
163 lines
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I18n: French translation (#12153) * Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "components.json". * Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "page.json" * Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "route.json" * Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "title.json" * Docs: remove a comma in "title.json" * Docs: translate alert.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: remove a comma in "component.json" * Docs: translate badge.md into french (fr-FR) * * a77b5518 Docs: translate breadcrumb.md into french (fr-FR) * * a77b5518 Docs: translate breadcrumb.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate button.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate card.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate carousel.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate cascader.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate checkbox.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate collapse.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate color-picker.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate color.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate container.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate custom-theme.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate date-picker.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate datetime-picker.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate dialog.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate form.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate i18n.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate icon.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate input-number.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate input.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate installation.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate dropdown.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate layout.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate loading.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate menu.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate message-box.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate message.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate notification.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate pagination.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate popover.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate progress.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate quickstart.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate radio.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate rate.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate select.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate slider.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate steps.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate switch.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate table.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate tabs.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate tag.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate time-picker.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate tooltip.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate transfer.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate transition.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate tree.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate typography.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate upload.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: update the configuration for the french translation * Docs: update the french documentation from 2.4.4 to 2.4.11 * Changelog: translate to line 408 into french (fr-FR) * Changelog: finish the translation into french (fr-FR) * Changelog: update from 2.4.11 to 2.5.4 * Doc: update french translation from 2.4.11 to 2.5.4 * Changelog: fix a display bug with the subtitles * Examples: add french language (fr-FR) in search.vue component * Doc: change some french titles * Doc: add the french locale to app.vue
2019-02-12 01:08:19 +00:00
## Steps
Permet de guider l'utilisateur dans l'accomplissement de toutes les taches d'un processus. Les étapes peuvent être créées de manière à refléter le scénario en question et leur nombre ne peut être inférieur à 2.
### Usage
Voici une barre d'étapes basique.
:::demo Réglez l'attribut `active` avec une variable `Number`, qui indique l'index des étapes et commence à 0. L'attribut `space` permet de déterminer si l'espace entre les étapes doit être fixe à l'aide d'un `Number`. L'unité de `space` est `px`. Si cet attribut est absent, la barre sera responsive. L'attribut `finish-status` change le statut d'accomplissement des étapes.
I18n: French translation (#12153) * Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "components.json". * Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "page.json" * Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "route.json" * Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "title.json" * Docs: remove a comma in "title.json" * Docs: translate alert.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: remove a comma in "component.json" * Docs: translate badge.md into french (fr-FR) * * a77b5518 Docs: translate breadcrumb.md into french (fr-FR) * * a77b5518 Docs: translate breadcrumb.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate button.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate card.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate carousel.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate cascader.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate checkbox.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate collapse.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate color-picker.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate color.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate container.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate custom-theme.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate date-picker.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate datetime-picker.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate dialog.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate form.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate i18n.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate icon.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate input-number.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate input.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate installation.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate dropdown.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate layout.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate loading.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate menu.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate message-box.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate message.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate notification.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate pagination.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate popover.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate progress.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate quickstart.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate radio.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate rate.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate select.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate slider.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate steps.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate switch.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate table.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate tabs.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate tag.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate time-picker.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate tooltip.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate transfer.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate transition.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate tree.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate typography.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: translate upload.md into french (fr-FR) * Docs: update the configuration for the french translation * Docs: update the french documentation from 2.4.4 to 2.4.11 * Changelog: translate to line 408 into french (fr-FR) * Changelog: finish the translation into french (fr-FR) * Changelog: update from 2.4.11 to 2.5.4 * Doc: update french translation from 2.4.11 to 2.5.4 * Changelog: fix a display bug with the subtitles * Examples: add french language (fr-FR) in search.vue component * Doc: change some french titles * Doc: add the french locale to app.vue
2019-02-12 01:08:19 +00:00
<el-steps :active="active" finish-status="success">
<el-step title="Étape 1"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 2"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 3"></el-step>
<el-button style="margin-top: 12px;" @click="next">Prochaine étape</el-button>
export default {
data() {
return {
active: 0
methods: {
next() {
if (this.active++ > 2) this.active = 0;
### Barre avec statut
Vous pouvez afficher le statut de chaque étape.
:::demo Utilisez `title` pour définir le nom de l'étape, ou écrasez cet attribut en utilisant un `slot`. La liste complète des slots se trouve en fin de page.
<el-steps :space="200" :active="1" finish-status="success">
<el-step title="Terminé"></el-step>
<el-step title="En cours"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 3"></el-step>
### Barre avec description
Vous pouvez ajouter une description pour chaque étape.
<el-steps :active="1">
<el-step title="Étape 1" description="Une description"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 2" description="Une description"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 3" description="Une description"></el-step>
### Centrer
Le titre et la description peuvent être centrés.
<el-steps :active="2" align-center>
<el-step title="Étape 1" description="Une description"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 2" description="Une description"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 3" description="Une description"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 4" description="Une description"></el-step>
### Barre avec icône
Une grande variété d'icônes peut être utilisée dans la barre d'étapes.
:::demo L'icône est ajoutée en utilisant `icon`. Les types d'icônes possibles sont référencés dans la documentation du composant Icon. De plus, vous pouvez utilisé une icône personnalisée en utilisant un `slot`.
<el-steps :active="1">
<el-step title="Étape 1" icon="el-icon-edit"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 2" icon="el-icon-upload"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 3" icon="el-icon-picture"></el-step>
### Barre verticale
La barre d'étape peut être affichée de manière verticale.
:::demo Mettez simplement l'attribut `direction` à ` vertical` dans l'élément `el-steps`.
<div style="height: 300px;">
<el-steps direction="vertical" :active="1">
<el-step title="Étape 1"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 2"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 3"></el-step>
### Barre d'étapes simple
La barre peut être simplifiée de manière à ce que `align-center`, `description`, `direction` et `space` soient ignorées.
<el-steps :space="200" :active="1" simple>
<el-step title="Étape 1" icon="el-icon-edit"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 2" icon="el-icon-upload"></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 3" icon="el-icon-picture"></el-step>
<el-steps :active="1" finish-status="success" simple style="margin-top: 20px">
<el-step title="Étape 1" ></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 2" ></el-step>
<el-step title="Étape 3" ></el-step>
### Attributs de la barre
| Attribut | Description | Type | Valeurs acceptées | Défaut |
|---------- |-------- |---------- |------------- |-------- |
| space | L'espace entre chaque étape, sera responsive si omis. Supporte les pourcentages. | number / string | — | — |
| direction | L'orientation de la barre. | string | vertical/horizontal | horizontal |
| active | L'index de l'étape courante. | number | — | 0 |
| process-status | Le statut de l'étape courante. | string | wait / process / finish / error / success | process |
| finish-status | Le statut de la dernière étape. | string | wait / process / finish / error / success | finish |
| align-center | Si le titre et la description doivent être centrés. | boolean | — | false |
| simple | Si un thème simple doit être appliqué. | boolean | - | false |
### Attributs des étapes
| Attribut | Description | Type | Valeurs acceptées | Défaut |
|---------- |-------- |---------- |------------- |-------- |
| title | Titre de l'étape. | string | — | — |
| description | Description de l'étape. | string | — | — |
| icon | step icon | Classe de l'icône d'étape. Les icônes peuvent aussi être passées via des slots. | string | — |
| status | Le statut actuel. Sera déterminé par la barre d'étapes si omis. | wait / process / finish / error / success | - |
### Slots des étapes
| Nom | Description |
| icon | L'icône de l'étape. |
| title | Le titre de l'étape. |
| description | La description de l'étape. |