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Terraform Consul Load Testing

Packer will output AMI IDs when it completes - save these AMI IDs as Terraform will require them later. The generated ami will have common tag Environment = "consul-load-test".

==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> amazon-ebs: AMIs were created:

us-east-1: ami-19601070

Consul AMI:

Within the consul-ami/ directory

  1. Retrieve your Datadog API key, set this as an environment variable, ex: export DD_API_KEY=$YOURDDAPIKEYHERE
  2. Set the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION for Packer, ex: export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
  4. Run packer build consul.pkr.hcl.

For additional customization you can add tags within the scripts/datadog.yaml file. An example of a tag could be "consul_version" : "consulent_175". These tags are searchable through the datadog dashboard. Another form of customization is changing the datacenter tag within scripts/telemetry.json, however it is defaulted to us-east-1.

Load Test AMI

Within the loadtest-ami/ directory

  1. Set the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION for Packer, ex: export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
  2. Run the command packer build loadtest.pkr.hcl

The script that k6 runs is found within scripts/loadtest.js. This script can be updated to send requests to more Consul endpoints. For additional information on k6 please check out their guides.