mirror of https://github.com/ElemeFE/element
Changelog: update for 2.0.0-beta.1
@ -1,5 +1,48 @@
## Changelog
### 2.0.0-beta.1
#### New features
- General
- Added TypeScript typings
- All existing icons are redesigned. Some new icons are added.
- To help you migrate from Element 1.x, we added some console warnings against deprecated APIs. When you use a
removed or renamed attribute or event in your project, you'll get a warning like this:
[Element Migrating][ElSwitch][Attribute]: on-color is renamed to active-color.
- Added a series of breakpoint-based utility classes that hide elements when the viewport size meets certain conditions
- Layout
- Added a new breakpoint `xl` for viewport wider than 1920px
- Table
- Added `span-method` attribute for merging cells
- Added `clearSort` method to clear sorting programmatically
- Added `clearFilter` method to clear filter programmatically
- For expandable rows, when a row is expanded, a `.expanded` class will be added to its class list, so that you can customize its styles
- DatePicker
- Added `unlink-panels` attribute to unlink the two date panels when selecting a date range
- Select
- Added `reserve-keyword` attribute for reserving current search keyword after selecting an option
#### Fixes
- Table
- Now `header-align` of TableColumn works properly
- Fixed a bug that Table remains hiding when its parent element appears from `display: none`
- Fixed Table expanding its width when its parent element has `display: flex`
- Fixed a bug that fixed columns of a Table with `append` slot would disappear when data is dynamically fetched
- Fixed `expand-row-keys` attribute not working with initial value
- Fixed filter failing when `data` updates
- Fixed a calculation error of fixed columns layout with grouped headers
#### Breaking changes
- Switch
- Attributes starting with `on-*` will be parsed to events in JSX, making all `on-*` attributes of Switch not
able to work in JSX. So `on-*` attributes are renamed to `active-*`, and accordingly `off-*` attributes are renamed to `inactive-*`. This changes affects the following attributes: `on-icon-class`, `off-icon-class`, `on-text`, `off-text`, `on-color`, `off-color`, `on-value`, `off-value`
- Table
- `sort-method` now aligns with `Array.sort`. It should return a number instead of a boolean
### 2.0.0-alpha.3
@ -1,5 +1,45 @@
## 更新日志
### 2.0.0-beta.1
#### 新特性
- 综合
- 新增 TypeScript 类型声明
- 重绘了全部图标,并新增了部分图标
- 为部分非兼容性更新增加控制台警告,方便迁移项目。当你在项目中使用了被移除或更名了的属性或事件时,控制台会出现一条警告,例如:
[Element Migrating][ElSwitch][Attribute]: on-color is renamed to active-color.
- 新增了一系列基于断点的工具类,用于当视口尺寸满足一定条件时隐藏元素
- Layout
- 新增断点 `xl`,适用于宽度大于 1920px 的视口
- Table
- 新增 `span-method` 属性,用于合并行或列
- 新增 `clearSort` 方法,用于清空排序状态
- 新增 `clearFilter` 方法,用于清空过滤状态
- 对于可展开行,当该行展开时会获得一个 `.expanded` 类名,方便自定义样式
- DatePicker
- 新增 `unlink-panels` 属性,用于在选择日期范围时取消两个日期面板之间的联动
- Select
- 新增 `reserve-keyword` 属性,用于在选择某个选项后保留当前的搜索关键词
#### 修复
- Table
- 修复 TableColumn 的 `header-align` 属性失效的问题
- 修复 Table 在父元素从 `display: none` 变成其他状态时会隐藏的问题
- 修复 Table 在父元素为 `display: flex` 时可能出现的宽度逐渐变大的问题
- 修复 `append` 具名 slot 和固定列并存时,动态获取表格数据会导致固定列消失的问题
- 修复 `expand-row-keys` 属性初始化无效的问题
- 修复 `data` 改变时过滤条件失效的问题
- 修复多级表头时固定列隐藏情况计算错误的问题
#### 非兼容性更新
- Switch
- 由于 `on-*` 属性在 JSX 中会被识别为事件,导致 Switch 所有 `on-*` 属性在 JSX 中无法正常工作,所以 `on-*` 属性更名为 `active-*`,对应地,`off-*` 属性更名为 `inactive-*`。受到影响的属性有:`on-icon-class`、`off-icon-class`、`on-text`、`off-text`、`on-color`、`off-color`、`on-value`、`off-value`
- Table
- `sort-method` 现在和 `Array.sort` 保持一致的逻辑,要求返回一个数字。
### 2.0.0-alpha.3
@ -1707,10 +1707,10 @@ For table of numbers, you can add an extra row at the table footer displaying ea
### 合并行或列
### Rowspan and colspan
:::demo 通过给`table`传入`span-method`方法可以实现合并行或列,方法的参数是一个对象,里面包含当前行`row`、当前列`column`、当前行号`rowIndex`、当前列号`columnIndex`四个属性。该函数可以返回一个包含两个元素的数组,第一个元素代表`rowspan`,第二个元素代表`colspan`。 也可以返回一个键名为`rowsapn`和`colspan`的对象。
Configuring rowspan and colspan allows you to merge cells
:::demo Use the `span-method` attribute to configure rowspan and colspan. It accepts a method, and passes an object to that method including current row `row`, current column `column`, current row index `rowIndex` and current column index `columnIndex`. The method should return an array of two numbers, the first number being `rowspan` and second `colspan`. It can also return an object with `rowsapn` and `colspan` props.
