@import './app-view/index'; %app-view-actions label + div { /* We need this extra to allow tooltips to show */ overflow: visible !important; } main { @extend %app-view; } %app-view > div > header { @extend %app-view-header; } %app-view > div > div { @extend %app-view-content; } %app-view > div.unauthorized, %app-view > div.error { @extend %app-view-error; } %app-view header form { @extend %filter-bar; } %app-view-actions a, %app-view-actions button { @extend %button-compact; } %app-view-content div > dl { @extend %form-row; } [role='tabpanel'] > p:only-child, %app-view-content > p:only-child { @extend %app-view-content-empty; } [role='tabpanel'] > *:first-child { margin-top: 1.25em; } /* toggleable toolbar for short screens */ [for='toolbar-toggle'] { @extend %with-search-color-icon; background-position: 0 4px; display: inline-block; width: 26px; height: 26px; cursor: pointer; color: $blue-500; } #toolbar-toggle { display: none; } @media #{$--horizontal-selects} { [for='toolbar-toggle'] { display: none; } } @media #{$--lt-spacious-page-header} { %app-view-actions { margin-top: 9px; } } // reduced search magnifying icon layout @media #{$--lt-horizontal-selects} { %app-view-header h1 { display: inline-block; } // on the instance detail page we don't have the magnifier html.template-instance.template-show h1 { display: block; } #toolbar-toggle + * { display: none; } #toolbar-toggle:checked + * { display: flex; } html.template-service.template-show #toolbar-toggle + * { display: flex; padding: 4px; } html.template-service.template-show .actions { display: none; } }