Tree & MessageBox: fix type definition (#12214)

* MessageBox: fix ElMessageBoxOptions.message

* Tree: fix type definition
ZSkycat 2018-08-06 11:11:18 +08:00 committed by Jikkai Xiao
parent 7f2510f0f1
commit 3a7a1ff8bb
2 changed files with 122 additions and 115 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vue, { VNode } from 'vue'
import { MessageType } from './message'
export type MessageBoxCloseAction = 'confirm' | 'cancel' | 'close'
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export interface ElMessageBoxOptions {
title?: string
/** Content of the MessageBox */
message?: string
message?: string | VNode
/** Message type, used for icon display */
type?: MessageType

types/tree.d.ts vendored
View File

@ -1,134 +1,141 @@
import { CreateElement, VNode } from 'vue'
import { ElementUIComponent } from './component'
import { CreateElement, VNode } from 'vue';
import { ElementUIComponent } from './component';
/** The node of the tree */
export interface TreeNode {
id?: any,
label?: string,
isLeaf?: boolean,
children?: TreeNode[]
export interface TreeData {
id?: any;
label?: string;
isLeaf?: boolean;
children?: TreeData[];
export interface RenderContent {
export interface TreeNode<K, D> {
checked: boolean;
childNodes: TreeNode<K, D>[];
data: D;
expanded: boolean;
id: number;
indeterminate: boolean;
isLeaf: boolean;
level: number;
loaded: boolean;
loading: boolean;
parent: TreeNode<K, D> | null;
store: any;
visible: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
icon: string;
key: K;
nextSibling: TreeNode<K, D> | null;
previousSibling: TreeNode<K, D> | null;
/** incomplete, you can convert to any to use other properties */
export interface TreeStore<K, D> {
_getAllNodes: () => TreeNode<K, D>[];
/** Tree Component */
export declare class ElTree<K = any, D = TreeData> extends ElementUIComponent {
/** TreeStore */
store: TreeStore<K, D>;
/** Tree data */
data: D[];
/** Text displayed when data is void */
emptyText: string;
/** Unique identity key name for nodes, its value should be unique across the whole tree */
nodeKey: string;
/** Configuration options, see the following table */
props: object;
/** Method for loading subtree data */
load: (data: D, resolve: Function) => void;
* Render function for a specific node
* @param h The render function
* @param data The data object containing the specific node
(h: CreateElement, data: { node: TreeNode }): VNode
renderContent: (h: CreateElement, context: { node: TreeNode<K, D>; data: D; store: TreeStore<K, D> }) => VNode;
/** Whether current node is highlighted */
highlightCurrent: boolean;
/** Whether to expand all nodes by default */
defaultExpandAll: boolean;
/** Whether to expand or collapse node when clicking on the node. If false, then expand or collapse node only when clicking on the arrow icon. */
expandOnClickNode: boolean;
/** Whether to check or uncheck node when clicking on the node, if false, the node can only be checked or unchecked by clicking on the checkbox. */
checkOnClickNode: boolean;
/** Whether to expand father node when a child node is expanded */
autoExpandParent: boolean;
/** Array of keys of initially expanded nodes */
defaultExpandedKeys: K[];
/** Whether node is selectable */
showCheckbox: boolean;
/** Whether checked state of a node not affects its father and child nodes when show-checkbox is true */
checkStrictly: boolean;
/** Array of keys of initially checked nodes */
defaultCheckedKeys: K[];
export interface FilterNodeMethod {
* Filter method for each node
* This function will be executed on each node when use filter method. If return false, tree node will be hidden.
* @param value The query string
* @param data The original data object
* @param node Tree node
(value: string, data: TreeNode, node: any): boolean
filterNodeMethod: (value: string, data: D, node: TreeNode<K, D>) => boolean;
/** Whether only one node among the same level can be expanded at one time */
accordion: boolean;
/** Horizontal indentation of nodes in adjacent levels in pixels */
indent: number;
/** Whether enable tree nodes drag and drop */
draggable: boolean;
export interface AllowDragMethod {
* Function executed before dragging a node
* Function to be executed before dragging a node
* @param node The node to be dragged
(node: any): boolean
allowDrag: (node: TreeNode<K, D>) => boolean;
export interface AllowDropMethod {
* Function executed before the dragging node is dropped
* Function to be executed before the dragging node is dropped
* @param draggingNode The dragging node
* @param dropNode The target node
* @param type Drop type
(draggingNode: any, dropNode: any, type: string): boolean
/** Tree Component */
export declare class ElTree extends ElementUIComponent {
/** Tree data */
data: TreeNode[]
/** Text displayed when data is void */
emptyText: string
/** Unique identity key name for nodes, its value should be unique across the whole tree */
nodeKey: string
/** Configuration options, see the following table */
props: object
/** Method for loading subtree data */
load: (node: TreeNode, resolve: Function) => void
/** Render function for tree node */
renderContent: RenderContent
/** Whether current node is highlighted */
highlightCurrent: boolean
/** Whether to expand all nodes by default */
defaultExpandAll: boolean
/** Whether to expand or collapse node when clicking on the node. If false, then expand or collapse node only when clicking on the arrow icon. */
expandOnClickNode: boolean
/** Whether to check or uncheck node when clicking on the node, if false, the node can only be checked or unchecked by clicking on the checkbox. */
