Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1835 lines
47 KiB

package agent
import (
cleanhttp ""
func TestUiIndex(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
// Make a test dir to serve UI files
uiDir := testutil.TempDir(t, "consul")
// Make the server
a := NewTestAgent(t, `
ui_config {
dir = "`+uiDir+`"
defer a.Shutdown()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, a.RPC, "dc1")
// Create file
path := filepath.Join(a.Config.UIConfig.Dir, "my-file")
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte("test"), 0644); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
// Request the custom file
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/ui/my-file", nil)
req.URL.Scheme = "http"
req.URL.Host = a.HTTPAddr()
// Make the request
client := cleanhttp.DefaultClient()
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
// Verify the response
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
t.Fatalf("bad: %v", resp)
// Verify the body
out := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
io.Copy(out, resp.Body)
if out.String() != "test" {
t.Fatalf("bad: %s", out.Bytes())
func TestUiNodes(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
a := NewTestAgent(t, "")
defer a.Shutdown()
testrpc.WaitForTestAgent(t, a.RPC, "dc1")
args := &structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "test",
Address: "",
var out struct{}
if err := a.RPC("Catalog.Register", args, &out); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/nodes/dc1", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UINodes(resp, req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
assertIndex(t, resp)
// Should be 2 nodes, and all the empty lists should be non-nil
nodes := obj.(structs.NodeDump)
if len(nodes) != 2 ||
nodes[0].Node != a.Config.NodeName ||
nodes[0].Services == nil || len(nodes[0].Services) != 1 ||
nodes[0].Checks == nil || len(nodes[0].Checks) != 1 ||
nodes[1].Node != "test" ||
nodes[1].Services == nil || len(nodes[1].Services) != 0 ||
nodes[1].Checks == nil || len(nodes[1].Checks) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad: %v", obj)
func TestUiNodes_Filter(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
a := NewTestAgent(t, "")
defer a.Shutdown()
testrpc.WaitForTestAgent(t, a.RPC, "dc1")
args := &structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "test",
Address: "",
NodeMeta: map[string]string{
"os": "linux",
var out struct{}
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", args, &out))
args = &structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "test2",
Address: "",
NodeMeta: map[string]string{
"os": "macos",
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", args, &out))
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/nodes/dc1?filter="+url.QueryEscape("Meta.os == linux"), nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UINodes(resp, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertIndex(t, resp)
// Should be 2 nodes, and all the empty lists should be non-nil
nodes := obj.(structs.NodeDump)
require.Len(t, nodes, 1)
require.Equal(t, nodes[0].Node, "test")
require.Empty(t, nodes[0].Services)
require.Empty(t, nodes[0].Checks)
func TestUiNodeInfo(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
a := NewTestAgent(t, "")
defer a.Shutdown()
testrpc.WaitForLeader(t, a.RPC, "dc1")
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/v1/internal/ui/node/%s", a.Config.NodeName), nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UINodeInfo(resp, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, resp.Code, http.StatusOK)
assertIndex(t, resp)
// Should be 1 node for the server
node := obj.(*structs.NodeInfo)
if node.Node != a.Config.NodeName {
t.Fatalf("bad: %v", node)
args := &structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "test",
Address: "",
var out struct{}
if err := a.RPC("Catalog.Register", args, &out); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/node/test", nil)
resp = httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err = a.srv.UINodeInfo(resp, req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
assertIndex(t, resp)
// Should be non-nil empty lists for services and checks
node = obj.(*structs.NodeInfo)
if node.Node != "test" ||
node.Services == nil || len(node.Services) != 0 ||
node.Checks == nil || len(node.Checks) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("bad: %v", node)
func TestUiServices(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
a := NewTestAgent(t, "")
defer a.Shutdown()
testrpc.WaitForTestAgent(t, a.RPC, "dc1")
requests := []*structs.RegisterRequest{
// register foo node
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "foo",
Name: "node check",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
//register api service on node foo
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Service: "api",
ID: "api-1",
Tags: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "foo",
Name: "api svc check",
ServiceName: "api",
ServiceID: "api-1",
Status: api.HealthWarning,
// register api-proxy svc on node foo
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy,
Service: "api-proxy",
