialog cannot be controlled by `v-model`
-- Rate
-- `text-template` is renamed to `score-template`
-- Dropdown
-- `menu-align` is renamed to `placement`. Now it supports more positions
-- Transfer
-- `footer-format` is renamed to `format`
-- Switch
-- `on-text` and `off-text` attributes now don't have default values
-- Tag
-- `type` attribute now accepts `success`, `info`, `warning` and `danger`
-- `close-transition` is renamed to `disable-transitions`
-- Menu
-- Removed `theme` attribute. The color of Menu can be configured using `background-color`, `text-color` and `active-text-color`
-- Input
-- Removed `icon` attribute. Now the suffix icon can be configured using `suffix-icon` attribute or `suffix` named slot
-- Removed `on-icon-click` attribute and `click` event. Now to add click handler on icons, please use named slots
-- Autocomplete
-- Removed `icon` and `on-icon-click` attributes. Now the icons can be configured using `prefix` or `suffix` named slot
-- Removed `custom-item` attribute. Now the template of input suggestions can be customized using `scoped slot`
-- Table
-- Removed support for customizing column template using `inline-template`
-- Steps
-- Removed `center` attribute
-- Now the Steps will fill its parent container by default
+ - `append` slot is moved outside the `tbody` element to avoid multiple rendering
+ - `expand` event is renamed to `expand-change`
+ - The params of `row-class-name` and `row-style` method is now an object
* Dynamically rendering arbitrary HTML on your website can be very dangerous because it can easily lead to [XSS attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_scripting). So when `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` is on, please make sure the content of `message` is trusted, and **never** assign `message` to user-provided content.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.zh-CN.md b/CHANGELOG.zh-CN.md
index 90f94bb75..a50ebe439 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.zh-CN.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.zh-CN.md
@@ -1,140 +1,18 @@
## 更新日志
-### 2.0.0-rc.1
+### 2.0.0
-#### 新特性
-- Form
- - 新增 `clearValidate` 方法,用于清空所有表单项的验证信息,#7623
-- MessageBox
- - 新增 `inputType` 属性,用户指定内部输入框的类型,#7651
-- Table
- - 新增 `size` 属性,用于控制表格尺寸
- - 新增 `toggleRowExpansion` 方法,用于手动展开或关闭行
- - 新增 `cell-class-name` 属性,用于指定单元格的类名
- - 新增 `cell-style` 属性,用于指定单元格的样式
- - 新增 `header-row-class-name` 属性,用于指定表头行的类名
- - 新增 `header-row-style` 属性,用于指定表头行的样式
- - 新增 `header-cell-class-name` 属性,用于指定表头单元格的类名
- - 新增 `header-cell-style` 属性,用于指定表头单元格的样式
- - TableColumn 的 `prop` 属性支持 `object[key]` 格式
- - TableColumn 新增 `index` 属性,用于自定义索引值
-#### 修复
-- Table
- - 修复 `max-height` 变更后无法恢复的问题
- - 修复一些样式上的计算错误
-#### 非兼容性更新
-- Autocomplete
- - 移除 `props` 属性,现在使用 `value-key` 属性指定输入建议对象中用于显示的键名
-- Table
- - 将 `append` slot 移至 `tbody` 元素以外,以保证其只被渲染一次
- - `expand` 事件更名为 `expand-change`,以保证 API 的命名一致性
- - `row-class-name` 和 `row-style` 的函数参数改为对象,以保证 API 的一致性
-### 2.0.0-beta.1
-#### 新特性
-- 综合
- - 新增 TypeScript 类型声明
- - 重绘了全部图标,并新增了部分图标
- - 为部分非兼容性更新增加控制台警告,方便迁移项目。当你在项目中使用了被移除或更名了的属性或事件时,控制台会出现一条警告,例如:
- ```
- [Element Migrating][ElSwitch][Attribute]: on-color is renamed to active-color.
