Wim 4f5d5020b8 dns: fix memoryleak by upgrading outdated miekg/dns (#6748)
* Add updated to go modules
* Add updated to vendor
* Fix api breakage
* Decrease size when trimming UDP packets
Need more room for the header(?), if we don't decrease the size we get an
"overflow unpacking uint32" from the dns library
* Fix dns truncate tests with api changes
* Make windows build working again. Upgrade x/sys and x/crypto and vendor
This upgrade is needed because of API breakage in x/sys introduced
by the minimal x/sys dependency of miekg/dns

This API breakage has been fixed in commit
2019-12-16 22:31:27 +01:00
Azure Bump go-discover to support EC2 Metadata Service v2 (#6865) 2019-12-04 11:59:16 -05:00
DataDog/datadog-go agent: transfer leadership when establishLeadership fails (#5247) 2019-06-19 14:50:48 +02:00
Microsoft/go-winio Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
NYTimes/gziphandler Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
StackExchange/wmi Connect: allow configuring Envoy for L7 Observability (#5558) 2019-04-29 17:27:57 +01:00
armon update dependencies for enterprise change (#6395) 2019-08-26 15:22:28 -04:00
aws/aws-sdk-go Bump go-discover to support EC2 Metadata Service v2 (#6865) 2019-12-04 11:59:16 -05:00
bgentry/speakeasy Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
boltdb/bolt Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
circonus-labs agent: transfer leadership when establishLeadership fails (#5247) 2019-06-19 14:50:48 +02:00
davecgh/go-spew Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
denverdino/aliyungo Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
dgrijalva/jwt-go Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
digitalocean/godo Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
dimchansky/utfbom Bump go-discover to support EC2 Metadata Service v2 (#6865) 2019-12-04 11:59:16 -05:00
docker/go-connections Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
envoyproxy Upgrade xDS (go-control-plane) API to support Envoy 1.10. (#5872) 2019-06-07 07:10:43 -05:00
fatih/color connect: intermediate CA certs generated with the vault provider lack URI SANs (#6491) 2019-09-23 12:04:40 -05:00
ghodss/yaml Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
go-ole/go-ole Connect: allow configuring Envoy for L7 Observability (#5558) 2019-04-29 17:27:57 +01:00
gogo Upgrade xDS (go-control-plane) API to support Envoy 1.10. (#5872) 2019-06-07 07:10:43 -05:00
golang Use encoding/json instead of jsonpb even for protobuf types (#6572) 2019-10-02 15:32:15 -04:00
google Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
googleapis/gnostic Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
gophercloud/gophercloud Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
gregjones/httpcache Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
hashicorp Bump go-discover to support EC2 Metadata Service v2 (#6865) 2019-12-04 11:59:16 -05:00
imdario/mergo Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
jmespath/go-jmespath connect: Add AWS PCA provider (#6795) 2019-11-21 17:40:29 +00:00
joyent/triton-go Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
json-iterator/go Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
linode/linodego Bump go-discover to support EC2 Metadata Service v2 (#6865) 2019-12-04 11:59:16 -05:00
mattn Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
miekg/dns dns: fix memoryleak by upgrading outdated miekg/dns (#6748) 2019-12-16 22:31:27 +01:00
mitchellh connect: intermediate CA certs generated with the vault provider lack URI SANs (#6491) 2019-09-23 12:04:40 -05:00
modern-go Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
nicolai86/scaleway-sdk Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
packethost/packngo Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
pascaldekloe/goe Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
peterbourgon/diskv Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
pierrec/lz4 connect: intermediate CA certs generated with the vault provider lack URI SANs (#6491) 2019-09-23 12:04:40 -05:00
pkg/errors Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
posener/complete Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
prometheus agent: transfer leadership when establishLeadership fails (#5247) 2019-06-19 14:50:48 +02:00
renier/xmlrpc Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
ryanuber connect: intermediate CA certs generated with the vault provider lack URI SANs (#6491) 2019-09-23 12:04:40 -05:00
sean-/seed Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
shirou Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
sirupsen/logrus Pull go-discover to fix Sirupsen/logrus (#5598) 2019-04-03 20:07:00 +01:00
softlayer/softlayer-go Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
spf13/pflag Update vendoring from go mod. (#5566) 2019-03-26 17:50:42 -04:00
stretchr Implement data filtering of some endpoints (#5579) 2019-04-16 12:00:15 -04:00
tencentcloud/tencentcloud-sdk-go Bump go-discover to support EC2 Metadata Service v2 (#6865) 2019-12-04 11:59:16 -05:00
tv42/httpunix agent: transfer leadership when establishLeadership fails (#5247) 2019-06-19 14:50:48 +02:00
vmware/govmomi Pull go-discover to fix Sirupsen/logrus (#5598) 2019-04-03 20:07:00 +01:00