mirror of https://github.com/hashicorp/consul
1029 lines
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1029 lines
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package xds
import (
envoy_cluster_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/cluster/v3"
envoy_config_core_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/core/v3"
envoy_endpoint_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/endpoint/v3"
envoy_listener_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/listener/v3"
envoy_route_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/route/v3"
envoy_discovery_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/service/discovery/v3"
external "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/grpc-external"
var errOverwhelmed = status.Error(codes.ResourceExhausted, "this server has too many xDS streams open, please try another")
type deltaRecvResponse int
const (
deltaRecvResponseNack deltaRecvResponse = iota
// ADSDeltaStream is a shorter way of referring to this thing...
type ADSDeltaStream = envoy_discovery_v3.AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesServer
// DeltaAggregatedResources implements envoy_discovery_v3.AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer
func (s *Server) DeltaAggregatedResources(stream ADSDeltaStream) error {
defer s.activeStreams.Increment(stream.Context())()
// a channel for receiving incoming requests
reqCh := make(chan *envoy_discovery_v3.DeltaDiscoveryRequest)
reqStop := int32(0)
go func() {
for {
req, err := stream.Recv()
if atomic.LoadInt32(&reqStop) != 0 {
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Error("Error receiving new DeltaDiscoveryRequest; closing request channel", "error", err)
reqCh <- req
err := s.processDelta(stream, reqCh)
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Error("Error handling ADS delta stream", "xdsVersion", "v3", "error", err)
// prevents writing to a closed channel if send failed on blocked recv
atomic.StoreInt32(&reqStop, 1)
return err
const (
stateDeltaInit int = iota
func (s *Server) processDelta(stream ADSDeltaStream, reqCh <-chan *envoy_discovery_v3.DeltaDiscoveryRequest) error {
// Handle invalid ACL tokens up-front.
if _, err := s.authenticate(stream.Context()); err != nil {
return err
session, err := s.SessionLimiter.BeginSession()
if err != nil {
return errOverwhelmed
defer session.End()
// Loop state
var (
cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot
node *envoy_config_core_v3.Node
stateCh <-chan *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot
watchCancel func()
proxyID structs.ServiceID
nonce uint64 // xDS requires a unique nonce to correlate response/request pairs
ready bool // set to true after the first snapshot arrives
streamStartTime = time.Now()
streamStartOnce sync.Once
var (
// resourceMap is the SoTW we are incrementally attempting to sync to envoy.
// type => name => proto
resourceMap = xdscommon.EmptyIndexedResources()
// currentVersions is the the xDS versioning represented by Resources.
// type => name => version (as consul knows right now)
currentVersions = make(map[string]map[string]string)
generator := newResourceGenerator(
s.Logger.Named(logging.XDS).With("xdsVersion", "v3"),
// need to run a small state machine to get through initial authentication.
var state = stateDeltaInit
// Configure handlers for each type of request we currently care about.
handlers := map[string]*xDSDeltaType{
xdscommon.ListenerType: newDeltaType(generator, stream, xdscommon.ListenerType, func(kind structs.ServiceKind) bool {
return cfgSnap.Kind == structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway
xdscommon.RouteType: newDeltaType(generator, stream, xdscommon.RouteType, func(kind structs.ServiceKind) bool {
return cfgSnap.Kind == structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway
xdscommon.ClusterType: newDeltaType(generator, stream, xdscommon.ClusterType, func(kind structs.ServiceKind) bool {
// Mesh, Ingress, and Terminating gateways are allowed to inform CDS of
// no clusters.
return cfgSnap.Kind == structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway ||
cfgSnap.Kind == structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway ||
cfgSnap.Kind == structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway
xdscommon.EndpointType: newDeltaType(generator, stream, xdscommon.EndpointType, nil),
// Endpoints are stored within a Cluster (and Routes
// are stored within a Listener) so whenever the
// enclosing resource is updated the inner resource
// list is cleared implicitly.
// When this happens we should update our local
// representation of envoy state to force an update.