ID: "api-proxy-1",
Tags: []string{},
Meta: map[string]string{structs.MetaExternalSource: "k8s"},
Port: 1234,
Proxy: structs.ConnectProxyConfig{
DestinationServiceName: "api",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "foo",
Name: "api proxy listening",
ServiceName: "api-proxy",
ServiceID: "api-proxy-1",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
// register bar node with service web
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "bar",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Service: "web",
ID: "web-1",
Tags: []string{},
Meta: map[string]string{structs.MetaExternalSource: "k8s"},
Port: 1234,
Checks: []*structs.HealthCheck{
Node: "bar",
Name: "web svc check",
Status: api.HealthCritical,
ServiceName: "web",
ServiceID: "web-1",
// register zip node with service cache
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "zip",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Service: "cache",
Tags: []string{},
for _, args := range requests {
var out struct{}
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", args, &out))
// Register a terminating gateway associated with api and cache
arg := structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
ID: "terminating-gateway",
Service: "terminating-gateway",
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway,
Port: 443,
var regOutput struct{}
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", &arg, &regOutput))
args := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Name: "terminating-gateway",
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "api",
Name: "cache",
req := structs.ConfigEntryRequest{
Op: structs.ConfigEntryUpsert,
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: args,
var configOutput bool
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("ConfigEntry.Apply", &req, &configOutput))
require.True(t, configOutput)
// Web should not show up as ConnectedWithGateway since this one does not have any instances
args = &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Name: "other-terminating-gateway",
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "web",
req = structs.ConfigEntryRequest{
Op: structs.ConfigEntryUpsert,
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: args,
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("ConfigEntry.Apply", &req, &configOutput))
require.True(t, configOutput)
t.Run("No Filter", func(t *testing.T) {
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/services/dc1", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIServices(resp, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertIndex(t, resp)
// Should be 2 nodes, and all the empty lists should be non-nil
summary := obj.([]*ServiceListingSummary)
require.Len(t, summary, 6)
// internal accounting that users don't see can be blown away
for _, sum := range summary {
sum.externalSourceSet = nil
sum.checks = nil
expected := []*ServiceListingSummary{
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Name: "api",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
Nodes: []string{"foo"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 2,
ChecksWarning: 1,
ChecksCritical: 0,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
ConnectedWithProxy: true,
ConnectedWithGateway: true,
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy,
Name: "api-proxy",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: nil,
Nodes: []string{"foo"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 2,
ChecksWarning: 0,
ChecksCritical: 0,
ExternalSources: []string{"k8s"},
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Name: "cache",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: nil,
Nodes: []string{"zip"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 0,
ChecksWarning: 0,
ChecksCritical: 0,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
ConnectedWithGateway: true,
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Name: "consul",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: nil,
Nodes: []string{a.Config.NodeName},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 1,
ChecksWarning: 0,
ChecksCritical: 0,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway,
Name: "terminating-gateway",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: nil,
Nodes: []string{"foo"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 1,
ChecksWarning: 0,
ChecksCritical: 0,
GatewayConfig: GatewayConfig{AssociatedServiceCount: 2},
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Name: "web",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: nil,
Nodes: []string{"bar"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 0,
ChecksWarning: 0,
ChecksCritical: 1,
ExternalSources: []string{"k8s"},
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
require.ElementsMatch(t, expected, summary)
t.Run("Filtered", func(t *testing.T) {
filterQuery := url.QueryEscape("Service.Service == web or Service.Service == api")
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/services?filter="+filterQuery, nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIServices(resp, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertIndex(t, resp)
