Issues ====== You can submit issues in the [issue tracker]( of the repository. ###Common issues __crontab-ui is running but is not accessible on browser__ - This is usually because the place where your crontab-ui is installed does not give access to others. It can be resolved by either giving permission to the user (Recommended) or running crontab-ui as root. Refer [this]( __Hosting crontab-ui : it works on localhost but not outside the server__ - You have to host it using nginx, apache2, etc. Refer [this]( __crontab-ui stopped working__ - It can happen that your crontab-ui can stop working for some reason like adding incorrect jobs or timings. In order to fix it, you can just go ahead a remove the job from `crontab.db` or `env.db` in "crontabs" folder and restart crontab-ui. __Where is my root node_modules folder__ - You can find it by `npm root -g` __Mailing related issue__ - Refer [this](