# attach-shadow

`{{attach-shadow (set this 'shadow')}}` attaches a `ShadowRoot` to the modified DOM element
and pass a reference to that `ShadowRoot` to the setter function.

Please note: This should be used as a utility modifier for when having access
to the shadow DOM is handy, not really for building full blown shadow DOM
based Web Components.

```hbs preview-template
  {{attach-shadow (set this 'shadow')}}
  {{#if this.shadow}}
    {{#in-element this.shadow}}
      <slot name="name"></slot>
  <p slot="name">Hello from the shadows!</p>

## Positional Arguments

| Argument | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `setter` | `function` |  | Usually `set` or `mut` or similar |