checkOnClickNode: boolean
/** Whether to expand father node when a child node is expanded */
autoExpandParent: boolean
/** Array of keys of initially expanded nodes */
defaultExpandedKeys: any[]
/** Whether node is selectable */
showCheckbox: boolean
/** Whether checked state of a node not affects its father and child nodes when show-checkbox is true */
checkStrictly: boolean
/** Array of keys of initially checked nodes */
defaultCheckedKeys: any[]
/** This function will be executed on each node when use filter method. If return false, tree node will be hidden. */
filterNodeMethod: FilterNodeMethod
/** Whether only one node among the same level can be expanded at one time */
accordion: boolean
/** Horizontal indentation of nodes in adjacent levels in pixels */
indent: number
/** Whether enable tree nodes drag and drop */
draggable: boolean
/** Function to be executed before dragging a node */
allowDrag: AllowDragMethod
/** Function to be executed before the dragging node is dropped */
allowDrop: AllowDropMethod
allowDrop: (draggingNode: TreeNode<K, D>, dropNode: TreeNode<K, D>, type: 'prev' | 'inner' | 'next') => boolean;
* Filter all tree nodes. Filtered nodes will be hidden
* @param value The value to be used as first parameter for `filter-node-method`
filter (value: any): void
filter(value: any): void;
* Update the children of the node which specified by the key
* @param key the key of the node which children will be updated
* @param data the children data
updateKeyChildren (key: any, data: TreeNode[]): void
updateKeyChildren(key: K, data: D[]): void;
* If the node can be selected (`show-checkbox` is `true`), it returns the currently selected array of nodes
@ -136,7 +143,7 @@ export declare class ElTree extends ElementUIComponent {
* @param leafOnly If the `leafOnly` is `true`, it only returns the currently selected array of sub-nodes
* @param includeHalfChecked If the `includeHalfChecked` is `true`, the return value contains halfchecked nodes
getCheckedNodes (leafOnly?: boolean, includeHalfChecked?: boolean): TreeNode[]
getCheckedNodes(leafOnly?: boolean, includeHalfChecked?: boolean): D[];
* Set certain nodes to be checked. Only works when `node-key` is assigned
@ -144,14 +151,14 @@ export declare class ElTree extends ElementUIComponent {
* @param nodes An array of nodes to be checked
* @param leafOnly If the parameter is true, it only returns the currently selected array of sub-nodes
setCheckedNodes (nodes: TreeNode[], leafOnly?: boolean): void
setCheckedNodes(data: D[], leafOnly?: boolean): void;
* If the node can be selected (`show-checkbox` is `true`), it returns the currently selected array of nodes' keys
* @param leafOnly If the `leafOnly` is `true`, it only returns the currently selected array of sub-nodes
getCheckedKeys (leafOnly?: boolean): any[]
getCheckedKeys(leafOnly?: boolean): K[];
* Set certain nodes to be checked. Only works when `node-key` is assigned
@ -159,7 +166,7 @@ export declare class ElTree extends ElementUIComponent {
* @param keys An array of node's keys to be checked
* @param leafOnly If the parameter is true, it only returns the currently selected array of sub-nodes
setCheckedKeys (keys: any[], leafOnly?: boolean): void
setCheckedKeys(keys: K[], leafOnly?: boolean): void;
* Set node to be checked or not. Only works when `node-key` is assigned
@ -168,77 +175,77 @@ export declare class ElTree extends ElementUIComponent {
* @param checked Indicating the node checked or not
* @param deep Indicating whether to checked state deeply or not
setChecked (data: TreeNode | any, checked: boolean, deep: boolean): void
setChecked(data: D | K, checked: boolean, deep: boolean): void;
* If the node can be selected (`show-checkbox` is `true`), it returns the currently half selected array of nodes
getHalfCheckedNodes (): void
getHalfCheckedNodes(): D[];
* If the node can be selected (`show-checkbox` is `true`), it returns the currently half selected array of nodes' keys
getHalfCheckedKeys (): void;
getHalfCheckedKeys(): K[];
* Return the highlight node's key (null if no node is highlighted)
getCurrentKey (): any
getCurrentKey(): K;
* Set highlighted node by key, only works when node-key is assigned
* @param key The node's key to be highlighted
setCurrentKey (key: any): void
setCurrentKey(key: K): void;
* Return the highlight node (null if no node is highlighted)
getCurrentNode (): TreeNode
getCurrentNode(): D;
* Set highlighted node, only works when node-key is assigned
* @param node The node to be highlighted
setCurrentNode (node: TreeNode): void
setCurrentNode(data: D): void;
* Get node by node key or node data
* @param by node key or node data
getNode (by: TreeNode | any): TreeNode
getNode(by: D | K): D;
* Remove node by key or node data or node instance
* @param by key or node data or node instance
remove (by: TreeNode | any): void
remove(by: D | K): void;
* Append a child node to specified node
* @param childData the data of appended node
* @param parent key or node data or node instance of the parent node
append (childData: TreeNode, parent: TreeNode | any): void
append(childData: D, parent: D | K): void;
* insert a node before specified node
* @param data the data of inserted node
* @param ref key or node data or node instance of the reference node
insertBefore (data: TreeNode, ref: TreeNode | any): void
insertBefore(data: D, ref: D | K): void;
* insert a node after specified node
* @param data the data of inserted node
* @param ref key or node data or node instance of the reference node
insertAfter (data: TreeNode, ref: TreeNode | any): void
insertAfter(data: D, ref: D | K): void;