// see: https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/13009
handlers[xdscommon.ListenerType].deltaChild = &xDSDeltaChild{
childType: handlers[xdscommon.RouteType],
childrenNames: make(map[string][]string),
handlers[xdscommon.ClusterType].deltaChild = &xDSDeltaChild{
childType: handlers[xdscommon.EndpointType],
childrenNames: make(map[string][]string),
var authTimer <-chan time.Time
extendAuthTimer := func() {
authTimer = time.After(s.AuthCheckFrequency)
checkStreamACLs := func(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) error {
return s.authorize(stream.Context(), cfgSnap)
for {
select {
case <-session.Terminated():
generator.Logger.Debug("draining stream to rebalance load")
metrics.IncrCounter([]string{"xds", "server", "streamDrained"}, 1)
return errOverwhelmed
case <-authTimer:
// It's been too long since a Discovery{Request,Response} so recheck ACLs.
if err := checkStreamACLs(cfgSnap); err != nil {
return err
case req, ok := <-reqCh:
if !ok {
// reqCh is closed when stream.Recv errors which is how we detect client
// going away. AFAICT the stream.Context() is only canceled once the
// RPC method returns which it can't until we return from this one so
// there's no point in blocking on that.
return nil
generator.logTraceRequest("Incremental xDS v3", req)
if req.TypeUrl == "" {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "type URL is required for ADS")
if node == nil && req.Node != nil {
node = req.Node
var err error
generator.ProxyFeatures, err = determineSupportedProxyFeatures(req.Node)
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
if handler, ok := handlers[req.TypeUrl]; ok {
switch handler.Recv(req, generator.ProxyFeatures) {
case deltaRecvNewSubscription:
generator.Logger.Trace("subscribing to type", "typeUrl", req.TypeUrl)
case deltaRecvResponseNack:
generator.Logger.Trace("got nack response for type", "typeUrl", req.TypeUrl)
// There is no reason to believe that generating new xDS resources from the same snapshot
// would lead to an ACK from Envoy. Instead we continue to the top of this for loop and wait
// for a new request or snapshot.
case cs, ok := <-stateCh:
if !ok {
// stateCh is closed either when *we* cancel the watch (on-exit via defer)
// or by the proxycfg.Manager when an irrecoverable error is encountered
// such as the ACL token getting deleted.
// We know for sure that this is the latter case, because in the former we
// would've already exited this loop.
return status.Error(codes.Aborted, "xDS stream terminated due to an irrecoverable error, please try again")
cfgSnap = cs
newRes, err := generator.allResourcesFromSnapshot(cfgSnap)
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "failed to generate all xDS resources from the snapshot: %v", err)
// index and hash the xDS structures
newResourceMap := indexResources(generator.Logger, newRes)
if s.ResourceMapMutateFn != nil {
if err = s.applyEnvoyExtensions(newResourceMap, cfgSnap); err != nil {
// err is already the result of calling status.Errorf
return err
if err := populateChildIndexMap(newResourceMap); err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "failed to index xDS resource versions: %v", err)
newVersions, err := computeResourceVersions(newResourceMap)
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "failed to compute xDS resource versions: %v", err)
resourceMap = newResourceMap
currentVersions = newVersions
ready = true
// Trigger state machine
switch state {
case stateDeltaInit:
if node == nil {
// This can't happen (tm) since stateCh is nil until after the first req
// is received but lets not panic about it.
nodeName := node.GetMetadata().GetFields()["node_name"].GetStringValue()
if nodeName == "" {
nodeName = s.NodeName
// Start authentication process, we need the proxyID
proxyID = structs.NewServiceID(node.Id, parseEnterpriseMeta(node))
// Start watching config for that proxy
var err error
options, err := external.QueryOptionsFromContext(stream.Context())
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to watch proxy service: %s", err)
stateCh, watchCancel, err = s.CfgSrc.Watch(proxyID, nodeName, options.Token)
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to watch proxy service: %s", err)
// Note that in this case we _intend_ the defer to only be triggered when
// this whole process method ends (i.e. when streaming RPC aborts) not at
// the end of the current loop iteration. We have to do it in the loop
// here since we can't start watching until we get to this state in the
// state machine.
