mirror of https://github.com/ElemeFE/element
Table: add show-header prop & add header-click event & make height more reasonable.
@ -1072,6 +1072,7 @@ Customize table column so it can be integrated with other components.
| stripe | whether table is striped | boolean | — | false |
| border | whether table has vertical border | boolean | — | false |
| fit | whether width of column automatically fits its container | boolean | — | true |
| show-header | whether table header is visible | boolean | - | true |
| highlight-current-row | whether current row is highlighted | boolean | — | false |
| row-class-name | function that returns custom class names for a row | Function(row, index) | — | — |
| row-key | key of row data, used for optimizing rendering. Required if `reserve-selection` is on | Function(row)/String | — | — |
@ -1087,6 +1088,7 @@ Customize table column so it can be integrated with other components.
| cell-mouse-leave | triggers when hovering out of a cell | row, column, cell, event |
| cell-click | triggers when clicking a cell | row, column, cell, event |
| row-click | triggers when clicking a row | row, event |
| header-click | triggers when clicking a column header | column, event |
| sort-change | triggers when Table's sorting changes | { column, prop, order } |
| current-change | triggers when current row changes | currentRow, oldCurrentRow |
@ -1073,10 +1073,11 @@
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
|---------- |-------------- |---------- |-------------------------------- |-------- |
| data | 显示的数据 | array | — | — |
| height | table 的高度,默认高度为空,即自动高度,单位 px | string/number | — | — |
| height | Table 的高度,默认为自动高度。如果 height 为 number 类型,单位 px;如果 height 为 string 类型,则 Table 的高度受控于外部样式。 | string/number | — | — |
| stripe | 是否为斑马纹 table | boolean | — | false |
| border | 是否带有纵向边框 | boolean | — | false |
| fit | 列的宽度是否自撑开 | boolean | — | true |
| show-header | 是否显示表头 | boolean | - | true |
| highlight-current-row | 是否要高亮当前行 | boolean | — | false |
| row-class-name | 行的 className 的回调。 | Function(row, index) | — | — |
| row-key | 行数据的 Key,用来优化 Table 的渲染;在使用 reserve-selection 功能的情况下,该属性是必填的 | Function(row)/String | — | — |
@ -1092,6 +1093,7 @@
| cell-mouse-leave | 当单元格 hover 退出时会触发该事件 | row, column, cell, event |
| cell-click | 当某个单元格被点击时会触发该事件 | row, column, cell, event |
| row-click | 当某一行被点击时会触发该事件 | row, event |
| header-click | 当某一列的表头被点击时会触发该事件 | column, event |
| sort-change | 当表格的排序条件发生变化的时候会触发该事件 | { column, prop, order } |
| current-change | 当表格的当前行发生变化的时候会触发该事件,如果要高亮当前行,请打开表格的 highlight-current-row 属性 | currentRow, oldCurrentRow |
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ export default {
on-mousemove={ ($event) => this.handleMouseMove($event, column) }
on-mouseout={ this.handleMouseOut }
on-mousedown={ ($event) => this.handleMouseDown($event, column) }
on-click={ ($event) => this.handleClick($event, column) }
class={ [column.id, column.order, column.align, column.className || '', this.isCellHidden(cellIndex) ? 'is-hidden' : ''] }>
<div class={ ['cell', column.filteredValue && column.filteredValue.length > 0 ? 'highlight' : ''] }>
@ -162,6 +163,10 @@ export default {
}, 16);
handleClick(event, column) {
this.$parent.$emit('header-click', column, event);
handleMouseDown(event, column) {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (this.draggingColumn && this.border) {
@ -239,7 +244,7 @@ export default {
if (!this.dragging && this.border) {
let rect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
var bodyStyle = document.body.style;
const bodyStyle = document.body.style;
if (rect.width > 12 && rect.right - event.pageX < 8) {
bodyStyle.cursor = 'col-resize';
this.draggingColumn = column;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class TableLayout {
this.store = null;
this.columns = null;
this.fit = true;