- ```
- - 新增了一系列基于断点的工具类,用于当视口尺寸满足一定条件时隐藏元素
-- Layout
- - 新增断点 `xl`,适用于宽度大于 1920px 的视口
-- Table
- - 新增 `span-method` 属性,用于合并行或列
- - 新增 `clearSort` 方法,用于清空排序状态
- - 新增 `clearFilter` 方法,用于清空过滤状态
- - 对于可展开行,当该行展开时会获得一个 `.expanded` 类名,方便自定义样式
-- DatePicker
- - 新增 `unlink-panels` 属性,用于在选择日期范围时取消两个日期面板之间的联动
-- Select
- - 新增 `reserve-keyword` 属性,用于在选择某个选项后保留当前的搜索关键词
-#### 修复
-- Table
- - 修复 TableColumn 的 `header-align` 属性失效的问题
- - 修复 Table 在父元素从 `display: none` 变成其他状态时会隐藏的问题
- - 修复 Table 在父元素为 `display: flex` 时可能出现的宽度逐渐变大的问题
- - 修复 `append` 具名 slot 和固定列并存时,动态获取表格数据会导致固定列消失的问题
- - 修复 `expand-row-keys` 属性初始化无效的问题
- - 修复 `data` 改变时过滤条件失效的问题
- - 修复多级表头时固定列隐藏情况计算错误的问题
-#### 非兼容性更新
-- Switch
- - 由于 `on-*` 属性在 JSX 中会被识别为事件,导致 Switch 所有 `on-*` 属性在 JSX 中无法正常工作,所以 `on-*` 属性更名为 `active-*`,对应地,`off-*` 属性更名为 `inactive-*`。受到影响的属性有:`on-icon-class`、`off-icon-class`、`on-text`、`off-text`、`on-color`、`off-color`、`on-value`、`off-value`
-- Table
- - `sort-method` 现在和 `Array.sort` 保持一致的逻辑,要求返回一个数字。
-### 2.0.0-alpha.3
-#### 新特性
-- 综合
- - 新增全局配置组件尺寸的功能:在引入 Element 时,配置 `size` 字段可以改变所有组件的默认尺寸。当完整引入 Element 时:
- ```JS
- import Vue from 'vue'
- import Element from 'element-ui'
- Vue.use(Element, { size: 'small' })
- ```
- 当按需引入 Element 时:
- ```JS
- import Vue from 'vue'
- import { Button } from 'element-ui'
- Vue.prototype.$ELEMENT = { size: 'small' }
- Vue.use(Button)
- ```
- 按照以上设置,项目中所有拥有 `size` 属性的组件的默认尺寸均为 'small'。
-- Loading
- - 配置对象新增 `spinner` 和 `background` 字段,支持自定义加载图标和背景色,#7390
-- Autocomplete
- - 新增 `debounce` 属性,#7413
-- Upload
- - 新增 `limit` 和 `on-exceed` 属性,支持对上传文件的个数进行限制,#7405
-- Menu
- - 新增 `open` 和 `close` 方法,支持手动打开和关闭 SubMenu,#7412
-- DatePicker
- - 新增 `value-format` 属性,支持对绑定值的格式进行自定义,#7367
-- TimePicker
- - 新增 `arrow-control` 属性,提供另一种交互形式,#7438
-- DateTimePicker
- - 新增 `time-arrow-control` 属性,用于开启时间选择器的 `arrow-control`,#7438
-- Form
- - Form 和 Form-item 新增 `size` 属性,用于控制表单内组件的尺寸,#7428
- - `validate` 方法在不传入 callback 的情况下返回 promise,#7405
-#### 修复
- - 修复部分组件的 `Injection "elFormItem" not found` 报错
-#### 非兼容性更新
- - DatePicker 的 `change` 事件参数现在为组件的绑定值,格式由 `value-format` 控制
- - Input 组件的 `change` 事件现在仅在输入框失去焦点或用户按下回车时触发,与原生 input 元素一致。如果需要实时响应用户的输入,可以使用 `input` 事件
- - 最低兼容 Vue 2.5.2 版本
-### 2.0.0-alpha.2
-- 修正 `theme-chalk` 的主色,#7351
-- 修复使用 Dropdown 时控制台报错的问题,#7322
-- 修复使用 Menu 时控制台报错的问题,#7321
-- ColorPicker 新增 `popper-class` 属性,#7351
-- 修复 Button 的 `disabled` 属性无效的问题,#7352
-### 2.0.0-alpha.1
#### 新特性
- 综合
- 新增 `theme-chalk` 主题