// Should be 2 nodes, and all the empty lists should be non-nil
summary := obj.([]*ServiceListingSummary)
require.Len(t, summary, 2)
// internal accounting that users don't see can be blown away
for _, sum := range summary {
sum.externalSourceSet = nil
sum.checks = nil
expected := []*ServiceListingSummary{
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Name: "api",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
Nodes: []string{"foo"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 1,
ChecksWarning: 1,
ChecksCritical: 0,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
ConnectedWithProxy: false,
ConnectedWithGateway: false,
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
Name: "web",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: nil,
Nodes: []string{"bar"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 0,
ChecksWarning: 0,
ChecksCritical: 1,
ExternalSources: []string{"k8s"},
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
require.ElementsMatch(t, expected, summary)
t.Run("Filtered without results", func(t *testing.T) {
filterQuery := url.QueryEscape("Service.Service == absent")
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/services?filter="+filterQuery, nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIServices(resp, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
assertIndex(t, resp)
// Ensure the ServiceSummary doesn't output a `null` response when there
// are no matching summaries
require.NotNil(t, obj)
summary := obj.([]*ServiceListingSummary)
require.Len(t, summary, 0)
func TestUIGatewayServiceNodes_Terminating(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
a := NewTestAgent(t, "")
defer a.Shutdown()
// Register terminating gateway and a service that will be associated with it
arg := structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
ID: "terminating-gateway",
Service: "terminating-gateway",
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway,
Port: 443,
Check: &structs.HealthCheck{
Name: "terminating connect",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
ServiceID: "terminating-gateway",
var regOutput struct{}
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", &arg, &regOutput))
arg = structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "bar",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
ID: "db",
Service: "db",
Tags: []string{"primary"},
Check: &structs.HealthCheck{
Name: "db-warning",
Status: api.HealthWarning,
ServiceID: "db",
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", &arg, &regOutput))
arg = structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "baz",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
ID: "db2",
Service: "db",
Tags: []string{"backup"},
Check: &structs.HealthCheck{
Name: "db2-passing",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
ServiceID: "db2",
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", &arg, &regOutput))
// Request without having registered the config-entry, shouldn't respond with null
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/gateway-services-nodes/terminating-gateway", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIGatewayServicesNodes(resp, req)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, obj)
// Register terminating-gateway config entry, linking it to db and redis (does not exist)
args := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Name: "terminating-gateway",
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "db",
Name: "redis",
CAFile: "/etc/certs/ca.pem",
CertFile: "/etc/certs/cert.pem",
KeyFile: "/etc/certs/key.pem",
req := structs.ConfigEntryRequest{
Op: structs.ConfigEntryUpsert,
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: args,
var configOutput bool
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("ConfigEntry.Apply", &req, &configOutput))
require.True(t, configOutput)
// Request
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/gateway-services-nodes/terminating-gateway", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIGatewayServicesNodes(resp, req)
require.Nil(t, err)
assertIndex(t, resp)
summary := obj.([]*ServiceSummary)
// internal accounting that users don't see can be blown away
for _, sum := range summary {
sum.externalSourceSet = nil
sum.checks = nil
expect := []*ServiceSummary{
Name: "redis",
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
Name: "db",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: []string{"backup", "primary"},
Nodes: []string{"bar", "baz"},
InstanceCount: 2,
ChecksPassing: 1,
ChecksWarning: 1,
ChecksCritical: 0,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
require.ElementsMatch(t, expect, summary)
func TestUIGatewayServiceNodes_Ingress(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
a := NewTestAgent(t, `alt_domain = "alt.consul."`)
defer a.Shutdown()
// Register ingress gateway and a service that will be associated with it
arg := structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
ID: "ingress-gateway",
Service: "ingress-gateway",
Kind: structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway,
Port: 8443,
