feat: 规避sni封锁,加速github访问,升级油猴加速脚本
@ -38,27 +38,29 @@ module.exports = {
'github.com': {
'github.com': {
'/.*/.*/releases/download/': {
'/.*/.*/releases/download/': {
redirect: 'download.fastgit.org',
redirect: 'download.fastgit.org',
desc: 'release文件加速下载跳转地址'
desc: 'release文件加速下载跳转地址',
sni: 'no.sni'
'/.*/.*/archive/': {
'/.*/.*/archive/': {
redirect: 'download.fastgit.org'
redirect: 'download.fastgit.org',
sni: 'no.sni'
'/.*/.*/blame/': {
'/.*/.*/blame/': {
redirect: 'hub.fastgit.org'
redirect: 'hub.fastgit.org',
sni: 'no.sni'
'^/[^/]+/[^/]+(/releases(/.*)?)?$': {
'^/[^/]+/[^/]+(/releases(/.*)?)?$': {
script: [
script: [
desc: 'clone加速复制链接脚本'
desc: 'clone加速复制链接脚本',
sni: 'no.sni'
'/.*': {
'/.*': {
proxy: 'gh.docmirror.top/_proxy',
proxy: 'github.com',
backup: [
// proxy: 'gh.docmirror.top/_proxy', // 如果后续github.com的ip被封锁之后,只能再把这个放开
sni: 'baidu.com'
'api.github.com': {
'api.github.com': {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
// ==UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name Github 增强 - 高速下载
// @name Github 增强 - 高速下载
// @version 1.2.4
// @version 1.5.6
// @author X.I.U
// @author X.I.U
// @description 高速下载 Clone、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 等文件、项目列表单文件快捷下载 (☁)
// @description 高速下载 Git Clone/SSH、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 等文件、项目列表单文件快捷下载 (☁)
// @match https://github.com/*/*
// @match *://github.com/*
// @match https://github.com/*/*/releases
// @match *://hub.fastgit.org/*
// @match https://github.com/*/*/releases/*
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// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
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// @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_openInTab
@ -17,272 +15,433 @@
// @license GPL-3.0 License
// @license GPL-3.0 License
// @run-at document-end
// @run-at document-end
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/scripts/412245
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/scripts/412245
// @supportURL https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript
// @homepageURL https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript
// ==/UserScript==
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
(function() {
console.log('github script loaded')
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//['https://gh.66ccff.work', '美国'],
//['https://github.91chifun.workers.dev', '美国'],
//['https://github.rc1844.workers.dev', '美国'],
var download_url = [
var download_url = [
['https://gh.api.99988866.xyz', '美国'],
['https://gh.msx.workers.dev', '美国'],
['https://gh.xiu2.xyz', '美国'],
['https://gh.argv.cc', '美国费利蒙'],
['https://git.yumenaka.net', '美国洛杉矶'],
['https://download.fastgit.org', '日本东京'],
['https://ghproxy.com', '韩国首尔'],
var download_url_name = ['美国', '美国', '日本东京', '中国香港', '中国香港', '美国洛杉矶']
['https://pd.zwc365.com/seturl', '中国香港']
var clone_url = [
clone_url = [
['https://hub.fastgit.org', '中国香港'],
['https://gitclone.com', '中国浙江'],
['https://github.com.cnpmjs.org', '新加坡']
var raw_url = [
clone_ssh_url = [
['git@git.zhlh6.cn', '中国北京'],
['git@hub.fastgit.org', '中国香港']
var raw_url_name = ['Github 原生', '中国国内', '中国香港', '美国洛杉矶']
raw_url = [
var raw_url_tip = [
['https://raw.githubusercontent.com', 'Github 原生',''],
['https://cdn.jsdelivr.net','中国国内', '注意:该加速源存在缓存机制(24小时),所以文件可能不是最新。 注意:当前分支所有文件总文件大小超过 50MB 时,该加速源不可用。 注意:当前分支名为版本号格式时(如 v1.2.3),该高速下载链接因格式限制不可用。'],
'注意:该加速源存在缓存机制(24小时),所以文件可能不是最新。 注意:当前分支所有文件总文件大小超过 50MB 时,该加速源不可用。 注意:当前分支名为版本号格式时(如 v1.2.3),该高速下载链接因格式限制不可用。 ',
