Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
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Participant Provider
Participant PL As Primary Leader
Participant SL As Secondary Leader
Alt Primary don't have a valid CA
PL->>Provider:initializeRootCA (fetch root and sign intermediate)
Provider->>PL:root + intermediate
PL->>PL:RPC ConnectCA.Roots (fetch primary root and store it)
SL->>PL: RPC ConnectCA.Roots (fetch primary root and store it)
PL->>SL: Root + intermediate
Alt Secondary needs a new intermediate (check if current intermediate is signed by primary root)
SL->>Provider: Generate CSR
Provider->>SL: CSR
SL->>PL: ConnectCA.SignIntermediate (CSR)
PL->>SL: Intermediate CA (secondary)
SL->>Provider: Set Intermediate (secondary CA) + root (primary CA)
SL->>SL: Store certs in RAFT (primary root + secondary intermediate)