# consul-ui

## Prerequisites

You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.

* [Git](https://git-scm.com/)
* [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) (with npm)
* [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com)
* [Ember CLI](https://ember-cli.com/)
* [Google Chrome](https://google.com/chrome/)

## Installation

* `git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/consul.git` this repository
* `cd ui-v2`
* `yarn install`

All tooling scripts below primarily use `make` which in turn call node package scripts.

## Running / Development

The source code comes with a small development mode that runs enough of the consul API
as a set of mocks/fixtures to be able to run the UI without having to run

* `make start` or `yarn start` to start the ember app
* Visit your app at [http://localhost:4200](http://localhost:4200).

To enable ACLs using the mock API, use Web Inspector to set a cookie as follows:


This will enable the ACLs login page, to which you can login with any ACL

You can also use a number of other cookie key/values to set various things whilst
developing the UI, such as (but not limited to):

// etc etc

See `./node_modules/@hashicorp/consul-api-double` for more details.

If you wish to run the UI code against a running consul instance, uncomment the `proxy`
line in `.ember-cli` to point ember-cli to your consul instance.

You can also run the UI against a normal Consul installation.

`make start-consul` or `yarn run start:consul` will use the `CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR`
environment variable to locate the Consul installation. If that it not set
`start-consul` will use `http://localhost:8500`.

Example usage:

CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR= make start-consul

### Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try `ember help generate` for more details

### Running Tests

Please note: You do not need to run `make start-api`/`yarn run start:api` to run the tests, but the same mock consul API is used.

* `make test` or `yarn run test`
* `make test-view` or `yarn run test:view` to view the tests running in Chrome

### Linting

`make lint` currently runs linting on the majority of js files and hbs files (using `ember-template-lint`).

See `.eslintrc.js` and `.eslintignore` for specific configuration.

### Building

* `make build` builds the UI for production usage (env=production)
* `make build-ci` builds the UI for CI/test usage (env=test)

Static files are built into ./dist

#### Running Tests in Parallel
Alternatively, `ember-exam` can be used to split the tests across multiple browser instances for faster results. Most options are the same as `ember test`. To see a full list of options, run `ember exam --help`.

**Note:** The `EMBER_EXAM_PARALLEL` environment variable must be set to override the default `parallel` value of `1` browser instance in [testem.js](./testem.js).

To quickly run the tests across 4 parallel browser instances:
make test-parallel

To run manually:
$ EMBER_EXAM_PARALLEL=true ./node_modules/.bin/ember exam --split <num> --parallel

More ways to split tests can be found in the [ember-exam README.md](https://github.com/trentmwillis/ember-exam/blob/master/README.md).