- 增强以下组件的可访问性:Alert、AutoComplete、Breadcrumb、Button、Checkbox、Collapse、Input、InputNumber、Menu、Progress、Radio、Rate、Slider、Switch 和 Upload
- 新增布局组件 Container、Header、Aside、Main 和 Footer
+ - 新增 TypeScript 类型声明
+ - 重绘了全部图标,并新增了部分图标
+ - 新增了一系列基于断点的工具类,用于当视口尺寸满足一定条件时隐藏元素
+ - 新增全局配置组件尺寸的功能。在引入 Element 时,配置 `size` 字段可以改变所有组件的默认尺寸
- Button
- 新增 `round` 属性,用于圆角按钮 #6643
- TimeSelect
@@ -142,6 +20,7 @@
- TimePicker
- 可以用方向键导航,用 `Enter` 选中时间 #6050
- 新增 `start-placeholder` 和 `end-placeholder`,用于设置范围选择时两个输入框的占位符 #7169
+ - 新增 `arrow-control` 属性,提供另一种交互形式,#7438
- Tree
- 子节点在首次被展开之前不进行渲染 #6257
- 新增 `check-descendants` 属性,设置 `lazy` 模式下勾选节点时,是否完全展开整个子树 #6235
@@ -150,11 +29,14 @@
- Datepicker
- type 为 `datetimerange` 时可以使用 `timeFormat` 格式化时间选择器 #6052
- 新增 `start-placeholder` 和 `end-placeholder`,用于设置范围选择时两个输入框的占位符 #7169
+ - 新增 `value-format` 属性,支持对绑定值的格式进行自定义,#7367
+ - 新增 `unlink-panels` 属性,用于在选择日期范围时取消两个日期面板之间的联动
- MessageBox
- 新增 `closeOnHashChange` 属性 #6043
- 新增 `center` 属性,提供居中布局 #7029
- 新增 `roundButton` 属性,使得内部按钮为圆角按钮 #7029
- 新增 `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` 属性,使得 `message` 支持传入 HTML 字符串* #6043
+ - 新增 `inputType` 属性,用户指定内部输入框的类型,#7651
- Dialog
- 新增 `width`、`fullscreen`、`append-to-body` 属性,支持嵌套使用
- 新增 `center` 属性,提供居中布局 #7042
@@ -163,6 +45,7 @@
- 增加手动输入色值的支持 #6167
- 新增 `size` 属性,用于控制组件的大小 #7026
- 新增 `disabled` 属性,用于禁用组件 #7026
+ - 新增 `popper-class` 属性,#7351
- Message
- 图标部分使用 icon 代替图片,从而支持通过 CSS 修改图标背景色 #6207
- 新增 `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` 属性,使得 `message` 属性支持传入 HTML 字符串* #6207
@@ -183,9 +66,13 @@
- 新增 `center` 属性,提供居中布局 #6876
- Menu
- 新增 `background-color`、`text-color` 和 `active-text-color` 属性,分别用于设置菜单的背景色、菜单的文字颜色和当前激活菜单的文字颜色 #7064
+ - 新增 `open` 和 `close` 方法,支持手动打开和关闭 SubMenu,#7412
- Form
- 新增 `inline-message` 属性,设置后校验信息会以行内样式显示 #7032
- 新增 `status-icon` 属性,用于在输入框中显示校验结果反馈图标 #7032
+ - Form 和 FormItem 新增 `size` 属性,用于控制表单内组件的尺寸,#7428
+ - `validate` 方法在不传入 callback 的情况下返回 promise,#7405
+ - 新增 `clearValidate` 方法,用于清空所有表单项的验证信息,#7623
- Input
- 新增 `suffix`、`prefix` 的 slot,以及 `suffixIcon`、`prefixIcon` 属性,用于给输入框内部增加前置和后置内容 #7032
- Breadcrumb
@@ -194,6 +81,33 @@
- 新增 `simple` 属性,用于开启简洁风格的步骤条 #7274
- Pagination
- 新增 `prev-text` 和 `next-text` 属性,用于自定义上一页和下一页的文本 #7005
+- Loading
+ - 配置对象新增 `spinner` 和 `background` 字段,支持自定义加载图标和背景色,#7390
+- Autocomplete
+ - 新增 `debounce` 属性,#7413
+- Upload
+ - 新增 `limit` 和 `on-exceed` 属性,支持对上传文件的个数进行限制,#7405
+- DateTimePicker
+ - 新增 `time-arrow-control` 属性,用于开启时间选择器的 `arrow-control`,#7438
+- Layout
+ - 新增断点 `xl`,适用于宽度大于 1920px 的视口
+- Table
