Merge pull request #109 from eleme/feat/update-grid

update grid
杨奕 2016-08-26 06:55:42 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit a37c361eb4
3 changed files with 219 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
.demo-layout {
.el-row {
margin-bottom: 20px;
.el-col {
height: 36px;
border-radius: 4px;
.bg-purple-dark {
background: #99a9bf;
.bg-purple {
background: #d3dce6;
.bg-purple-light {
background: #e5e9f2;
.grid-content {
height: 100%;
border-radius: 4px;
.row-bg {
padding: 10px 0;
background-color: #f9fafc;
## Layout 布局
通过基础的 24 分栏,迅速简便地创建布局
### 基础布局
::: demo 通过 row 和 col 组件,并通过 col 组件的 `span` 属性我们就可以自由地组合布局。
<el-col :span="24"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-dark"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="8"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="8"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="8"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
### 分栏间隔
::: demo Row 组件 提供 `gutter` 属性来指定每一栏之间的间隔,默认间隔为 0。
<el-row :gutter="20">
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
### 混合布局
通过基础的 1/24 分栏任意扩展组合形成较为复杂的混合布局
::: demo
<el-row :gutter="20">
<el-col :span="16"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="8"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-row :gutter="20">
<el-col :span="8"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="8"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-row :gutter="20">
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="16"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="4"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
### 分栏偏移
::: demo 通过制定 col 组件的 `offset` 属性可以指定分栏偏移的栏数
<el-row :gutter="20">
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6" :offset="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-row :gutter="20">
<el-col :span="6" :offset="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6" :offset="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-row :gutter="20">
<el-col :span="12" :offset="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
### 对齐方式
::: demo 将 `type` 属性赋值为 'flex',可以启用 flex 布局,并可通过 `justify` 属性来指定 start,center,end,space-between,space-around 其中的值来定义子元素的排版方式
<el-row type="flex" class="row-bg">
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-row type="flex" class="row-bg" justify="center">
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-row type="flex" class="row-bg" justify="end">
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-row type="flex" class="row-bg" justify="space-between">
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-row type="flex" class="row-bg" justify="space-around">
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"></div></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"><div class="grid-content bg-purple"></div></el-col>
### Row Attributes
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
|---------- |-------------- |---------- |-------------------------------- |-------- |
| gutter | 栅格间隔 | number | — | 0 |
| type | 布局模式,可选 flex现代浏览器下有效 | string | - | - |
| justify | flex 布局下的水平排列方式 | string | start/end/center/space-around/space-between | start |
| align | flex 布局下的垂直排列方式 | string | top/middle/bottom | top |
### Col Attributes
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
|---------- |-------------- |---------- |-------------------------------- |-------- |
| **span** | 栅格占据的列数,**必选参数** | number | — | — |
| offset | 栅格左侧的间隔格数 | number | - | 0 |
| push | 栅格向右移动格数 | number | - | 0 |
| pull | 栅格向左移动格数 | number | - | 0 |

View File

@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
<div class="el-row" :style="style">
justify !== 'start' ? 'is-justify-' + justify : '',
align !== 'top' ? 'is-align-' + align : '',
'el-row--flex': type === 'flex'
@ -8,7 +18,16 @@
name: 'ElRow',
props: {
gutter: Number
gutter: Number,
type: String,
justify: {
type: String,
default: 'start'
align: {
type: String,
default: 'top'
computed: {

View File

@ -6,5 +6,27 @@
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
@m flex {
display: flex;
&:after {
display: none;
@when justify-center {
justify-content: center;
@when justify-end {
justify-content: flex-end;
@when justify-space-between {
justify-content: space-between;
@when justify-space-around {
justify-content: space-around;