['https://raw.fastgit.org','中国香港', '注意:单个文件太大时可能会提示超时(实时获取中),请重试。'],
'注意:单个文件太大时可能会提示超时(实时获取中),请重试。 ',
['https://cdn.staticaly.com','日本东京', '注意:该加速是全球 Anycast CDN,国内一般分配到日本节点。'],
'注意:经过测试,该加速源存在文件格式限制,如果无法下载说明不支持该文件格式。 '
['https://ghproxy.com','韩国首尔', '']
var svg = [
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// 注册脚本菜单
// 注册脚本菜单
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menu_feedBack_ID = GM_registerMenuCommand('💬 反馈 & 建议 [Github]', function () { window.GM_openInTab('https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript', { active: true, insert: true, setParent: true }) })
menu_raw_fast = 0
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// 切换加速源
// 切换加速源
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function menu_toggle_raw_fast() {
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menu_raw_fast = 0;
} else {
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menu_raw_fast += 1
menu_raw_fast += 1;
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delDownLink() // 删除旧加速源
addRawDownLink(); // 添加新加速源
GM_notification({text: "已切换加速源为:" + raw_url[menu_raw_fast][1], timeout: 3000}); // 提示消息
addDownLink() // 添加新加速源
registerMenuCommand(); // 重新注册脚本菜单
GM_notification(`已切换加速源为:${raw_url_name[menu_raw_fast]}`) // 提示消息
registerMenuCommand() // 重新注册脚本菜单
addRelease() // Release 加速
function menu_num(num) {
addDownloadZIP() // Source Code 加速
switch(num) {
addGitClone() // Download ZIP/Code(ZIP) 加速
case 0:
addRawFile() // Raw 加速
return '0️⃣'
setTimeout(addDownLink, 2000) // 添加 Raw 下载链接(☁),延迟 2 秒执行,避免被 pjax 刷掉
case 1:
return '1️⃣'
case 2:
return '2️⃣'
case 3:
return '3️⃣'
case 4:
return '4️⃣'
case 5:
return '5️⃣'
case 6:
return '6️⃣'
addRelease(); // Release 加速
addDownloadZIP(); // Download ZIP 加速
addGitClone(); // Git Clone 加速
addGitCloneSSH(); // Git Clone SSH 加速
addRawFile(); // Raw 加速
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document.addEventListener('pjax:success',function(){ // pjax 事件发生后
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addRelease(); // Release 加速
addDownloadZIP() // Source Code 加速
addDownloadZIP(); // Download ZIP 加速
addGitClone() // Download ZIP/Code(ZIP) 加速
addGitClone(); // Git Clone 加速
addRawFile() // 添加 Raw 加速按钮
addGitCloneSSH(); // Git Clone SSH 加速
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function pushHistory() {
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window.history.pushState(state, '', '');
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timer = setInterval(function(){
if (oldUrl != location.href) {
oldUrl = location.href;
addRawDownLink_(); // 在浏览器返回/前进时重新添加 Raw 下载链接(☁)事件
}, 1000);*/
// Release
// Release
function addRelease() {
function addRelease() {
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download_url[0] + '/https://github.com' + href,
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download_url[5] + '/https://github.com' + href
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<div><a style="${style[0]}" class="btn" href="${url[3]}" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">${download_url_name[3]}</a></div>
url[i] = download_url[i][0] + href[1]
<div><a style="${style[0]}" class="btn" href="${url[4]}" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">${download_url_name[4]}</a></div>
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<div><a style="${style[0]}" class="btn" href="${url[5]}" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">${download_url_name[5]}</a></div>
