feature: 借助拦截器,对接百度OCR,并通过拦截配置提供OCR接口。

王良 2024-09-09 13:31:00 +08:00
parent 81dc4a545b
commit 86d2077553
2 changed files with 191 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
function getTomorrow () {
const now = new Date()
const tomorrow = new Date(now)
// 设置日期为明天
tomorrow.setDate(now.getDate() + 1)
// 重置时间为凌晨 0 点 0 分 0 秒
tomorrow.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
return tomorrow.getTime()
// function getNextMonth () {
// const now = new Date()
// const currentYear = now.getFullYear()
// const currentMonth = now.getMonth()
// // 如果当前月份是12月年份增加1并且月份设为01月
// const nextMonth = (currentMonth + 1) % 12
// const nextYear = nextMonth === 0 ? currentYear + 1 : currentYear
// return new Date(nextYear, nextMonth, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).getTime()
// }
const AipOcrClient = require('baidu-aip-sdk').ocr
const AipOcrClientMap = {}
const apis = [
'accurateBasic', // 调用通用文字识别(高精度版)
'accurate', // 调用通用文字识别(含位置高精度版)
'handwriting' // 手写文字识别
const limitMap = {}
function createBaiduOcrClient (config) {
const key = config.id
if (AipOcrClientMap[key]) {
return AipOcrClientMap[key]
const client = new AipOcrClient(config.id, config.ak, config.sk)
AipOcrClientMap[key] = client
return client
let count = 0
function getConfig (interceptOpt, tryCount, log) {
tryCount = tryCount || 1
let config
if (typeof (interceptOpt.baiduOcr) && interceptOpt.baiduOcr.length > 0) {
config = interceptOpt.baiduOcr[count++ % interceptOpt.baiduOcr.length]
if (tryCount < interceptOpt.baiduOcr.length) {
if (!config || !config.id || !config.ak || !config.sk) {
return getConfig(interceptOpt, tryCount + 1, log) // 递归找到有效的配置
// 避免count值过大造成问题
if (count >= 100000) count = 0
} else {
config = interceptOpt.baiduOcr
tryCount = null // 将tryCount设置为null代表只有一个配置
if (!config || !config.id || !config.ak || !config.sk) {
return null // 没有配置或配置错误直接返回null
// 获取当前配置可用的API
for (let i = 0; i < apis.length; i++) {
const api = apis[i]
if (!checkIsLimitConfig(config.id, api)) {
config.api = api
log.warn(`百度云账号 ${config.id} 的接口 ${api} 已超出限额`)
// 如果当前配置的所有API均不可用则返回null
if (config.api == null) {
if (tryCount == null) {
return null // 只配置了一个账号没有更多账号可以选择了直接返回null
} else {
if (tryCount < interceptOpt.baiduOcr.length) {
// 递归找到有效的配置
return getConfig(interceptOpt, tryCount + 1, log)
} else {
return null
return config
function limitConfig (id, api) {
const key = id + '_' + api
limitMap[key] = getTomorrow()
// limitMap[key] = Date.now() + 5000 // 测试用5秒后解禁
function checkIsLimitConfig (id, api) {
const key = id + '_' + api
const limitTime = limitMap[key]
return limitTime && limitTime > Date.now()
module.exports = {
name: 'baiduOcr',
priority: 131,
requestIntercept (context, interceptOpt, req, res, ssl, next, matched) {
const { rOptions, log } = context
const headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
// 获取配置
const config = getConfig(interceptOpt, null, log)
if (!config) {
res.writeHead(200, headers)
res.write('{"error_code": 99917, "error_msg": "dev-sidecar中未配置百度云账号或所有百度云账号的免费额度都已用完"}')
return true
if (!config.id || !config.ak || !config.sk) {
res.writeHead(200, headers)
res.write('{"error_code": 999500, "error_msg": "dev-sidecar中baiduOcr的 id 或 ak 或 sk 配置为空"}')
return true
headers['DS-Interceptor'] = `baiduOcr: id=${config.id}, api=${config.api || apis[0]}, account=${config.account}`
// 获取图片的base64编码
let imageBase64 = rOptions.path.substring(rOptions.path.indexOf('?') + 1)
if (!imageBase64) {
res.writeHead(200, headers)
res.write('{"error_code": 999400, "error_msg": "图片Base64参数为空"}')
return true
imageBase64 = decodeURIComponent(imageBase64)
// 调用百度云 “文字识别” 相关接口,根据 `config.api` 调用不同的接口
const client = createBaiduOcrClient(config)
const options = {
recognize_granularity: 'big',
detect_direction: 'false',
paragraph: 'false',
probability: 'false',
...(config.options || {})
log.info('发起百度ocr请求', req.hostname)
client[config.api || apis[0]](imageBase64, options).then(function (result) {
if (result.error_code != null) {
log.error('baiduOcr error:', result)
if (result.error_code === 17) {
// 当前百度云账号,达到当日调用次数上限
limitConfig(config.id, config.api)
log.error(`当前百度云账号的接口 ${config.api},已达到当日调用次数上限,暂时禁用它,明天会自动放开:`, config)
} else {
log.info('baiduOcr success:', result)
res.writeHead(200, headers)
res.write(JSON.stringify(result)) // 格式如:{"words_result":[{"words":"6525"}],"words_result_num":1,"log_id":1818877093747960000}
if (next) next() // 异步执行完继续next
}).catch(function (err) {
log.info('baiduOcr error:', err)
res.writeHead(200, headers)
res.write('{"error_code": 999500, "error_msg": "' + err + '"}') // 格式如:{"words_result":[{"words":"6525"}],"words_result_num":1,"log_id":1818877093747960000}
if (next) next() // 异步执行完继续next
log.info('proxy baiduOcr: hostname:', req.hostname)
return 'no-next'
is (interceptOpt) {
return !!interceptOpt.baiduOcr

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ const requestReplace = require('./impl/req/requestReplace')
const proxy = require('./impl/req/proxy')
const sni = require('./impl/req/sni')
const baiduOcr = require('./impl/req/baiduOcr')
// response interceptor impls
const OPTIONSHeaders = require('./impl/res/AfterOPTIONSHeaders')
const cacheRes = require('./impl/res/cacheRes')
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ module.exports = [
success, redirect, abort, cacheReq,
proxy, sni,
// response interceptor impls
OPTIONSHeaders, cacheRes, responseReplace,