defer watchCancel()
generator.Logger = generator.Logger.With("service_id", proxyID.String()) // enhance future logs
generator.Logger.Trace("watching proxy, pending initial proxycfg snapshot for xDS")
// Now wait for the config so we can check ACL
state = stateDeltaPendingInitialConfig
case stateDeltaPendingInitialConfig:
if cfgSnap == nil {
// Nothing we can do until we get the initial config
// Got config, try to authenticate next.
state = stateDeltaRunning
// Upgrade the logger
switch cfgSnap.Kind {
case structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy:
case structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway:
generator.Logger = generator.Logger.Named(logging.TerminatingGateway)
case structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway:
generator.Logger = generator.Logger.Named(logging.MeshGateway)
case structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway:
generator.Logger = generator.Logger.Named(logging.IngressGateway)
generator.Logger.Trace("Got initial config snapshot")
// Lets actually process the config we just got or we'll mis responding
case stateDeltaRunning:
// Check ACLs on every Discovery{Request,Response}.
if err := checkStreamACLs(cfgSnap); err != nil {
return err
// For the first time through the state machine, this is when the
// timer is first started.
if !ready {
generator.Logger.Trace("Skipping delta computation because we haven't gotten a snapshot yet")
generator.Logger.Trace("Invoking all xDS resource handlers and sending changed data if there are any")
streamStartOnce.Do(func() {
metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"xds", "server", "streamStart"}, streamStartTime)
for _, op := range xDSUpdateOrder {
if op.TypeUrl == xdscommon.ListenerType || op.TypeUrl == xdscommon.RouteType {
if clusterHandler := handlers[xdscommon.ClusterType]; clusterHandler.registered && len(clusterHandler.pendingUpdates) > 0 {
generator.Logger.Trace("Skipping delta computation for resource because there are dependent updates pending",
"typeUrl", op.TypeUrl, "dependent", xdscommon.ClusterType)
// Receiving an ACK from Envoy will unblock the select statement above,
// and re-trigger an attempt to send these skipped updates.
if endpointHandler := handlers[xdscommon.EndpointType]; endpointHandler.registered && len(endpointHandler.pendingUpdates) > 0 {
generator.Logger.Trace("Skipping delta computation for resource because there are dependent updates pending",
"typeUrl", op.TypeUrl, "dependent", xdscommon.EndpointType)
// Receiving an ACK from Envoy will unblock the select statement above,
// and re-trigger an attempt to send these skipped updates.
err, _ := handlers[op.TypeUrl].SendIfNew(
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable,
"failed to send %sreply for type %q: %v",
op.TypeUrl, err)
func (s *Server) applyEnvoyExtensions(resources *xdscommon.IndexedResources, cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) error {
var err error
cfgs := xdscommon.GetExtensionConfigurations(cfgSnap)
for _, extensions := range cfgs {
for _, ext := range extensions {
logFn := s.Logger.Warn
if ext.EnvoyExtension.Required {
logFn = s.Logger.Error
extensionContext := []interface{}{
"extension", ext.EnvoyExtension.Name,
"service", ext.ServiceName.Name,
"namespace", ext.ServiceName.Namespace,
"partition", ext.ServiceName.Partition,
extension, ok := GetBuiltInExtension(ext)
if !ok {
logFn("failed to find extension", extensionContext...)
if ext.EnvoyExtension.Required {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "failed to find extension %q for service %q", ext.EnvoyExtension.Name, ext.ServiceName.Name)
err = extension.Validate(ext)
if err != nil {
extensionContext = append(extensionContext, "error", err)
logFn("failed to validate extension arguments", extensionContext...)
if ext.EnvoyExtension.Required {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "failed to validate arguments for extension %q for service %q", ext.EnvoyExtension.Name, ext.ServiceName.Name)
resources, err = extension.Extend(resources, ext)
if err == nil {
logFn("failed to apply envoy extension", extensionContext...)
if ext.EnvoyExtension.Required {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "failed to patch xDS resources in the %q plugin: %v", ext.EnvoyExtension.Name, err)
return nil
var xDSUpdateOrder = []xDSUpdateOperation{
// 1. CDS updates (if any) must always be pushed first.