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// Source Code
// Source Code
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download_url[1] + '/https://github.com' + href,
download_url[2] + href,
for (let i=0;i<download_url.length;i++){
download_url[3] + '/https://github.com' + href,
if (download_url[i][0] === 'https://download.fastgit.org') {
download_url[4] + '/https://github.com' + href,
url[i] = download_url[i][0] + href[1]
download_url[5] + '/https://github.com' + href
} else {
url[i] = download_url[i][0] + '/' + _this.href
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_html += `<a style="${style[0]}" class="btn" href="${url[i]}" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">${download_url[i][1]}</a>`
_html += `</div>`
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// 修改 Source code 样式,使其和加速按钮并列一排
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// Download ZIP
// Download ZIP
function addDownloadZIP() {
function addDownloadZIP() {
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var href = $(this).children('a').attr('href')
let href = html.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href,
var url = [
url = [],
download_url[0] + '/https://github.com' + href,
_html = ``;
download_url[1] + '/https://github.com' + href,
download_url[2] + href,
for (let i=0;i<download_url.length;i++){
download_url[3] + '/https://github.com' + href,
if (download_url[i][0] === 'https://download.fastgit.org') {
download_url[4] + '/https://github.com' + href,
url[i] = download_url[i][0] + href.split(location.host)[1]
download_url[5] + '/https://github.com' + href
} else {
url[i] = download_url[i][0] + '/' + href
var html = `
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if (location.host === 'hub.fastgit.org') url[i] = url[i].replace('hub.fastgit.org','github.com')
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_html += `<li class="Box-row Box-row--hover-gray p-0"><a class="d-flex flex-items-center color-text-primary text-bold no-underline p-3" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" href="${url[i]}">${svg[0]}Download ZIP ${download_url[i][1]}</a></li>`
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// Git Clone
// Git Clone
function addGitClone() {
function addGitClone() {
$("[role='tabpanel'] div.input-group").first().each(function () {
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var url = [
url = [],
clone_url[0] + '/' + href_split[3] + '/' + href_split[4] + '.git',
_html = ``;
clone_url[1] + '/github.com/' + href_split[3] + '/' + href_split[4] + '.git',
clone_url[2] + '/' + href_split[3] + '/' + href_split[4] + '.git'
for (let i=0;i<clone_url.length;i++){
if (clone_url[i][0] === 'https://gitclone.com') {
var html = `
url[i] = clone_url[i][0] + '/github.com' + href_split[1]
<div class="input-group" style="margin-top: 4px;"><input value="${url[0]}" aria-label="${url[0]}" type="text" class="form-control input-monospace input-sm bg-gray-light" data-autoselect="" readonly=""><div class="input-group-button"><clipboard-copy value="${url[0]}" aria-label="Copy to clipboard" class="btn btn-sm" tabindex="0" role="button">${svg[1]}</clipboard-copy></div></div>
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url[i] = clone_url[i][0] + href_split[1]
<div class="input-group" style="margin-top: 4px;"><input value="${url[2]}" aria-label="${url[2]}" type="text" class="form-control input-monospace input-sm bg-gray-light" data-autoselect="" readonly=""><div class="input-group-button"><clipboard-copy value="${url[2]}" aria-label="Copy to clipboard" class="btn btn-sm" tabindex="0" role="button">${svg[1]}</clipboard-copy></div></div>