Check: &structs.HealthCheck{
Name: "ingress connect",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
ServiceID: "ingress-gateway",
var regOutput struct{}
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", &arg, &regOutput))
arg = structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "bar",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
ID: "db",
Service: "db",
Tags: []string{"primary"},
Check: &structs.HealthCheck{
Name: "db-warning",
Status: api.HealthWarning,
ServiceID: "db",
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", &arg, &regOutput))
arg = structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "baz",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
ID: "db2",
Service: "db",
Tags: []string{"backup"},
Check: &structs.HealthCheck{
Name: "db2-passing",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
ServiceID: "db2",
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", &arg, &regOutput))
// Set web protocol to http
svcDefaultsReq := structs.ConfigEntryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Name: "web",
Protocol: "http",
var configOutput bool
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("ConfigEntry.Apply", &svcDefaultsReq, &configOutput))
require.True(t, configOutput)
// Register ingress-gateway config entry, linking it to db and redis (does not exist)
args := &structs.IngressGatewayConfigEntry{
Name: "ingress-gateway",
Kind: structs.IngressGateway,
Listeners: []structs.IngressListener{
Port: 8888,
Protocol: "tcp",
Services: []structs.IngressService{
Name: "db",
Port: 8080,
Protocol: "http",
Services: []structs.IngressService{
Name: "web",
Port: 8081,
Protocol: "http",
Services: []structs.IngressService{
Name: "web",
Hosts: []string{"*"},
req := structs.ConfigEntryRequest{
Op: structs.ConfigEntryUpsert,
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: args,
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("ConfigEntry.Apply", &req, &configOutput))
require.True(t, configOutput)
// Request
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/gateway-services-nodes/ingress-gateway", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIGatewayServicesNodes(resp, req)
require.Nil(t, err)
assertIndex(t, resp)
// Construct expected addresses so that differences between OSS/Ent are handled by code
webDNS := serviceIngressDNSName("web", "dc1", "consul.", structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta())
webDNSAlt := serviceIngressDNSName("web", "dc1", "alt.consul.", structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta())
dbDNS := serviceIngressDNSName("db", "dc1", "consul.", structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta())
dbDNSAlt := serviceIngressDNSName("db", "dc1", "alt.consul.", structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta())
dump := obj.([]*ServiceSummary)
expect := []*ServiceSummary{
Name: "web",
GatewayConfig: GatewayConfig{
Addresses: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s:8080", webDNS),
fmt.Sprintf("%s:8080", webDNSAlt),
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
Name: "db",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Tags: []string{"backup", "primary"},
Nodes: []string{"bar", "baz"},
InstanceCount: 2,
ChecksPassing: 1,
ChecksWarning: 1,
ChecksCritical: 0,
GatewayConfig: GatewayConfig{
Addresses: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s:8888", dbDNS),
fmt.Sprintf("%s:8888", dbDNSAlt),
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
// internal accounting that users don't see can be blown away
for _, sum := range dump {
sum.GatewayConfig.addressesSet = nil
sum.checks = nil
require.ElementsMatch(t, expect, dump)
func TestUIGatewayIntentions(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
a := NewTestAgent(t, "")
defer a.Shutdown()
testrpc.WaitForServiceIntentions(t, a.RPC, "dc1")
// Register terminating gateway and config entry linking it to postgres + redis
arg := structs.RegisterRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
Address: "",
Service: &structs.NodeService{
ID: "terminating-gateway",
Service: "terminating-gateway",
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway,
Port: 443,
Check: &structs.HealthCheck{
Name: "terminating connect",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
ServiceID: "terminating-gateway",
var regOutput struct{}
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", &arg, &regOutput))
args := &structs.TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{
Name: "terminating-gateway",
Kind: structs.TerminatingGateway,
Services: []structs.LinkedService{
Name: "postgres",
Name: "redis",
CAFile: "/etc/certs/ca.pem",
CertFile: "/etc/certs/cert.pem",
KeyFile: "/etc/certs/key.pem",
req := structs.ConfigEntryRequest{
Op: structs.ConfigEntryUpsert,
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: args,
var configOutput bool
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("ConfigEntry.Apply", &req, &configOutput))
require.True(t, configOutput)
// create some symmetric intentions to ensure we are only matching on destination
for _, v := range []string{"*", "mysql", "redis", "postgres"} {
req := structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
req.Intention.SourceName = "api"
req.Intention.DestinationName = v
var reply string
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Intention.Apply", &req, &reply))
req = structs.IntentionRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Op: structs.IntentionOpCreate,
Intention: structs.TestIntention(t),
req.Intention.SourceName = v
req.Intention.DestinationName = "api"
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Intention.Apply", &req, &reply))
// Request intentions matching the gateway named "terminating-gateway"
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/gateway-intentions/terminating-gateway", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIGatewayIntentions(resp, req)
require.Nil(t, err)
assertIndex(t, resp)
intentions := obj.(structs.Intentions)
require.Len(t, intentions, 3)
// Only intentions with linked services as a destination should be returned, and wildcard matches should be deduped
expected := []string{"postgres", "*", "redis"}
actual := []string{
require.ElementsMatch(t, expected, actual)
func TestUIEndpoint_modifySummaryForGatewayService_UseRequestedDCInsteadOfConfigured(t *testing.T) {
dc := "dc2"
cfg := config.RuntimeConfig{Datacenter: "dc1", DNSDomain: "consul"}
sum := ServiceSummary{GatewayConfig: GatewayConfig{}}
gwsvc := structs.GatewayService{Service: structs.ServiceName{Name: "test"}, Port: 42}
modifySummaryForGatewayService(&cfg, dc, &sum, &gwsvc)
expected := serviceCanonicalDNSName("test", "ingress", "dc2", "consul", nil) + ":42"
require.Equal(t, expected, sum.GatewayConfig.Addresses[0])
func TestUIServiceTopology(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
a := NewTestAgent(t, "")
defer a.Shutdown()
// Register ingress -> api -> web -> redis
registrations := map[string]*structs.RegisterRequest{
"Node edge": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "edge",
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "edge",
CheckID: "edge:alive",
Name: "edge-liveness",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
"Ingress gateway on edge": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "edge",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway,
ID: "ingress",
Service: "ingress",
Port: 443,
Address: "",
"Node foo": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "foo",
CheckID: "foo:alive",
Name: "foo-liveness",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
"Service api on foo": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
ID: "api",
Service: "api",
Port: 9090,
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "foo",
CheckID: "foo:api",
Name: "api-liveness",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
ServiceID: "api",
ServiceName: "api",
"Service api-proxy": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "foo",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy,
ID: "api-proxy",
Service: "api-proxy",
Port: 8443,
Address: "",
Proxy: structs.ConnectProxyConfig{
DestinationServiceName: "api",
Upstreams: structs.Upstreams{
DestinationName: "web",
LocalBindPort: 8080,
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "foo",
CheckID: "foo:api-proxy",
Name: "api proxy listening",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
ServiceID: "api-proxy",
ServiceName: "api-proxy",
"Node bar": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "bar",
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "bar",
CheckID: "bar:alive",
Name: "bar-liveness",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
"Service web on bar": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "bar",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
ID: "web",
Service: "web",
Port: 80,
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "bar",
CheckID: "bar:web",
Name: "web-liveness",
Status: api.HealthWarning,
ServiceID: "web",
ServiceName: "web",
"Service web-proxy on bar": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "bar",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy,
ID: "web-proxy",
Service: "web-proxy",
Port: 8443,
Address: "",
Proxy: structs.ConnectProxyConfig{
DestinationServiceName: "web",
Upstreams: structs.Upstreams{
DestinationName: "redis",
LocalBindPort: 123,
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "bar",
CheckID: "bar:web-proxy",
Name: "web proxy listening",
Status: api.HealthCritical,
ServiceID: "web-proxy",
ServiceName: "web-proxy",
"Node baz": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "baz",
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "baz",
CheckID: "baz:alive",
Name: "baz-liveness",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
"Service web on baz": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "baz",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
ID: "web",
Service: "web",
Port: 80,
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "baz",
CheckID: "baz:web",
Name: "web-liveness",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
ServiceID: "web",
ServiceName: "web",
"Service web-proxy on baz": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "baz",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy,
ID: "web-proxy",