{TypeUrl: xdscommon.ClusterType, Upsert: true},
// 2. EDS updates (if any) must arrive after CDS updates for the respective clusters.
{TypeUrl: xdscommon.EndpointType, Upsert: true},
// 3. LDS updates must arrive after corresponding CDS/EDS updates.
{TypeUrl: xdscommon.ListenerType, Upsert: true, Remove: true},
// 4. RDS updates related to the newly added listeners must arrive after CDS/EDS/LDS updates.
{TypeUrl: xdscommon.RouteType, Upsert: true, Remove: true},
// 5. (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET IN CONSUL) VHDS updates (if any) related to the newly added RouteConfigurations must arrive after RDS updates.
// {},
// 6. Stale CDS clusters and related EDS endpoints (ones no longer being referenced) can then be removed.
{TypeUrl: xdscommon.ClusterType, Remove: true},
{TypeUrl: xdscommon.EndpointType, Remove: true},
// xDS updates can be pushed independently if no new
// clusters/routes/listeners are added or if it’s acceptable to
// temporarily drop traffic during updates. Note that in case of
// LDS updates, the listeners will be warmed before they receive
// traffic, i.e. the dependent routes are fetched through RDS if
// configured. Clusters are warmed when adding/removing/updating
// clusters. On the other hand, routes are not warmed, i.e., the
// management plane must ensure that clusters referenced by a route
// are in place, before pushing the updates for a route.
type xDSUpdateOperation struct {
TypeUrl string
Upsert bool
Remove bool
func (op *xDSUpdateOperation) errorLogNameReplyPrefix() string {
switch {
case op.Upsert && op.Remove:
return "upsert/remove "
case op.Upsert:
return "upsert "
case op.Remove:
return "remove "
return ""
type xDSDeltaChild struct {
// childType is a type that in Envoy is actually stored within this type.
// Upserts of THIS type should potentially trigger dependent named
// resources within the child to be re-configured.
childType *xDSDeltaType
// childrenNames is map of parent resource names to a list of associated child resource
// names.
childrenNames map[string][]string
type xDSDeltaType struct {
generator *ResourceGenerator
stream ADSDeltaStream
typeURL string
allowEmptyFn func(kind structs.ServiceKind) bool
// deltaChild contains data for an xDS child type if there is one.
// For example, endpoints are a child type of clusters.
deltaChild *xDSDeltaChild
// registered indicates if this type has been requested at least once by
// the proxy
registered bool
// wildcard indicates that this type was requested with no preference for
// specific resource names. subscribe/unsubscribe are ignored.
wildcard bool
// sentToEnvoyOnce is true after we've sent one response to envoy.
sentToEnvoyOnce bool
// subscriptions is the set of currently subscribed envoy resources.
// If wildcard == true, this will be empty.
subscriptions map[string]struct{}
// resourceVersions is the current view of CONFIRMED/ACKed updates to
// envoy's view of the loaded resources.
// name => version
resourceVersions map[string]string
// pendingUpdates is a set of un-ACKed updates to the 'resourceVersions'
// map. Once we get an ACK from envoy we'll update the resourceVersions map
// and strike the entry from this map.
// nonce -> name -> {version}
pendingUpdates map[string]map[string]PendingUpdate
func (t *xDSDeltaType) subscribed(name string) bool {
if t.wildcard {
return true
_, subscribed := t.subscriptions[name]
return subscribed
type PendingUpdate struct {
Remove bool
Version string
func newDeltaType(
generator *ResourceGenerator,
stream ADSDeltaStream,
typeUrl string,
allowEmptyFn func(kind structs.ServiceKind) bool,
) *xDSDeltaType {
return &xDSDeltaType{
generator: generator,
stream: stream,
typeURL: typeUrl,
allowEmptyFn: allowEmptyFn,
subscriptions: make(map[string]struct{}),
resourceVersions: make(map[string]string),
pendingUpdates: make(map[string]map[string]PendingUpdate),
// Recv handles new discovery requests from envoy.
