259 lines
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259 lines
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//load database
var Datastore = require('nedb');
var path = require("path");
exports.db_folder = process.env.CRON_DB_PATH === undefined ? path.join(__dirname, "crontabs") : process.env.CRON_DB_PATH;
console.log("Cron db path: " + exports.db_folder);
exports.log_folder = path.join(exports.db_folder, 'logs');
exports.env_file = path.join(exports.db_folder, 'env.db');
exports.crontab_db_file = path.join(exports.db_folder, 'crontab.db');
var db = new Datastore({ filename: exports.crontab_db_file});
var cronPath = "/tmp";
if(process.env.CRON_PATH !== undefined) {
console.log(`Path to crond files set using env variables ${process.env.CRON_PATH}`);
cronPath = process.env.CRON_PATH;
db.loadDatabase(function (err) {
if (err) throw err; // no hope, just terminate
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var fs = require('fs');
var cron_parser = require("cron-parser");
crontab = function(name, command, schedule, stopped, logging, mailing){
var data = {};
data.name = name;
data.command = command;
data.schedule = schedule;
if(stopped !== null) {
data.stopped = stopped;
data.timestamp = (new Date()).toString();
data.logging = logging;
if (!mailing)
mailing = {};
data.mailing = mailing;
return data;
exports.create_new = function(name, command, schedule, logging, mailing){
var tab = crontab(name, command, schedule, false, logging, mailing);
tab.created = new Date().valueOf();
tab.saved = false;
exports.update = function(data){
var tab = crontab(data.name, data.command, data.schedule, null, data.logging, data.mailing);
tab.saved = false;
db.update({_id: data._id}, tab);
exports.status = function(_id, stopped){
db.update({_id: _id},{$set: {stopped: stopped, saved: false}});
exports.remove = function(_id){
db.remove({_id: _id}, {});
// Iterates through all the crontab entries in the db and calls the callback with the entries
exports.crontabs = function(callback){
db.find({}).sort({ created: -1 }).exec(function(err, docs){
for(var i=0; i<docs.length; i++){
if(docs[i].schedule == "@reboot")
docs[i].next = "Next Reboot";
try {
docs[i].next = cron_parser.parseExpression(docs[i].schedule).next().toString();
} catch(err) {
docs[i].next = "invalid";
exports.get_crontab = function(_id, callback) {
db.find({_id: _id}).exec(function(err, docs){
exports.runjob = function(_id, callback) {
db.find({_id: _id}).exec(function(err, docs){
var res = docs[0];
exec(res.command, function(error, stdout, stderr){
// Set actual crontab file from the db
exports.set_crontab = function(env_vars, callback){
exports.crontabs( function(tabs){
var crontab_string = "";
if (env_vars) {
crontab_string = env_vars + "\n";
if(!tab.stopped) {
let stderr = path.join(cronPath, tab._id + ".stderr");
let stdout = path.join(cronPath, tab._id + ".stdout");
let log_file = path.join(exports.log_folder, tab._id + ".log");
let log_file_stdout = path.join(exports.log_folder, tab._id + ".stdout.log");
if(tab.command[tab.command.length-1] != ";") // add semicolon
tab.command +=";";
crontab_string += tab.schedule + " ({ " + tab.command + " } | tee " + stdout + ") 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee " + stderr;
if (tab.logging && tab.logging == "true") {
crontab_string += "; if test -f " + stderr +
"; then date >> \"" + log_file + "\"" +
"; cat " + stderr + " >> \"" + log_file + "\"" +
"; fi";
crontab_string += "; if test -f " + stdout +
"; then date >> \"" + log_file_stdout + "\"" +
"; cat " + stdout + " >> \"" + log_file_stdout + "\"" +
"; fi";
if (tab.hook) {
crontab_string += "; if test -f " + stdout +
"; then " + tab.hook + " < " + stdout +
"; fi";
if (tab.mailing && JSON.stringify(tab.mailing) != "{}"){
crontab_string += "; /usr/local/bin/node " + __dirname + "/bin/crontab-ui-mailer.js " + tab._id + " " + stdout + " " + stderr;
crontab_string += "\n";
fs.writeFile(exports.env_file, env_vars, function(err) {
if (err) {
// In docker we're running as the root user, so we need to write the file as root and not crontab
var fileName = process.env.CRON_IN_DOCKER !== undefined ? "root" : "crontab";
fs.writeFile(path.join(cronPath, fileName), crontab_string, function(err) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
exec("crontab " + path.join(cronPath, fileName), function(err) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
else {
db.update({},{$set: {saved: true}}, {multi: true});
exports.get_backup_names = function(){
var backups = [];
// file name begins with backup
if(file.indexOf("backup") === 0){
// Sort by date. Newest on top
for(var i=0; i<backups.length; i++){
var Ti = backups[i].split("backup")[1];
Ti = new Date(Ti.substring(0, Ti.length-3)).valueOf();
for(var j=0; j<i; j++){
var Tj = backups[j].split("backup")[1];
Tj = new Date(Tj.substring(0, Tj.length-3)).valueOf();
if(Ti > Tj){
var temp = backups[i];
backups[i] = backups[j];
backups[j] = temp;
return backups;
exports.backup = function(){
//TODO check if it failed
fs.createReadStream(exports.crontab_db_file).pipe(fs.createWriteStream( path.join(exports.db_folder, 'backup ' + (new Date()).toString().replace("+", " ") + '.db')));
exports.restore = function(db_name){
fs.createReadStream(path.join(exports.db_folder, db_name)).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(exports.crontab_db_file));
db.loadDatabase(); // reload the database
exports.reload_db = function(){
exports.get_env = function(){
if (fs.existsSync(exports.env_file)) {
return fs.readFileSync(exports.env_file , 'utf8').replace("\n", "\n");
return "";
exports.import_crontab = function(){
exec("crontab -l", function(error, stdout, stderr){
var lines = stdout.split("\n");
var namePrefix = new Date().getTime();
lines.forEach(function(line, index){
line = line.replace(/\t+/g, ' ');
var regex = /^((\@[a-zA-Z]+\s+)|(([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+))/;
var command = line.replace(regex, '').trim();
var schedule = line.replace(command, '').trim();
var is_valid = false;
try { is_valid = cron_parser.parseString(line).expressions.length > 0; } catch (e){}
if(command && schedule && is_valid){
var name = namePrefix + '_' + index;
db.findOne({ command: command, schedule: schedule }, function(err, doc) {
if(err) {
throw err;
exports.create_new(name, command, schedule, null);
doc.command = command;
doc.schedule = schedule;
exports.autosave_crontab = function(callback) {
let env_vars = exports.get_env();
exports.set_crontab(env_vars, callback);