+ - 新增 `span-method` 属性,用于合并行或列
+ - 新增 `clearSort` 方法,用于清空排序状态
+ - 新增 `clearFilter` 方法,用于清空过滤状态
+ - 对于可展开行,当该行展开时会获得一个 `.expanded` 类名,方便自定义样式
+ - 新增 `size` 属性,用于控制表格尺寸
+ - 新增 `toggleRowExpansion` 方法,用于手动展开或关闭行
+ - 新增 `cell-class-name` 属性,用于指定单元格的类名
+ - 新增 `cell-style` 属性,用于指定单元格的样式
+ - 新增 `header-row-class-name` 属性,用于指定表头行的类名
+ - 新增 `header-row-style` 属性,用于指定表头行的样式
+ - 新增 `header-cell-class-name` 属性,用于指定表头单元格的类名
+ - 新增 `header-cell-style` 属性,用于指定表头单元格的样式
+ - TableColumn 的 `prop` 属性支持 `object[key]` 格式
+ - TableColumn 新增 `index` 属性,用于自定义索引值
+- Select
+ - 新增 `reserve-keyword` 属性,用于在选择某个选项后保留当前的搜索关键词
#### 修复
- DatePicker
@@ -208,10 +122,20 @@
- 当含有下拉框时,下拉框的打开和关闭会造成文字虚晃的问题 #6088
- Select
- 提升性能,修复组件销毁时可能导致 Vue dev-tool 卡死的问题 #6151
+- Table
+ - 修复 Table 在父元素从 `display: none` 变成其他状态时会隐藏的问题
+ - 修复 Table 在父元素为 `display: flex` 时可能出现的宽度逐渐变大的问题
+ - 修复 `append` 具名 slot 和固定列并存时,动态获取表格数据会导致固定列消失的问题
+ - 修复 `expand-row-keys` 属性初始化无效的问题
+ - 修复 `data` 改变时过滤条件失效的问题
+ - 修复多级表头时固定列隐藏情况计算错误的问题
+ - 修复 `max-height` 变更后无法恢复的问题
+ - 修复一些样式上的计算错误
#### 非兼容性更新
- 综合
- 移除 `theme-default`
+ - 最低兼容 Vue 2.5.2 和 IE 10
- 表单组件的 `change` 事件和 Pagination 的 `current-change` 事件现在仅响应用户交互
- Button 和表单组件的 `size` 属性不再接受 `large` 值,可接受 `medium`、`small` 和 `mini`
- 为了方便使用第三方图标,Button 的 `icon` 属性、Input 的 `prefix-icon` 和 `suffix-icon` 属性、Steps 的 `icon` 属性现在需要传入完整的图标类名
@@ -225,23 +149,30 @@
- Transfer
- `footer-format` 属性更名为 `format`
- Switch
- - `on-text` 和 `off-text` 属性不再有默认值
+ - 由于 `on-*` 属性在 JSX 中会被识别为事件,导致 Switch 所有 `on-*` 属性在 JSX 中无法正常工作,所以 `on-*` 属性更名为 `active-*`,对应地,`off-*` 属性更名为 `inactive-*`。受到影响的属性有:`on-icon-class`、`off-icon-class`、`on-text`、`off-text`、`on-color`、`off-color`、`on-value`、`off-value`
+ - `active-text` 和 `inactive-text` 属性不再有默认值
- Tag
- `type` 属性现在支持 `success`、`info`、`warning` 和 `danger` 四个值
- - `close-transition` 属性更名为 `disable-transitions`
- Menu
- 移除 `theme` 属性。现在通过 `background-color`、`text-color` 和 `active-text-color` 属性进行颜色的自定义
- Input
- 移除 `icon` 属性。现在通过 `suffix-icon` 属性或者 `suffix` 具名 slot 来加入尾部图标
- 移除 `on-icon-click` 属性和 `click` 事件。现在如果需要为输入框中的图标添加点击事件,请以具名 slot 的方式添加图标
+ - `change` 事件现在仅在输入框失去焦点或用户按下回车时触发,与原生 input 元素一致。如果需要实时响应用户的输入,可以使用 `input` 事件
- Autocomplete
- - 移除 `icon` 和 `on-icon-click` 属性。现在通过 `prefix` 和 `suffix` 具名 slot 来加入图标
- 移除 `custom-item` 属性。现在通过 `scoped slot` 自定义输入建议列表项的内容
-- Table
- - 移除通过 `inline-template` 自定义列模板的功能
+ - 移除 `props` 属性,现在使用 `value-key` 属性指定输入建议对象中用于显示的键名
- Steps
- 移除 `center` 属性
- 现在步骤条将默认充满父容器
+ - DatePicker
+ - `change` 事件参数现在为组件的绑定值,格式由 `value-format` 控制