// Returns true the first time a type receives a request.
func (t *xDSDeltaType) Recv(req *envoy_discovery_v3.DeltaDiscoveryRequest, sf supportedProxyFeatures) deltaRecvResponse {
if t == nil {
return deltaRecvUnknownType // not something we care about
logger := t.generator.Logger.With("typeUrl", t.typeURL)
registeredThisTime := false
if !t.registered {
// We are in the wildcard mode if the first request of a particular
// type has empty subscription list
t.wildcard = len(req.ResourceNamesSubscribe) == 0
t.registered = true
registeredThisTime = true
DeltaDiscoveryRequest can be sent in the following situations:
Initial message in a xDS bidirectional gRPC stream.
As an ACK or NACK response to a previous DeltaDiscoveryResponse. In
this case the response_nonce is set to the nonce value in the Response.
ACK or NACK is determined by the absence or presence of error_detail.
Spontaneous DeltaDiscoveryRequests from the client. This can be done to
dynamically add or remove elements from the tracked resource_names set.
In this case response_nonce must be omitted.
DeltaDiscoveryRequest plays two independent roles. Any
DeltaDiscoveryRequest can be either or both of:
if req.ResponseNonce != "" {
[2] (N)ACKing an earlier resource update from the server (using
response_nonce, with presence of error_detail making it a NACK).
if req.ErrorDetail == nil {
logger.Trace("got ok response from envoy proxy", "nonce", req.ResponseNonce)
} else {
logger.Error("got error response from envoy proxy", "nonce", req.ResponseNonce,
"error", status.ErrorProto(req.ErrorDetail))
return deltaRecvResponseNack
if registeredThisTime && len(req.InitialResourceVersions) > 0 {
Additionally, the first message (for a given type_url) of a
reconnected gRPC stream has a third role:
[3] informing the server of the resources (and their versions) that
the client already possesses, using the initial_resource_versions
logger.Trace("setting initial resource versions for stream",
"resources", req.InitialResourceVersions)
t.resourceVersions = req.InitialResourceVersions
if !t.wildcard {
for k := range req.InitialResourceVersions {
t.subscriptions[k] = struct{}{}
if !t.wildcard {
[1] informing the server of what resources the client has
gained/lost interest in (using resource_names_subscribe and
resource_names_unsubscribe), or
for _, name := range req.ResourceNamesSubscribe {
// A resource_names_subscribe field may contain resource names that
// the server believes the client is already subscribed to, and
// furthermore has the most recent versions of. However, the server
// must still provide those resources in the response; due to
// implementation details hidden from the server, the client may
// have “forgotten” those resources despite apparently remaining
// subscribed.
// NOTE: the server must respond with all resources listed in
// resource_names_subscribe, even if it believes the client has the
// most recent version of them. The reason: the client may have
// dropped them, but then regained interest before it had a chance
// to send the unsubscribe message.
// We handle that here by ALWAYS wiping the version so the diff
// decides to send the value.
_, alreadySubscribed := t.subscriptions[name]
t.subscriptions[name] = struct{}{}
// Reset the tracked version so we force a reply.
if _, alreadyTracked := t.resourceVersions[name]; alreadyTracked {
t.resourceVersions[name] = ""
// Certain xDS types are children of other types, meaning that if Envoy subscribes to a parent.
// We MUST assume that if Envoy ever had data for the children of this parent, then the child's
// data is gone.
if t.deltaChild != nil && t.deltaChild.childType.registered {
for _, childName := range t.deltaChild.childrenNames[name] {
t.ensureChildResend(name, childName)
if alreadySubscribed {
logger.Trace("re-subscribing resource for stream", "resource", name)
} else {
logger.Trace("subscribing resource for stream", "resource", name)
for _, name := range req.ResourceNamesUnsubscribe {
if _, ok := t.subscriptions[name]; !ok {
delete(t.subscriptions, name)
logger.Trace("unsubscribing resource for stream", "resource", name)
// NOTE: we'll let the normal differential comparison handle cleaning up resourceVersions
if registeredThisTime {
return deltaRecvNewSubscription
return deltaRecvResponseAck
func (t *xDSDeltaType) ack(nonce string) {
pending, ok := t.pendingUpdates[nonce]
if !ok {
for name, obj := range pending {
if obj.Remove {
delete(t.resourceVersions, name)
t.resourceVersions[name] = obj.Version
t.sentToEnvoyOnce = true
delete(t.pendingUpdates, nonce)
func (t *xDSDeltaType) nack(nonce string) {
delete(t.pendingUpdates, nonce)
func (t *xDSDeltaType) SendIfNew(
kind structs.ServiceKind,
currentVersions map[string]string, // type => name => version (as consul knows right now)
resourceMap *xdscommon.IndexedResources,
nonce *uint64,
upsert, remove bool,
) (error, bool) {
if t == nil || !t.registered {
return nil, false
// Wait for Envoy to catch up with this delta type before sending something new.