this.showHeader = true;
this.height = null;
this.scrollX = false;
@ -50,16 +51,21 @@ class TableLayout {
setHeight(height) {
if (typeof height === 'string' && /^\d+$/.test(height)) {
height = Number(height);
const el = this.table.$el;
if (typeof height === 'string') {
if (/^\d+$/.test(height)) {
height = Number(height);
this.height = height;
const el = this.table.$el;
if (!isNaN(height) && el) {
if (!el) return;
if (!isNaN(height)) {
el.style.height = height + 'px';
} else if (typeof height === 'string') {
@ -67,12 +73,23 @@ class TableLayout {
updateHeight() {
const height = this.tableHeight = this.table.$el.clientHeight;
const { headerWrapper } = this.table.$refs;
if (!headerWrapper) return;
const headerHeight = this.headerHeight = headerWrapper.offsetHeight;
const bodyHeight = height - headerHeight;
if (this.height !== null && !isNaN(this.height)) this.bodyHeight = bodyHeight;
this.fixedBodyHeight = this.scrollX ? bodyHeight - this.gutterWidth : bodyHeight;
this.viewportHeight = this.scrollX ? height - this.gutterWidth : height;
if (this.showHeader && !headerWrapper) return;
if (!this.showHeader) {
this.headerHeight = 0;
if (this.height !== null && (!isNaN(this.height) || typeof this.height === 'string')) {
this.bodyHeight = height;
this.fixedBodyHeight = this.scrollX ? height - this.gutterWidth : height;
this.viewportHeight = this.scrollX ? height - this.gutterWidth : height;
} else {
const headerHeight = this.headerHeight = headerWrapper.offsetHeight;
const bodyHeight = height - headerHeight;
if (this.height !== null && (!isNaN(this.height) || typeof this.height === 'string')) {
this.bodyHeight = bodyHeight;
this.fixedBodyHeight = this.scrollX ? bodyHeight - this.gutterWidth : bodyHeight;
this.viewportHeight = this.scrollX ? height - this.gutterWidth : height;
update() {
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
:class="{ 'el-table--fit': fit, 'el-table--striped': stripe, 'el-table--border': border }"
<div class="hidden-columns" ref="hiddenColumns"><slot></slot></div>
<div class="el-table__header-wrapper" ref="headerWrapper">
<div class="el-table__header-wrapper" ref="headerWrapper" v-if="showHeader">
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
width: layout.fixedWidth ? layout.fixedWidth + 'px' : '',
height: layout.viewportHeight ? layout.viewportHeight + 'px' : ''
<div class="el-table__fixed-header-wrapper" ref="fixedHeaderWrapper">
<div class="el-table__fixed-header-wrapper" ref="fixedHeaderWrapper" v-if="showHeader">
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
height: layout.viewportHeight ? layout.viewportHeight + 'px' : '',
right: layout.scrollY ? layout.gutterWidth + 'px' : ''
<div class="el-table__fixed-header-wrapper" ref="rightFixedHeaderWrapper">
<div class="el-table__fixed-header-wrapper" ref="rightFixedHeaderWrapper" v-if="showHeader">
@ -132,6 +132,11 @@
context: {},
showHeader: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
rowClassName: [String, Function],
highlightCurrentRow: Boolean,
@ -290,7 +295,8 @@
const layout = new TableLayout({
table: this,
fit: this.fit
fit: this.fit,
showHeader: this.showHeader
return {
@ -116,6 +116,15 @@ describe('Table', () => {
}, DELAY);
it('show-header', done => {
const vm = createTable(':show-header="false"');
setTimeout(_ => {
}, DELAY);
it('tableRowClassName', done => {
const vm = createTable(':row-class-name="tableRowClassName"', {
methods: {
@ -384,6 +393,20 @@ describe('Table', () => {
}, DELAY);
}, DELAY);
it('header-click', done => {
const vm = createTable('header-click');
setTimeout(_ => {
const cell = vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.el-table__header th')[1]; // header[prop='name']
triggerEvent(cell, 'click');
expect(vm.result).to.length(2); // column, event
}, DELAY);
describe('column attributes', () => {
Reference in New Issue