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_html += `<div class="input-group" style="margin-top: 4px;" title="加速源:${clone_url[i][1]} (点击可直接复制)"><input value="${url[i]}" aria-label="${url[i]}" type="text" class="form-control input-monospace input-sm bg-gray-light" data-autoselect="" readonly=""><div class="input-group-button"><clipboard-copy value="${url[i]}" aria-label="Copy to clipboard" class="btn btn-sm" tabindex="0" role="button">${svg[1]}</clipboard-copy></div></div>`
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// Git Clone SSH
function addGitCloneSSH() {
let html = document.querySelector('[role="tabpanel"]:nth-child(3) div.input-group');if (!html) return
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url = [],
_html = ``;
if (href_split[0] != 'git@github.com') return
for (let i=0;i<clone_ssh_url.length;i++){
url[i] = clone_ssh_url[i][0] + ':' + href_split[1]
for (let i=0;i<url.length;i++) {
_html += `<div class="input-group" style="margin-top: 4px;" title="加速源:${clone_ssh_url[i][1]} (点击可直接复制)"><input value="${url[i]}" aria-label="${url[i]}" type="text" class="form-control input-monospace input-sm bg-gray-light" data-autoselect="" readonly=""><div class="input-group-button"><clipboard-copy value="${url[i]}" aria-label="Copy to clipboard" class="btn btn-sm" tabindex="0" role="button">${svg[1]}</clipboard-copy></div></div>`
html.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', _html);
// Raw
// Raw
function addRawFile() {
function addRawFile() {
$('#raw-url').each(function () {
let html = document.getElementById('raw-url');if (!html) return
var href = location.href.replace('https://github.com', '')
let href = location.href.replace(`https://${location.host}`,''),
var href2 = href.replace('/blob/', '/')
href2 = href.replace('/blob/','/'),
var url = [
url = [
raw_url[1] + '/gh' + href.replace('/blob/', '@'),
raw_url[1][0] + "/gh" + href.replace('/blob/','@'),
raw_url[2] + href2,
raw_url[2][0] + href2,
download_url[5] + '/' + raw_url[0] + href2
raw_url[3][0] + "/gh" + href.replace('/blob/','/'),
raw_url[4][0] + "/" + raw_url[0][0] + href2
var html = `
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_html = ``;
<a href="${url[1]}" title="${raw_url_tip[2]}" role="button" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" class="btn btn-sm BtnGroup-item">${raw_url_name[2]}</a>
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<a href="${url[2]}" title="${raw_url_tip[3]}" role="button" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" class="btn btn-sm BtnGroup-item">${raw_url_name[3]}</a>
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html.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', _html);
// 添加 Raw 下载链接(☁)
// 添加 Raw 下载链接(☁)
function addDownLink () {
function addRawDownLink() {
// 如果不是项目文件页面,就返回
// 如果不是项目文件页面,就返回,如果网页有 Raw 下载链接(☁)就返回
var files = $('div.Box-row svg.octicon.octicon-file')
let files = document.querySelectorAll('div.Box-row svg.octicon.octicon-file');if(files.length === 0) return;
if (files.length === 0) return
let files1 = document.querySelectorAll('a.fileDownLink');if(files1.length > 0) return;
var files1 = $('a.fileDownLink')
if (files1.length > 0) return
// 鼠标指向则显示
// 鼠标指向则显示
var mouseOverHandler = function(evt) {
var mouseOverHandler = function(evt) {
var elem = evt.currentTarget
let elem = evt.currentTarget,