if len(t.pendingUpdates) > 0 {
return nil, false
logger := t.generator.Logger.With("typeUrl", t.typeURL)
allowEmpty := t.allowEmptyFn != nil && t.allowEmptyFn(kind)
// Zero length resource responses should be ignored and are the result of no
// data yet. Notice that this caused a bug originally where we had zero
// healthy endpoints for an upstream that would cause Envoy to hang waiting
// for the EDS response. This is fixed though by ensuring we send an explicit
// empty LoadAssignment resource for the cluster rather than allowing junky
// empty resources.
if len(currentVersions) == 0 && !allowEmpty {
// Nothing to send yet
return nil, false
resp, updates, err := t.createDeltaResponse(currentVersions, resourceMap, upsert, remove)
if err != nil {
return err, false
if resp == nil {
return nil, false
resp.Nonce = fmt.Sprintf("%08x", *nonce)
t.generator.logTraceResponse("Incremental xDS v3", resp)
logger.Trace("sending response", "nonce", resp.Nonce)
if err := t.stream.Send(resp); err != nil {
return err, false
logger.Trace("sent response", "nonce", resp.Nonce)
// Certain xDS types are children of other types, meaning that if an update is pushed for a parent,
// we MUST send new data for all its children. Envoy will NOT re-subscribe to the child data upon
// receiving updates for the parent, so we need to handle this ourselves.
// Note that we do not check whether the deltaChild.childType is registered here, since we send
// parent types before child types, meaning that it's expected on first send of a parent that
// there are no subscriptions for the child type.
if t.deltaChild != nil {
for name := range updates {
if children, ok := resourceMap.ChildIndex[t.typeURL][name]; ok {
// Capture the relevant child resource names on this pending update so
// we can know the linked children if Envoy ever re-subscribes to the parent resource.
t.deltaChild.childrenNames[name] = children
for _, childName := range children {
t.ensureChildResend(name, childName)
t.pendingUpdates[resp.Nonce] = updates
return nil, true
func (t *xDSDeltaType) createDeltaResponse(
currentVersions map[string]string, // name => version (as consul knows right now)
resourceMap *xdscommon.IndexedResources,
upsert, remove bool,
) (*envoy_discovery_v3.DeltaDiscoveryResponse, map[string]PendingUpdate, error) {
// compute difference
var (
hasRelevantUpdates = false
updates = make(map[string]PendingUpdate)
if t.wildcard {
// First find things that need updating or deleting
for name, envoyVers := range t.resourceVersions {
currVers, ok := currentVersions[name]
if !ok {
if remove {
hasRelevantUpdates = true
updates[name] = PendingUpdate{Remove: true}
} else if currVers != envoyVers {
if upsert {
hasRelevantUpdates = true
updates[name] = PendingUpdate{Version: currVers}
// Now find new things
for name, currVers := range currentVersions {
if _, known := t.resourceVersions[name]; known {
if upsert {
hasRelevantUpdates = true
updates[name] = PendingUpdate{Version: currVers}
} else {
// First find things that need updating or deleting
// Walk the list of things currently stored in envoy
for name, envoyVers := range t.resourceVersions {
if t.subscribed(name) {
if currVers, ok := currentVersions[name]; ok {
if currVers != envoyVers {
if upsert {
hasRelevantUpdates = true
updates[name] = PendingUpdate{Version: currVers}
// Now find new things not in envoy yet
for name := range t.subscriptions {
if _, known := t.resourceVersions[name]; known {
if currVers, ok := currentVersions[name]; ok {
updates[name] = PendingUpdate{Version: currVers}
if upsert {
hasRelevantUpdates = true
if !hasRelevantUpdates && t.sentToEnvoyOnce {
return nil, nil, nil
// now turn this into a disco response
resp := &envoy_discovery_v3.DeltaDiscoveryResponse{
// TODO(rb): consider putting something in SystemVersionInfo?
