diff --git a/examples/docs/en-US/rate.md b/examples/docs/en-US/rate.md
index ecdf40a05..c50dbd09f 100644
--- a/examples/docs/en-US/rate.md
+++ b/examples/docs/en-US/rate.md
@@ -128,15 +128,15 @@ You can use different icons to distinguish different rate components.
Read-only Rate is for displaying rating score. Half star is supported.
-:::demo Use attribute `disabled` to make the component read-only. Add `show-text` to display the rating score at the right side. Additionally, you can use attribute `text-template` to provide a text template. It must contain `{value}`, and `{value}` will be replaced with the rating score.
+:::demo Use attribute `disabled` to make the component read-only. Add `show-score` to display the rating score at the right side. Additionally, you can use attribute `score-template` to provide a score template. It must contain `{value}`, and `{value}` will be replaced with the rating score.
``` html
+ score-template="{value} points">