Service: "web-proxy",
Port: 8443,
Address: "",
Proxy: structs.ConnectProxyConfig{
DestinationServiceName: "web",
Upstreams: structs.Upstreams{
DestinationName: "redis",
LocalBindPort: 123,
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "baz",
CheckID: "baz:web-proxy",
Name: "web proxy listening",
Status: api.HealthCritical,
ServiceID: "web-proxy",
ServiceName: "web-proxy",
"Node zip": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "zip",
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "zip",
CheckID: "zip:alive",
Name: "zip-liveness",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
"Service redis on zip": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "zip",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindTypical,
ID: "redis",
Service: "redis",
Port: 6379,
Address: "",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "zip",
CheckID: "zip:redis",
Name: "redis-liveness",
Status: api.HealthPassing,
ServiceID: "redis",
ServiceName: "redis",
"Service redis-proxy on zip": {
Datacenter: "dc1",
Node: "zip",
SkipNodeUpdate: true,
Service: &structs.NodeService{
Kind: structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy,
ID: "redis-proxy",
Service: "redis-proxy",
Port: 8443,
Address: "",
Proxy: structs.ConnectProxyConfig{
DestinationServiceName: "redis",
Checks: structs.HealthChecks{
Node: "zip",
CheckID: "zip:redis-proxy",
Name: "redis proxy listening",
Status: api.HealthCritical,
ServiceID: "redis-proxy",
ServiceName: "redis-proxy",
for _, args := range registrations {
var out struct{}
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("Catalog.Register", args, &out))
// Add intentions: deny all, ingress -> api, web -> redis with L7 perms, but omit intention for api -> web
// Add ingress config: ingress -> api
entries := []structs.ConfigEntryRequest{
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: &structs.ProxyConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ProxyDefaults,
Name: structs.ProxyConfigGlobal,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "http",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: &structs.ServiceConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: "api",
Protocol: "tcp",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "redis",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
Name: "web",
Permissions: []*structs.IntentionPermission{
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
HTTP: &structs.IntentionHTTPPermission{
Methods: []string{"GET"},
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "*",
Meta: map[string]string{structs.MetaExternalSource: "nomad"},
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
Name: "*",
Action: structs.IntentionActionDeny,
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: &structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{
Kind: structs.ServiceIntentions,
Name: "api",
Sources: []*structs.SourceIntention{
Name: "ingress",
Action: structs.IntentionActionAllow,
Datacenter: "dc1",
Entry: &structs.IngressGatewayConfigEntry{
Kind: "ingress-gateway",
Name: "ingress",
Listeners: []structs.IngressListener{
Port: 1111,
Protocol: "tcp",
Services: []structs.IngressService{
Name: "api",
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
for _, req := range entries {
out := false
require.NoError(t, a.RPC("ConfigEntry.Apply", &req, &out))
t.Run("request without kind", func(t *testing.T) {
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/service-topology/ingress", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIServiceTopology(resp, req)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Nil(t, obj)
require.Equal(t, "Missing service kind", resp.Body.String())
t.Run("request with unsupported kind", func(t *testing.T) {
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/service-topology/ingress?kind=not-a-kind", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIServiceTopology(resp, req)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Nil(t, obj)
require.Equal(t, `Unsupported service kind "not-a-kind"`, resp.Body.String())
t.Run("ingress", func(t *testing.T) {
retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) {
// Request topology for ingress
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/service-topology/ingress?kind=ingress-gateway", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIServiceTopology(resp, req)
assert.Nil(r, err)
require.NoError(r, checkIndex(resp))
expect := ServiceTopology{
Protocol: "tcp",
Upstreams: []*ServiceTopologySummary{
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Name: "api",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Nodes: []string{"foo"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 3,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
Intention: structs.IntentionDecisionSummary{
Allowed: true,
HasPermissions: false,
HasExact: true,
Downstreams: []*ServiceTopologySummary{},
FilteredByACLs: false,
result := obj.(ServiceTopology)
// Internal accounting that is not returned in JSON response
for _, u := range result.Upstreams {
u.externalSourceSet = nil
u.checks = nil
require.Equal(r, expect, result)
t.Run("api", func(t *testing.T) {
retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) {
// Request topology for api
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/service-topology/api?kind=", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIServiceTopology(resp, req)
assert.Nil(r, err)
require.NoError(r, checkIndex(resp))
expect := ServiceTopology{
Protocol: "tcp",
Downstreams: []*ServiceTopologySummary{
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Name: "ingress",
Kind: structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway,
Datacenter: "dc1",
Nodes: []string{"edge"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 1,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
Intention: structs.IntentionDecisionSummary{
Allowed: true,
HasPermissions: false,
HasExact: true,
Upstreams: []*ServiceTopologySummary{
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Name: "web",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Nodes: []string{"bar", "baz"},
InstanceCount: 2,
ChecksPassing: 3,
ChecksWarning: 1,
ChecksCritical: 2,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
Intention: structs.IntentionDecisionSummary{
Allowed: false,
HasPermissions: false,
ExternalSource: "nomad",
// From wildcard deny
HasExact: false,
FilteredByACLs: false,
result := obj.(ServiceTopology)
// Internal accounting that is not returned in JSON response
for _, u := range result.Upstreams {
u.externalSourceSet = nil
u.checks = nil
for _, d := range result.Downstreams {
d.externalSourceSet = nil
d.checks = nil
require.Equal(r, expect, result)
t.Run("web", func(t *testing.T) {
retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) {
// Request topology for web
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/service-topology/web?kind=", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIServiceTopology(resp, req)
assert.Nil(r, err)
require.NoError(r, checkIndex(resp))
expect := ServiceTopology{
Protocol: "http",
Upstreams: []*ServiceTopologySummary{
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Name: "redis",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Nodes: []string{"zip"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 2,
ChecksCritical: 1,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
Intention: structs.IntentionDecisionSummary{
Allowed: false,
HasPermissions: true,
HasExact: true,
Downstreams: []*ServiceTopologySummary{
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Name: "api",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Nodes: []string{"foo"},
InstanceCount: 1,
ChecksPassing: 3,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
Intention: structs.IntentionDecisionSummary{
Allowed: false,
HasPermissions: false,
ExternalSource: "nomad",
// From wildcard deny
HasExact: false,
FilteredByACLs: false,
result := obj.(ServiceTopology)
// Internal accounting that is not returned in JSON response
for _, u := range result.Upstreams {
u.externalSourceSet = nil
u.checks = nil
for _, d := range result.Downstreams {
d.externalSourceSet = nil
d.checks = nil
require.Equal(r, expect, result)
t.Run("redis", func(t *testing.T) {
retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) {
// Request topology for redis
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/internal/ui/service-topology/redis?kind=", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
obj, err := a.srv.UIServiceTopology(resp, req)
assert.Nil(r, err)
require.NoError(r, checkIndex(resp))
expect := ServiceTopology{
Protocol: "http",
Upstreams: []*ServiceTopologySummary{},
Downstreams: []*ServiceTopologySummary{
ServiceSummary: ServiceSummary{
Name: "web",
Datacenter: "dc1",
Nodes: []string{"bar", "baz"},
InstanceCount: 2,
ChecksPassing: 3,
ChecksWarning: 1,
ChecksCritical: 2,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
Intention: structs.IntentionDecisionSummary{
Allowed: false,
HasPermissions: true,
HasExact: true,
FilteredByACLs: false,
result := obj.(ServiceTopology)
// Internal accounting that is not returned in JSON response
for _, d := range result.Downstreams {
d.externalSourceSet = nil
d.checks = nil
require.Equal(r, expect, result)
func TestUIEndpoint_MetricsProxy(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("too slow for testing.Short")
var lastHeadersSent atomic.Value
backendH := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Path == "/some/prefix/ok" {
w.Header().Set("X-Random-Header", "Foo")
if r.URL.Path == "/some/prefix/query-echo" {
w.Write([]byte("RawQuery: " + r.URL.RawQuery))
if r.URL.Path == "/.passwd" {
http.Error(w, "not found on backend", http.StatusNotFound)
backend := httptest.NewServer(backendH)
defer backend.Close()
backendURL := backend.URL + "/some/prefix"
// Share one agent for all these test cases. This has a few nice side-effects:
// 1. it's cheaper
// 2. it implicitly tests that config reloading works between cases
// Note we can't test the case where UI is disabled though as that's not
// reloadable so we'll do that in a separate test below rather than have many
// new tests all with a new agent. response headers also aren't reloadable
// currently due to the way we wrap API endpoints at startup.