TypeUrl: t.typeURL,
realUpdates := make(map[string]PendingUpdate)
for name, obj := range updates {
if obj.Remove {
if remove {
resp.RemovedResources = append(resp.RemovedResources, name)
realUpdates[name] = PendingUpdate{Remove: true}
} else if upsert {
resources, ok := resourceMap.Index[t.typeURL]
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type url: %s", t.typeURL)
res, ok := resources[name]
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown name for type url %q: %s", t.typeURL, name)
any, err := anypb.New(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
resp.Resources = append(resp.Resources, &envoy_discovery_v3.Resource{
Name: name,
Resource: any,
Version: obj.Version,
realUpdates[name] = obj
return resp, realUpdates, nil
func (t *xDSDeltaType) ensureChildResend(parentName, childName string) {
if _, exist := t.deltaChild.childType.resourceVersions[childName]; !exist {
if !t.subscribed(childName) {
"triggering implicit update of resource",
"typeUrl", t.typeURL,
"resource", parentName,
"childTypeUrl", t.deltaChild.childType.typeURL,
"childResource", childName,
// resourceVersions tracks the last known version for this childName that Envoy
// has ACKed. By setting this to empty it effectively tells us that Envoy does
// not have any data for that child, and we need to re-send.
t.deltaChild.childType.resourceVersions[childName] = ""
func computeResourceVersions(resourceMap *xdscommon.IndexedResources) (map[string]map[string]string, error) {
out := make(map[string]map[string]string)
for typeUrl, resources := range resourceMap.Index {
m, err := hashResourceMap(resources)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to hash resources for %q: %v", typeUrl, err)
out[typeUrl] = m
return out, nil
func populateChildIndexMap(resourceMap *xdscommon.IndexedResources) error {
// LDS and RDS have a more complicated relationship.
for name, res := range resourceMap.Index[xdscommon.ListenerType] {
listener := res.(*envoy_listener_v3.Listener)
rdsRouteNames, err := extractRdsResourceNames(listener)
if err != nil {
return err
resourceMap.ChildIndex[xdscommon.ListenerType][name] = rdsRouteNames
// CDS and EDS share exact names.
for name := range resourceMap.Index[xdscommon.ClusterType] {
resourceMap.ChildIndex[xdscommon.ClusterType][name] = []string{name}
return nil
func indexResources(logger hclog.Logger, resources map[string][]proto.Message) *xdscommon.IndexedResources {
data := xdscommon.EmptyIndexedResources()
for typeURL, typeRes := range resources {
for _, res := range typeRes {
name := getResourceName(res)
if name == "" {
logger.Warn("skipping unexpected xDS type found in delta snapshot", "typeURL", typeURL)
} else {
data.Index[typeURL][name] = res
return data
func getResourceName(res proto.Message) string {
// NOTE: this only covers types that we currently care about for LDS/RDS/CDS/EDS
switch x := res.(type) {
case *envoy_listener_v3.Listener: // LDS
return x.Name
case *envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration: // RDS
return x.Name
case *envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster: // CDS
return x.Name
case *envoy_endpoint_v3.ClusterLoadAssignment: // EDS
return x.ClusterName
return ""
func hashResourceMap(resources map[string]proto.Message) (map[string]string, error) {
m := make(map[string]string)
for name, res := range resources {
h, err := hashResource(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to hash resource %q: %v", name, err)
m[name] = h
return m, nil
// hashResource will take a resource and create a SHA256 hash sum out of the marshaled bytes
func hashResource(res proto.Message) (string, error) {
h := sha256.New()
marshaller := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}
data, err := marshaller.Marshal(res)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)), nil