var aElm_new = elem.querySelectorAll('.fileDownLink')
aElm_new = elem.querySelectorAll('.fileDownLink'),
var aElm_now = elem.querySelectorAll('svg.octicon.octicon-file.text-gray-light')
aElm_now = elem.querySelectorAll('svg.octicon.octicon-file.color-icon-tertiary');
aElm_new.forEach(el => el.style.cssText = 'display: inline')
aElm_new.forEach(el=>{el.style.cssText = 'display: inline'});
aElm_now.forEach(el => el.style.cssText = 'display: none')
aElm_now.forEach(el=>{el.style.cssText = 'display: none'});
// 鼠标离开则隐藏
// 鼠标离开则隐藏
var mouseOutHandler = function(evt) {
var mouseOutHandler = function(evt) {
var elem = evt.currentTarget
let elem = evt.currentTarget,
var aElm_new = elem.querySelectorAll('.fileDownLink')
aElm_new = elem.querySelectorAll('.fileDownLink'),
var aElm_now = elem.querySelectorAll('svg.octicon.octicon-file.text-gray-light')
aElm_now = elem.querySelectorAll('svg.octicon.octicon-file.color-icon-tertiary');
aElm_new.forEach(el => el.style.cssText = 'display: none')
aElm_new.forEach(el=>{el.style.cssText = 'display: none'});
aElm_now.forEach(el => el.style.cssText = 'display: inline')
aElm_now.forEach(el=>{el.style.cssText = 'display: inline'});
// 循环添加
// 循环添加
files.each(function (i, fileElm) {
files.forEach(function(fileElm, i) {
var trElm = fileElm.parentNode.parentNode
let trElm = fileElm.parentNode.parentNode,
var cntElm_a = trElm.querySelector('.css-truncate.css-truncate-target.d-block.width-fit a')
cntElm_a = trElm.querySelector('.css-truncate.css-truncate-target.d-block.width-fit a'),
var cntElm_svg = trElm.querySelector('.mr-3.flex-shrink-0 svg.octicon.octicon-file.text-gray-light')
cntElm_svg = trElm.querySelector('.mr-3.flex-shrink-0 svg.octicon.octicon-file.color-icon-tertiary'),
var Name = cntElm_a.innerText
Name = cntElm_a.innerText,
var href = cntElm_a.attributes.href.nodeValue.replace('https://github.com', '')
href = cntElm_a.attributes.href.nodeValue.replace(`https://${location.host}`,'');
var href2 = href.replace('/blob/', '/'); var url; var url_name; var url_tip = ''
let href2 = href.replace('/blob/','/'), url, url_name, url_tip = '';
switch(menu_raw_fast) {
switch(menu_raw_fast) {
case 0:
url = raw_url[0] + href2
url_name = raw_url_name[0]
url_tip = raw_url_tip[0]
case 1:
case 1:
url = raw_url[1] + '/gh' + href.replace('/blob/', '@')
url = raw_url[1][0] + '/gh' + href.replace('/blob/','@');
url_name = raw_url_name[1]
url_name = raw_url[1][1];
url_tip = raw_url_tip[1]
url_tip = raw_url[1][2];
case 2:
url = raw_url[2] + href2
url_name = raw_url_name[2]
url_tip = raw_url_tip[2]
case 3:
case 3:
url = download_url[5] + '/' + raw_url[0] + href2
url = raw_url[3][0] + '/gh' + href.replace('/blob/','/');
url_name = download_url_name[5]
url_name = raw_url[3][1];
url_tip = raw_url_tip[3]
url_tip = raw_url[3][2];
case 4:
url = raw_url[4][0] + "/" + raw_url[0][0] + href2;
url_name = raw_url[4][1];
url_tip = raw_url[4][2];
url = raw_url[menu_raw_fast][0] + href2;
url_name = raw_url[menu_raw_fast][1];
url_tip = raw_url[menu_raw_fast][2];
var html = ` <a href="${url}" download="${Name}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" class="fileDownLink" style="display: none;" title="「${url_name}」 [Alt + 左键] 或 [右键 - 另存为...] 下载文件。 注意:鼠标点击 [☁] 图标,而不是左侧的文件名! ${url_tip}提示:点击浏览器右上角 Tampermonkey 扩展图标 - [ ${raw_url_name[menu_raw_fast]} ] 加速源 (☁) 即可切换。">${svg[2]}</a>`
