Sometimes, `Dialog` does not always satisfy our requirements, let's say you have a massive form, or you need space to display something like `terms & conditions`, `Drawer` has almost identical API with `Dialog`, but it introduces different user experience.
### Basic Usage
Callout a temporary drawer, from multiple direction
:::demo You must set `visible` for `Drawer` like `Dialog` does to control the visibility of `Drawer` itself, it's `boolean` type. `Drawer` has to parts: `title`&`body`, the `title` is a named slot, you can also set the title through attribute named `title`, default to an empty string, the `body` part is the main area of `Drawer`, which contains user defined content. When opening, `Drawer` expand itself from the **right corner to left** which size is **30%** of the browser window by default. You can change that default behavior by setting `direction` and `size` attribute. This show case also demonstrated how to use the `before-close` API, check the Attribute section for more detail
When you no longer need a title, you can remove title from drawer.
:::demo Set the `withHeader` attribute to **false**, you can remove the title from drawer, thus your drawer can have more space on screen. If you want to be accessible, make sure to set the `title` attribute.
this.$confirm('You still have unsaved data, proceed?')
.then(_ => {
.catch(_ => {});
The content inside Drawer should be lazy rendered, which means that the content inside Drawer will not impact the initial render performance, therefore any DOM operation should be performed through `ref` or after `open` event emitted.
Drawer provides an API called `destroyOnClose`, which is a flag variable that indicates should destroy the children content inside Drawer after Drawer was closed. You can use this API when you need your `mounted` life cycle to be called every time the Drawer opens.
If the variable bound to `visible` is managed in Vuex store, the `.sync` can not work properly. In this case, please remove the `.sync` modifier, listen to `open` and `close` events of Dialog, and commit Vuex mutations to update the value of that variable in the event handlers.
| append-to-body | Controls should Drawer be inserted to DocumentBody Element, nested Drawer must assign this param to **true**| boolean | — | false |
| before-close | If set, closing procedure will be halted | function(done), done is function type that accepts a boolean as parameter, calling done with true or without parameter will abort the close procedure | — | — |
| close-on-press-escape | Indicates whether Drawer can be closed by pressing ESC | boolean | — | true |
| custom-class | Extra class names for Drawer | string | — | — |
| destroy-on-close | Indicates whether children should be destroyed after Drawer closed | boolean | - | false |
| modal | Should show shadowing layer | boolean | — | true |
| modal-append-to-body | Indicates should shadowing layer be insert into DocumentBody element | boolean | — | true |
| show-close | Should show close button at the top right of Drawer | boolean | — | true |
| size | Drawer's size, if Drawer is horizontal mode, it effects the width property, otherwise it effects the height property, when size is `number` type, it describes the size by unit of pixels; when size is `string` type, it should be used with `x%` notation, other wise it will be interpreted to pixel unit | number / string | - | '30%' |
| title | Drawer's title, can also be set by named slot, detailed descriptions can be found in the slot form | string | — | — |
| visible | Should Drawer be displayed, also support the `.sync` notation | boolean | — | false |
| wrapperClosable | Indicates whether user can close Drawer by clicking the shadowing layer. | boolean | - | true |
| withHeader | Flag that controls the header section's existance, default to true, when withHeader set to false, both `title attribute` and `title slot` won't work | boolean | - | true |