a := NewTestAgent(t, `
ui_config {
enabled = true
http_config {
response_headers {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" = "*"
defer a.Shutdown()
endpointPath := "/v1/internal/ui/metrics-proxy"
cases := []struct {
name string
config config.UIMetricsProxy
path string
wantCode int
wantContains string
wantHeaders map[string]string
wantHeadersSent map[string]string
name: "disabled",
config: config.UIMetricsProxy{},
path: endpointPath + "/ok",
wantCode: http.StatusNotFound,
name: "blocked path",
config: config.UIMetricsProxy{
BaseURL: backendURL,
PathAllowlist: []string{"/some/other-prefix/ok"},
path: endpointPath + "/ok",
wantCode: http.StatusForbidden,
name: "allowed path",
config: config.UIMetricsProxy{
BaseURL: backendURL,
PathAllowlist: []string{"/some/prefix/ok"},
path: endpointPath + "/ok",
wantCode: http.StatusOK,
wantContains: "OK",
name: "basic proxying",
config: config.UIMetricsProxy{
BaseURL: backendURL,
path: endpointPath + "/ok",
wantCode: http.StatusOK,
wantContains: "OK",
wantHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Random-Header": "Foo",
name: "404 on backend",
config: config.UIMetricsProxy{
BaseURL: backendURL,
path: endpointPath + "/random-path",
wantCode: http.StatusNotFound,
wantContains: "not found on backend",
// Note that this case actually doesn't exercise our validation logic at
// all since the top level API mux resolves this to /v1/internal/.passwd
// and it never hits our handler at all. I left it in though as this
// wasn't obvious and it's worth knowing if we change something in our mux
// that might affect path traversal opportunity here. In fact this makes
// our path traversal handling somewhat redundant because any traversal
// that goes "back" far enough to traverse up from the BaseURL of the
// proxy target will in fact miss our handler entirely. It's still better
// to be safe than sorry though.
name: "path traversal should fail - api mux",
config: config.UIMetricsProxy{
BaseURL: backendURL,
path: endpointPath + "/../../.passwd",
wantCode: http.StatusMovedPermanently,
wantContains: "Moved Permanently",
name: "adding auth header",
config: config.UIMetricsProxy{
BaseURL: backendURL,
AddHeaders: []config.UIMetricsProxyAddHeader{
Name: "Authorization",
Value: "SECRET_KEY",
Name: "X-Some-Other-Header",
Value: "foo",
path: endpointPath + "/ok",
wantCode: http.StatusOK,
wantContains: "OK",
wantHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Random-Header": "Foo",
wantHeadersSent: map[string]string{
"X-Some-Other-Header": "foo",
"Authorization": "SECRET_KEY",
name: "passes through query params",
config: config.UIMetricsProxy{
BaseURL: backendURL,
// encoded=test[0]&&test[1]==!@£$%^
path: endpointPath + "/query-echo?foo=bar&encoded=test%5B0%5D%26%26test%5B1%5D%3D%3D%21%40%C2%A3%24%25%5E",
wantCode: http.StatusOK,
wantContains: "RawQuery: foo=bar&encoded=test%5B0%5D%26%26test%5B1%5D%3D%3D%21%40%C2%A3%24%25%5E",
for _, tc := range cases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Reload the agent config with the desired UI config by making a copy and
// using internal reload.
cfg := *a.Agent.config
// Modify the UIConfig part (this is a copy remember and that struct is
// not a pointer)
cfg.UIConfig.MetricsProxy = tc.config
require.NoError(t, a.Agent.reloadConfigInternal(&cfg))
// Now fetch the API handler to run requests against
h := a.srv.handler(true)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", tc.path, nil)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
h.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
require.Equal(t, tc.wantCode, rec.Code,
"Wrong status code. Body = %s", rec.Body.String())
require.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), tc.wantContains)
for k, v := range tc.wantHeaders {
// Headers are a slice of values, just assert that one of the values is
// the one we want.
require.Contains(t, rec.Result().Header[k], v)
if len(tc.wantHeadersSent) > 0 {
headersSent, ok := lastHeadersSent.Load().(http.Header)
require.True(t, ok, "backend not called")
for k, v := range tc.wantHeadersSent {
require.Contains(t, headersSent[k], v,
"header %s doesn't have the right value set", k)