+- Table
+ - 移除通过 `inline-template` 自定义列模板的功能
+ - `sort-method` 现在和 `Array.sort` 保持一致的逻辑,要求返回一个数字
+ - 将 `append` slot 移至 `tbody` 元素以外,以保证其只被渲染一次
+ - `expand` 事件更名为 `expand-change`,以保证 API 的命名一致性
+ - `row-class-name` 和 `row-style` 的函数参数改为对象,以保证 API 的一致性
* 在网站上动态渲染任意 HTML 是非常危险的,因为容易导致 [XSS 攻击](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_scripting)。因此请在 `dangerouslyUseHTMLString` 打开的情况下,确保 `message` 的内容是可信的,**永远不要**将用户提交的内容赋值给 `message` 属性。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a00ef83fd..7a2133fc5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Vue.component(Button.name, Button)
For more information, please refer to [Quick Start](http://element.eleme.io/#/en-US/component/quickstart) in our documentation.
## Browser Support
-Modern browsers and Internet Explorer 9+.
+Modern browsers and Internet Explorer 10+.
## Development
Skip this part if you just want to use Element.
diff --git a/examples/app.vue b/examples/app.vue
index c8532ef28..6a4fcc57a 100644
--- a/examples/app.vue
+++ b/examples/app.vue
@@ -215,6 +215,35 @@
mounted() {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ const notified = localStorage.getItem('RELEASE_NOTIFIED');
+ if (!notified) {
+ const h = this.$createElement;
+ const title = this.lang === 'zh-CN'
+ ? '2.0 正式发布'
+ : '2.0 available now';
+ const messages = this.lang === 'zh-CN'
+ ? ['点击', '这里', '查看详情']
+ : ['Click ', 'here', ' to learn more'];
+ this.$notify({
+ title,
+ duration: 0,
+ message: h('span', [
+ messages[0],
+ h('a', {
+ attrs: {
+ target: '_blank',
+ href: `https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/issues/${ this.lang === 'zh-CN' ? '7755' : '7756' }`
+ }
+ }, messages[1]),
+ messages[2]
+ ]),
+ onClose() {
+ localStorage.setItem('RELEASE_NOTIFIED', 1);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }, 3500);
diff --git a/examples/docs/en-US/quickstart.md b/examples/docs/en-US/quickstart.md
index f8fa30b5d..6797f54f2 100644
--- a/examples/docs/en-US/quickstart.md
+++ b/examples/docs/en-US/quickstart.md
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ This part walks you through the process of using Element in a webpack project.
### Use Starter Kit
-Under construction.
+We provide a general [project template](https://github.com/ElementUI/element-starter) for you. For Laravel users, we also have a [template](https://github.com/ElementUI/element-in-laravel-starter). You can download and use them directly.
+If you prefer not to use them, please read the following.
