mirror of https://github.com/ElemeFE/element
Table: add sort-orders (#11283)
@ -2029,6 +2029,7 @@ You can customize row index in `type=index` columns.
| sortable | whether column can be sorted. Remote sorting can be done by setting this attribute to 'custom' and listening to the `sort-change` event of Table | boolean, string | true, false, custom | false |
| sort-method | sorting method, works when `sortable` is `true`. Should return a number, just like Array.sort | Function(a, b) | — | — |
| sort-by | specify which property to sort by, works when `sortable` is `true` and `sort-method` is `undefined`. If set to an Array, the column will sequentially sort by the next property if the previous one is equal | Function(row, index)/String/Array | — | — |
| sort-orders | the order of the sorting strategies used when sorting the data, works when `sortable` is `true`. Accepts an array, as the user clicks on the header, the column is sorted in order of the elements in the array | array | the elements in the array need to be one of the following: `ascending`, `descending` and `null` (restores to the original order) | ['ascending', 'descending', null] |
| resizable | whether column width can be resized, works when `border` of `el-table` is `true` | boolean | — | false |
| formatter | function that formats cell content | Function(row, column, cellValue, index) | — | — |
| show-overflow-tooltip | whether to hide extra content and show them in a tooltip when hovering on the cell | boolean | — | false |
@ -2031,6 +2031,7 @@ Puede personalizar el índice de la fila con la propiedad `type=index` de las co
| sortable | especifica que columna puede ser ordenado. El ordenamiento remoto puede ser hecho configurando el atributo `custom` y escucha al evento de tabla `sort-change` | boolean, string | true, false, custom | false |
| sort-method | método de ordenamiento, funciona cuando `sortable` está en `true`. Debería devolver un número, al igual que Array.sort | Function(a, b) | — | — |
| sort-by | especifica por cual propiedad de va a ordenar, funciona cuando `sortable` es `true` y `sort-method` es `undefined`. Si se establece a un arreglo, la columna ordenara secuencialmente por la siguiente propiedad si la anterior es igual | Function(row, index)/String/Array | — | — |
| sort-orders | the order of the sorting strategies used when sorting the data, works when `sortable` is `true`. Accepts an array, as the user clicks on the header, the column is sorted in order of the elements in the array | array | the elements in the array need to be one of the following: `ascending`, `descending` and `null` (restores to the original order) | ['ascending', 'descending', null] |
| resizable | especifica si el ancho de la columna puede ser redimensionado, funciona cuando `border` de `el-table` está en `true` | boolean | — | false |
| formatter | función que formatea el contenido de la celda | Function(row, column, cellValue, index) | — | — |
| show-overflow-tooltip | especifica si el _tooltip_ debe ocultarse o mostrarse al hacer _hover_ en la celda | boolean | — | false |
@ -2088,7 +2088,8 @@
| render-header | 列标题 Label 区域渲染使用的 Function | Function(h, { column, $index }) | — | — |
| sortable | 对应列是否可以排序,如果设置为 'custom',则代表用户希望远程排序,需要监听 Table 的 sort-change 事件 | boolean, string | true, false, 'custom' | false |
| sort-method | 对数据进行排序的时候使用的方法,仅当 sortable 设置为 true 的时候有效,需返回一个数字,和 Array.sort 表现一致 | Function(a, b) | — | — |
| sort-by | 指定数据按照哪个属性进行排序,仅当 sortable 设置为 true 且没有设置 sort-method 的时候有效。如果 sort-by 为数组,则先按照第 1 个属性排序,如果第 1 个相等,再按照第 2 个排序,以此类推。 | String/Array/Function(row, index) | — | — |
| sort-by | 指定数据按照哪个属性进行排序,仅当 sortable 设置为 true 且没有设置 sort-method 的时候有效。如果 sort-by 为数组,则先按照第 1 个属性排序,如果第 1 个相等,再按照第 2 个排序,以此类推 | String/Array/Function(row, index) | — | — |
| sort-orders | 数据在排序时所使用排序策略的轮转顺序,仅当 sortable 为 true 时有效。需传入一个数组,随着用户点击表头,该列依次按照数组中元素的顺序进行排序 | array | 数组中的元素需为以下三者之一:`ascending` 表示升序,`descending` 表示降序,`null` 表示还原为原始顺序 | ['ascending', 'descending', null] |
| resizable | 对应列是否可以通过拖动改变宽度(需要在 el-table 上设置 border 属性为真) | boolean | — | true |
| formatter | 用来格式化内容 | Function(row, column, cellValue, index) | — | — |
| show-overflow-tooltip | 当内容过长被隐藏时显示 tooltip | Boolean | — | false |
@ -180,7 +180,16 @@ export default {
type: Boolean,
default: true
index: [Number, Function]
index: [Number, Function],
sortOrders: {
type: Array,
default() {
return ['ascending', 'descending', null];
validator(val) {
return val.every(order => ['ascending', 'descending', null].indexOf(order) > -1);
data() {
@ -266,7 +275,8 @@ export default {
filterOpened: false,
filteredValue: this.filteredValue || [],
filterPlacement: this.filterPlacement || '',
index: this.index
index: this.index,
sortOrders: this.sortOrders
objectAssign(column, forced[type] || {});
@ -475,13 +475,15 @@ export default {
document.body.style.cursor = '';
toggleOrder(order) {
return !order ? 'ascending' : order === 'ascending' ? 'descending' : null;
toggleOrder({ order, sortOrders }) {
if (order === '') return sortOrders[0];
const index = sortOrders.indexOf(order || null);
return sortOrders[index > sortOrders.length - 2 ? 0 : index + 1];
handleSortClick(event, column, givenOrder) {
let order = givenOrder || this.toggleOrder(column.order);
let order = givenOrder || this.toggleOrder(column);
let target = event.target;
while (target && target.tagName !== 'TH') {
@ -1062,6 +1062,22 @@ describe('Table', () => {
}, DELAY);
it('sortable orders', done => {
const vm = createTable('', '', '', 'sortable :sort-orders="[\'descending\', \'ascending\']"', {});
setTimeout(_ => {
const elm = vm.$el.querySelector('.caret-wrapper');
setTimeout(_ => {
const lastCells = vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.el-table__body-wrapper tbody tr td:last-child');
expect(toArray(lastCells).map(node => node.textContent)).to.eql(['100', '95', '92', '92', '80']);
}, DELAY);
}, DELAY);
it('sortable method', done => {
const vm = createTable(
'sortable :sort-method="sortMethod"', '', '', '', {
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { PopoverPlacement } from './popover'
export type TableColumnType = 'default' | 'selection' | 'index' | 'expand'
export type TableColumnFixedType = 'left' | 'right'
export type SortOrders = 'ascending' | 'descending' | null
export type TableColumn = {
/** Label of the column */
@ -69,6 +70,9 @@ export declare class ElTableColumn extends ElementUIComponent {
/** Sorting method. Works when `sortable` is `true` */
sortMethod: (a: any, b: any) => number
/** The order of the sorting strategies used when sorting the data. Works when `sortable` is `true`. */
sortOrders: SortOrders[]
/** Whether column width can be resized. Works when border of `el-table` is `true` */
resizable: boolean
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