@ -1727,22 +1727,22 @@ For table of numbers, you can add an extra row at the table footer displaying ea
label="数值 1">
label="Amount 1">
label="数值 2">
label="Amount 2">
label="数值 3">
label="Amount 3">
@ -1750,7 +1750,6 @@ For table of numbers, you can add an extra row at the table footer displaying ea
style="width: 100%; margin-top: 20px">
@ -1759,19 +1758,19 @@ For table of numbers, you can add an extra row at the table footer displaying ea
label="数值 1(元)">
label="Amount 1">
label="数值 2(元)">
label="Amount 2">
label="数值 3(元)">
label="Amount 3">
@ -1783,31 +1782,31 @@ For table of numbers, you can add an extra row at the table footer displaying ea
return {
tableData6: [{
id: '12987122',
name: '王小虎',
name: 'Tom',
amount1: '234',
amount2: '3.2',
amount3: 10
}, {
id: '12987123',
name: '王小虎',
name: 'Tom',
amount1: '165',
amount2: '4.43',
amount3: 12
}, {
id: '12987124',
name: '王小虎',
name: 'Tom',
amount1: '324',
amount2: '1.9',
amount3: 9
}, {
id: '12987125',
name: '王小虎',
name: 'Tom',
amount1: '621',
amount2: '2.2',
amount3: 17
}, {
id: '12987126',
name: '王小虎',
name: 'Tom',
amount1: '539',
amount2: '4.1',
amount3: 15
@ -1869,7 +1868,7 @@ For table of numbers, you can add an extra row at the table footer displaying ea
| show-summary | whether to display a summary row | Boolean | — | false |
| sum-text | displayed text for the first column of summary row | String | — | Sum |
| summary-method | custom summary method | Function({ columns, data }) | — | — |
| span-method | 合并行或列的计算方法 | Function({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) | — | — |
| span-method | method that returns rowspan and colspan | Function({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) | — | — |
### Table Events
| Event Name | Description | Parameters |
@ -1897,8 +1896,8 @@ For table of numbers, you can add an extra row at the table footer displaying ea
| clearSelection | used in multiple selection Table, clear selection, might be useful when `reserve-selection` is on | selection |
| toggleRowSelection | used in multiple selection Table, toggle if a certain row is selected. With the second parameter, you can directly set if this row is selected | row, selected |
| setCurrentRow | used in single selection Table, set a certain row selected. If called without any parameter, it will clear selection. | row |
| clearSort | 用于清空排序条件,数据会恢复成未排序的状态 | - |
| clearFilter | 用于清空过滤条件,数据会恢复成未过滤的状态 | - |
| clearSort | clear sorting, restore data to the original order | - |
| clearFilter | clear filter | - |
### Table Slot
| Name | Description |
@ -1917,7 +1916,7 @@ For table of numbers, you can add an extra row at the table footer displaying ea
| fixed | whether column is fixed at left/right. Will be fixed at left if `true` | string/boolean | true/left/right | — |
| render-header | render function for table header of this column | Function(h, { column, $index }) | — | — |
| sortable | whether column can be sorted. Remote sorting can be done by setting this attribute to 'custom' and listening to the `sort-change` event of Table | boolean, string | true, false, custom | false |
| sort-method | sorting method, works when `sortable` is `true`. 和 Array#sort 表现一致 | Function(a, b) | — | — |
| sort-method | sorting method, works when `sortable` is `true`. Should return a number, just like Array.sort | Function(a, b) | — | — |
| resizable | whether column width can be resized, works when `border` of `el-table` is `true` | boolean | — | false |
| formatter | function that formats cell content | Function(row, column, cellValue) | — | — |
| show-overflow-tooltip | whether to hide extra content and show them in a tooltip when hovering on the cell | boolean | — | false |
@ -1813,7 +1813,6 @@
style="width: 100%; margin-top: 20px">
@ -1980,7 +1979,7 @@
| fixed | 列是否固定在左侧或者右侧,true 表示固定在左侧 | string, boolean | true, left, right | — |
| render-header | 列标题 Label 区域渲染使用的 Function | Function(h, { column, $index }) | — | — |
| sortable | 对应列是否可以排序,如果设置为 'custom',则代表用户希望远程排序,需要监听 Table 的 sort-change 事件 | boolean, string | true, false, 'custom' | false |
| sort-method | 对数据进行排序的时候使用的方法,仅当 sortable 设置为 true 的时候有效,和 Array#sort 表现一致 | Function(a, b) | — | — |
| sort-method | 对数据进行排序的时候使用的方法,仅当 sortable 设置为 true 的时候有效,需返回一个数字,和 Array.sort 表现一致 | Function(a, b) | — | — |
| resizable | 对应列是否可以通过拖动改变宽度(需要在 el-table 上设置 border 属性为真) | boolean | — | true |
| formatter | 用来格式化内容 | Function(row, column, cellValue) | — | — |
| show-overflow-tooltip | 当内容过长被隐藏时显示 tooltip | Boolean | — | false |
@ -318,9 +318,11 @@ async-foreach@^0.1.3:
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@ -792,7 +794,7 @@ babel-register@^6.18.0:
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babel-runtime@6.x, babel-runtime@^6.0.0, babel-runtime@^6.11.6, babel-runtime@^6.18.0, babel-runtime@^6.20.0, babel-runtime@^6.9.0:
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Reference in New Issue