let _html = ` <a href="${url}" download="${Name}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" class="fileDownLink" style="display: none;" title="「${url_name}」 [Alt + 左键] 或 [右键 - 另存为...] 下载文件。 注意:鼠标点击 [☁] 图标,而不是左侧的文件名! ${url_tip}提示:点击浏览器右上角 Tampermonkey 扩展图标 - [ ${raw_url[menu_raw_fast][1]} ] 加速源 (☁) 即可切换。">${svg[2]}</a>`;
cntElm_svg.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', _html);
// 绑定鼠标事件
// 绑定鼠标事件
trElm.onmouseover = mouseOverHandler
trElm.onmouseover = mouseOverHandler;
trElm.onmouseout = mouseOutHandler
trElm.onmouseout = mouseOutHandler;
// 删除 Raw 快捷下载(☁)
function delRawDownLink() {
let aElm = document.querySelectorAll('.fileDownLink');if(aElm.length === 0) return;
aElm.forEach(function(fileElm) {
// 删除 Raw 快捷下载(☁)
function delDownLink () {
// 在浏览器返回/前进时重新添加 Raw 下载链接(☁)鼠标事件
var aElm = document.querySelectorAll('.fileDownLink')
function addRawDownLink_() {
for (var num = 0; num < aElm.length; num++) {
// 如果不是项目文件页面,就返回,如果网页没有 Raw 下载链接(☁)就返回
let files = document.querySelectorAll('div.Box-row svg.octicon.octicon-file');if(files.length === 0) return;
let files1 = document.querySelectorAll('a.fileDownLink');if(files1.length === 0) return;
// 鼠标指向则显示
var mouseOverHandler = function(evt) {
let elem = evt.currentTarget,
aElm_new = elem.querySelectorAll('.fileDownLink'),
aElm_now = elem.querySelectorAll('svg.octicon.octicon-file.color-icon-tertiary');
aElm_new.forEach(el=>{el.style.cssText = 'display: inline'});
aElm_now.forEach(el=>{el.style.cssText = 'display: none'});
// 鼠标离开则隐藏
var mouseOutHandler = function(evt) {
let elem = evt.currentTarget,
aElm_new = elem.querySelectorAll('.fileDownLink'),
aElm_now = elem.querySelectorAll('svg.octicon.octicon-file.color-icon-tertiary');
aElm_new.forEach(el=>{el.style.cssText = 'display: none'});
aElm_now.forEach(el=>{el.style.cssText = 'display: inline'});
// 循环添加
files.forEach(function(fileElm, i) {
let trElm = fileElm.parentNode.parentNode;
// 绑定鼠标事件
trElm.onmouseover = mouseOverHandler;
trElm.onmouseout = mouseOutHandler;
// 自定义 locationchange 事件(用来监听 URL 变化,针对的是 Github 这种因为使用 pjax 而无法依靠 hashchange 监听的网页)
function addLocationchange() {
history.pushState = ( f => function pushState(){
var ret = f.apply(this, arguments);
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('pushstate'));
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange'));
return ret;
history.replaceState = ( f => function replaceState(){
var ret = f.apply(this, arguments);
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('replacestate'));
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange'));
return ret;
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange'))
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ module.exports = {
log.debug('proxy choice:', JSON.stringify(context.requestCount))
log.debug('proxy choice:', JSON.stringify(context.requestCount))
if (interceptOpt.sni != null) {
rOptions.servername = interceptOpt.sni
return true
return true
is (interceptOpt) {
is (interceptOpt) {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ const api = {
scripts = {}
scripts = {}
scripts.github = loadScript(readFile(rootDir, 'github.script'))
scripts.github = loadScript(readFile(rootDir, 'github.script'))
scripts.google = loadScript(readFile(rootDir, 'google.js'))
scripts.google = loadScript(readFile(rootDir, 'google.js'))
scripts.jquery = { script: readFile(rootDir, 'jquery.min.js') }
// scripts.jquery = { script: readFile(rootDir, 'jquery.min.js') }
scripts.global = { script: readFile(rootDir, 'global.script') }
scripts.global = { script: readFile(rootDir, 'global.script') }
return scripts
return scripts
Reference in New Issue