### Use vue-cli
-It is recommended to start a project using [vue-cli](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli):
+We can also start a project using [vue-cli](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli):
> npm i -g vue-cli
diff --git a/examples/docs/zh-CN/quickstart.md b/examples/docs/zh-CN/quickstart.md
index 5cc2cdd65..63b34da5d 100644
--- a/examples/docs/zh-CN/quickstart.md
+++ b/examples/docs/zh-CN/quickstart.md
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
### 使用 Starter Kit
+我们提供了通用的[项目模板](https://github.com/ElementUI/element-starter),你可以直接使用。对于 Laravel 用户,我们也准备了相应的[模板](https://github.com/ElementUI/element-in-laravel-starter),同样可以直接下载使用。
### 使用 vue-cli
-我们推荐使用 [vue-cli](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli) 初始化项目,命令如下:
+我们还可以使用 [vue-cli](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli) 初始化项目,命令如下:
> npm i -g vue-cli
diff --git a/examples/i18n/page.json b/examples/i18n/page.json
index a273e482b..d9321a056 100644
--- a/examples/i18n/page.json
+++ b/examples/i18n/page.json
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"index": {
"lang": "zh-CN",
"titleSize": "34",
- "paraSize": "20",
+ "paraSize": "18",
"1": "网站快速成型工具",
"2": "Element,一套为开发者、设计师和产品经理准备的基于 Vue 2.0 的桌面端组件库",
"3": "指南",
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
"index": {
"lang": "en-US",
"titleSize": "34",
- "paraSize": "20",
+ "paraSize": "18",
"theatreParam": "{ maxSpeed: 100 }",
"typingFunc": ".addScene('product designers', 1800, -17, 800)\n .addScene('UI designers', 1800, -12, 800)\n .addScene('UX designers', 1800, -12, 800)\n .addScene('product managers', 1800, -16, 800)\n .addScene('FE developers', 1800, -13, 800)",
"typingInvoke": ".addActor('line2', { speed: 1, accuracy: 1 })\n .addScene(2600)\n .addScene('line2:For ', 500)",
diff --git a/examples/pages/template/index.tpl b/examples/pages/template/index.tpl
index 758eaf8f9..6584b4049 100644
--- a/examples/pages/template/index.tpl
+++ b/examples/pages/template/index.tpl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
font-size: <%= paraSize >px;
line-height: 28px;
color: #888;
- margin: 15px 0 0;
+ margin: 10px 0 5px;
.jumbotron {
diff --git a/packages/collapse/src/collapse-item.vue b/packages/collapse/src/collapse-item.vue
index 58aec35e9..2cd28fbc4 100644
--- a/packages/collapse/src/collapse-item.vue
+++ b/packages/collapse/src/collapse-item.vue
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
:class="{'focusing': focusing}"
- @focus="focusing = true"
+ @focus="handleFocus"
@blur="focusing = false"
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@
display: 'block'
contentHeight: 0,
- focusing: false
+ focusing: false,
+ isClick: false
@@ -84,9 +85,19 @@
methods: {
+ handleFocus() {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (!this.isClick) {
+ this.focusing = true;
+ } else {
+ this.isClick = false;
+ }
+ }, 50);
+ },
handleHeaderClick() {
this.dispatch('ElCollapse', 'item-click', this);
this.focusing = false;
+ this.isClick = true;
handleEnterClick() {
this.dispatch('ElCollapse', 'item-click', this);
diff --git a/packages/tabs/src/tab-bar.vue b/packages/tabs/src/tab-bar.vue
index 3e1eb4d16..3b4c354c7 100644
--- a/packages/tabs/src/tab-bar.vue
+++ b/packages/tabs/src/tab-bar.vue
@@ -33,10 +33,16 @@
return true;
} else {
tabSize = $el[`client${firstUpperCase(sizeName)}`];
+ if (sizeName === 'width') {
+ tabSize -= index === 0 ? 20 : 40;
+ }
return false;
+ if (sizeName === 'width' && offset !== 0) {
+ offset += 20;
+ }
const transform = `translate${firstUpperCase(sizeDir)}(${offset}px)`;
style[sizeName] = tabSize + 'px';
style.transform = transform;
diff --git a/packages/theme-chalk/src/tabs.scss b/packages/theme-chalk/src/tabs.scss
index 8c51d9001..8f5a119dc 100644
--- a/packages/theme-chalk/src/tabs.scss
+++ b/packages/theme-chalk/src/tabs.scss
@@ -224,6 +224,11 @@
+ @include m((top, bottom)) {
+ &:not(.el-tabs--border-card):not(.el-tabs--card) .el-tabs__item:nth-child(2) {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ }
+ }
@include m(bottom) {
.el-tabs__header {
margin-bottom: 0;