i18n: add Basque translation (#13239)

* Add Basque translation

* update doc
Asier Iturralde Sarasola 2018-10-31 09:41:35 +01:00 committed by hetech
parent 925a153048
commit bc26ab6ba5
4 changed files with 112 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ Currently Element ships with the following languages:
<li>Uighur (ug-CN)</li>
<li>Khmer (km)</li>
<li>Serbian (sr)</li>
<li>Basque (eu)</li>
If your target language is not included, you are more than welcome to contribute: just add another language config [here](https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/tree/dev/src/locale/lang) and create a pull request.

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@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ Actualmente Element está disponible en los siguientes idiomas:
<li>Uighur (ug-CN)</li>
<li>Khmer (km)</li>
<li>Serbian (sr)</li>
<li>Vasco (eu)</li>
Si su idioma de destino no está incluido, puede contribuir: simplemente añada [aqui](https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/tree/dev/src/locale/lang) otra configuración de idioma y cree un pull request.

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@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ ElementLocale.i18n((key, value) => i18n.t(key, value))
如果你需要使用其他的语言,欢迎贡献 PR只需在 [这里](https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/tree/dev/src/locale/lang) 添加一个语言配置文件即可。

src/locale/lang/eu.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
export default {
el: {
colorpicker: {
confirm: 'Ados',
clear: 'Garbitu'
datepicker: {
now: 'Orain',
today: 'Gaur',
cancel: 'Utzi',
clear: 'Garbitu',
confirm: 'Ados',
selectDate: 'Hautatu data',
selectTime: 'Hautatu ordua',
startDate: 'Hasierako data',
startTime: 'Hasierako ordua',
endDate: 'Amaierako data',
endTime: 'Amaierako ordua',
prevYear: 'Aurreko urtea',
nextYear: 'Hurrengo urtea',
prevMonth: 'Aurreko hilabetea',
nextMonth: 'Hurrengo hilabetea',
year: '',
month1: 'Urtarrila',
month2: 'Otsaila',
month3: 'Martxoa',
month4: 'Apirila',
month5: 'Maiatza',
month6: 'Ekaina',
month7: 'Uztaila',
month8: 'Abuztua',
month9: 'Iraila',
month10: 'Urria',
month11: 'Azaroa',
month12: 'Abendua',
// week: 'astea',
weeks: {
sun: 'ig.',
mon: 'al.',
tue: 'ar.',
wed: 'az.',
thu: 'og.',
fri: 'ol.',
sat: 'lr.'
months: {
jan: 'urt',
feb: 'ots',
mar: 'mar',
apr: 'api',
may: 'mai',
jun: 'eka',
jul: 'uzt',
aug: 'abu',
sep: 'ira',
oct: 'urr',
nov: 'aza',
dec: 'abe'
select: {
loading: 'Kargatzen',
noMatch: 'Bat datorren daturik ez',
noData: 'Daturik ez',
placeholder: 'Hautatu'
cascader: {
noMatch: 'Bat datorren daturik ez',
loading: 'Kargatzen',
placeholder: 'Hautatu'
pagination: {
goto: 'Joan',
pagesize: '/orria',
total: 'Guztira {total}',
pageClassifier: ''
messagebox: {
title: 'Mezua',
confirm: 'Ados',
cancel: 'Utzi',
error: 'Sarrera baliogabea'
upload: {
deleteTip: 'sakatu Ezabatu kentzeko',
delete: 'Ezabatu',
preview: 'Aurrebista',
continue: 'Jarraitu'
table: {
emptyText: 'Daturik ez',
confirmFilter: 'Baieztatu',
resetFilter: 'Berrezarri',
clearFilter: 'Guztia',
sumText: 'Batura'
tree: {
emptyText: 'Daturik ez'
transfer: {
noMatch: 'Bat datorren daturik ez',
noData: 'Daturik ez',
titles: ['Zerrenda 1', 'Zerrenda 2'], // to be translated
filterPlaceholder: 'Sartu gako-hitza', // to be translated
noCheckedFormat: '{total} elementu', // to be translated
hasCheckedFormat: '{checked}/{total} hautatuta' // to be translated