--- layout: docs page_title: Argo Rollouts Progressive Delivery with Consul on Kubernetes description: >- Configure the Argo Rollouts Controller to enable Canary deployments for subset-based routing. Learn how k8s Rollouts integrate with Consul's service mesh. --- # Argo Rollouts Progressive Delivery with Consul on Kubernetes This page describes the process to configure and use the [Argo Rollouts Controller](https://argo-rollouts.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) with Consul on Kubernetes to manage advanced subset-based routing for Canary deployments. Consul's support for Argo Rollouts is currently limited to subset-based routing. ## Install Argo Rollouts Controller There are three methods for installing the Argo Rollouts Controller with Consul on Kubernetes: 1. [Install Rollouts Using Helm and init containers](#install-rollouts-using-helm-and-binary). We recommend installing the Argo Rollouts Controllor using this method. 1. [Install Rollouts Using Helm and binary](#install-rollouts-using-helm-and-binary) 1. [Standalone installation](#stand-alone-installation) After installing the controller, you must [apply the RBAC CRD](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj-labs/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul/main/yaml/rbac.yaml) to your Kubernetes cluster. ### Install Rollouts Using Helm and init containers We recommend using this method to install this plugin. Add the following code to your `values.yaml` file to configure the plugin: ```yaml controller: initContainers: - name: copy-consul-plugin image: hashicorp/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"] args: # Copy the binary from the image to the rollout container - cp /bin/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul /plugin-bin/hashicorp volumeMounts: - name: consul-plugin mountPath: /plugin-bin/hashicorp trafficRouterPlugins: trafficRouterPlugins: |- - name: "hashicorp/consul" location: "file:///plugin-bin/hashicorp/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul" volumes: - name: consul-plugin emptyDir: {} volumeMounts: - name: consul-plugin mountPath: /plugin-bin/hashicorp ``` Then install the `argo-rollouts` and apply your updated values using Helm: ```shell-session $ helm install argo-rollouts argo/argo-rollouts -f values.yaml -n argo-rollouts ``` ### Install Rollouts Using Helm and binary To build the binary and install Rollouts, complete the following steps: 1. Build this plugin using your preferred tool. For example, `make build`. 1. Mount the built plugin onto the `argo-rollouts` container. 1. Add the following code to your `values.yaml` file to configure the plugin: ```yaml controller: trafficRouterPlugins: trafficRouterPlugins: |- - name: "argoproj-labs/consul" location: "file:///plugin-bin/hashicorp/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul" volumes: - name: consul-route-plugin hostPath: # The path being mounted to, change this depending on your mount path path: /rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul type: DirectoryOrCreate volumeMounts: - name: consul-route-plugin mountPath: /plugin-bin/hashicorp ``` Then install the `argo-rollouts` and apply your updated values using Helm: ```shell-session $ helm install argo-rollouts argo/argo-rollouts -f values.yaml -n argo-rollouts ``` ### Stand-alone installation This section describes the process to create a stand-alone installation. These instructions are for illustrative purposes. We recommend using init containers to create and install this plugin. To create a stand-alone installation of the Rollouts plugin, complete the following steps: 1. Build this plugin. 1. Put the plugin on the path and mount it to the `argo-rollouts`container. 1. Create a `ConfigMap` to configure `argo-rollouts` with the plugin's location. The following example schedules a Deployment and mounts it to the `argo-rollouts` container: ```yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: argo-rollouts namespace: argo-rollouts spec: selector: matchLabels: app.kubernetes.io/name: argo-rollouts template: spec: # ... volumes: # ... - name: consul-plugin hostPath: path: /plugin-bin/hashicorp/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul type: DirectoryOrCreate containers: - name: argo-rollouts # ... volumeMounts: - name: consul-route-plugin mountPath: /plugin-bin/hashicorp ``` The following example creates the `ConfigMap` with the location of the plugin: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: argo-rollouts-config namespace: argo-rollouts data: trafficRouterPlugins: |- - name: "argoproj-labs/consul" location: "file:///plugin-bin/hashicorp/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul" binaryData: {} ``` ### Install the RBAC After either mounting the binary or using an init container, configure an RBAC using [Argo Rollout Consul plugin `rbac.yaml`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj-labs/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul/main/yaml/rbac.yaml): ```shell-session $ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj-labs/rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-consul/main/yaml/rbac.yaml ``` ## Use the Argo Rollouts Consul plugin Schedule the Kubernetes Service utilized by the service being rolled out. Additionally, configure any service defaults and proxy defaults required for the service. ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: test-service spec: selector: app: test-service ports: - name: http port: 80 targetPort: 8080 ``` Next, create the service resolver and service splitter CRDs for your stable service. Argo automatically modifies these CRDs during canary deployments. The following example demonstrates the configuration of the service resolver CRD, which creates service subsets and sets the stable subset as the default: ```yaml apiVersion: consul.hashicorp.com/v1alpha1 kind: ServiceResolver metadata: name: test-service spec: subsets: stable: filter: Service.Meta.version == 1 canary: filter: "" defaultSubset: stable ``` The following example demonstrates the configuration of the service splitter CRD, which initially sends 100% of traffic to the stable deployment: ```yaml apiVersion: consul.hashicorp.com/v1alpha1 kind: ServiceSplitter metadata: name: test-service spec: splits: - weight: 100 serviceSubset: stable - weight: 0 serviceSubset: canary ``` Then configure your Argo Rollout resource to incrementally rollout the canary deployment: ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Rollout metadata: name: test-service spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: test-service template: metadata: labels: app: test-service annotations: consul.hashicorp.com/connect-inject: "true" consul.hashicorp.com/service-meta-version: "1" consul.hashicorp.com/service-tags: "v1" spec: containers: - name: test-service # Using alpine vs latest as there is a build issue with M1s. Also other tests in multiport-app reference # alpine so standardizing this. image: docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/hashicorp/http-echo:alpine args: - -text="I am v1" - -listen=:8080 ports: - containerPort: 8080 name: http serviceAccountName: test-service terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0 # so deletion is quick strategy: canary: trafficRouting: plugins: hashicorp/consul: stableSubsetName: stable # subset name of the stable service canarySubsetName: canary # subset name of the canary service serviceName: test-service steps: - setWeight: 20 - pause: {} - setWeight: 40 - pause: {duration: 10} - setWeight: 60 - pause: {duration: 10} - setWeight: 80 - pause: {duration: 10} ``` Finally, perform the Rollout operation using the Argo Rollouts Kubectl plugin. ```shell-session $ kubectl argo rollouts promote test-service ```